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Braylon Edwards update


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The trade talks are at a stalemate. Browns want Kiwi plus the 1st. Giants say Kiwi is not going to be dealt. He also said the Giants are the only ones interested, that the Gmen know this, and are willing to wait it out til draft day.

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The trade talks are at a stalemate. Browns want Kiwi plus the 1st. Giants say Kiwi is not going to be dealt. He also said the Giants are the only ones interested, that the Gmen know this, and are willing to wait it out til draft day.


Kiwi PLUS the first? Anything else? 1st and the late 2nder is the highest I'd go, and I would still feel I'd overpaid.


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The trade talks are at a stalemate. Browns want Kiwi plus the 1st. Giants say Kiwi is not going to be dealt. He also said the Giants are the only ones interested, that the Gmen know this, and are willing to wait it out til draft day.


LoL why dont they ask for Jacobs, Eli and Osi while their at it.

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Okie dokie, so I wasn't the only one who heard this while I was sitting here eating a Tofu burger:


The Blue Screen - Ralph Vacchiano



April 22, 2009


Kiwanuka and a first? Are they insane?


I’ve told you before that the Cleveland Browns really wanted Mathias Kiwanuka from the Giants in return for Braylon Edwards, which was and is never going to happen, from what I’ve been told. It was perfectly reasonable for the Browns to ask for him, though.


If only they had stopped there.


According to ESPN’s Sal Paolantonio, the Browns’ initial demand for Edwards wasn’t just Kiwanuka. They wanted Kiwanuka AND the Giants’ first-round draft pick.


As you might imagine, the talks stopped there.


I don’t know how long the Browns held onto that dream, or even if they still think the Giants will … oh, I don’t know … maybe all show up high to their war room on Saturday. But if that’s really what they asked for, then you have to start questioning whether they ever wanted to make a deal in the first place. It also explains why several team sources continue to tell me that a deal isn’t as likely to happen as several reports have led all of us to believe.


At the moment, it appears that a deal won’t happen unless the Browns drop their current demands — a first- and a third-rounder, from what I’ve been told — or GM Jerry Reese agrees to deal the Giants’ first-round pick, which he has apparently been resisting, as I told you earlier.


Kiwanuka and the 29th overall pick … Why not toss in the Super Bowl XLII trophy, too? Or maybe a PSL to the new stadium. There are still a few of those available, from what I hear.


By Ralph Vacchiano on April 22, 2009 3:36 PM

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They're probably just highballing the offer, but if they are serious then fuck the browns... They can take a 2nd and a 5th, OR they can play another lackluster season with Braylon in his last year in a Brown uniform, then they can lose him in Free Agency and get NOTHING for him.

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that came out wrong- i meant i was stunned by your food of choice.

Oh, sorry. Yeah, I've been experimenting with making my own as I'm tired of paying 7 bucks for 4 'burgers' that have nothing to them other than the 'healthy' designation on the box, some soy and oats. I've been spending more time at Fresh and Easy and found tofu for about a buck. Horrible stuff on it's own. But I mix in oats, onion, bell peppers, garlic, worchestershire sauce, and a bit of flour to bind it all together, freeze it so it holds and toss them on the electric griddle. It ain't beef by any stretch of the imagination, but for about 3 bucks I can get a weeks worth of burgers per batch and it's actually not that bad tasting. Toss in some Quakers rice snacks on the side instead of fries, and I can get away with a relatively filling lunch for under 400-500 calories, no salt or sugar. No bun either, just the patties, maybe a few shots of Frank's Hot Sauce (a Godsend).





Okay, let the gay bashing begin.

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Oh, sorry. Yeah, I've been experimenting with making my own as I'm tired of paying 7 bucks for 4 'burgers' that have nothing to them other than the 'healthy' designation on the box, some soy and oats. I've been spending more time at Fresh and Easy and found tofu for about a buck. Horrible stuff on it's own. But I mix in oats, onion, bell peppers, garlic, worchestershire sauce, and a bit of flour to bind it all together, freeze it so it holds and toss them on the electric griddle. It ain't beef by any stretch of the imagination, but for about 3 bucks I can get a weeks worth of burgers per batch and it's actually not that bad tasting. Toss in some Quakers rice snacks on the side instead of fries, and I can get away with a relatively filling lunch for under 400-500 calories, no salt or sugar. No bun either, just the patties, maybe a few shots of Frank's Hot Sauce (a Godsend).





Okay, let the gay bashing begin.

my wife loves the stuff- she sneaks it in here and there for me and sometimes it's not too bad. but if i were doing my own meals, i don't think i'd go down that aisle.


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Oh, sorry. Yeah, I've been experimenting with making my own as I'm tired of paying 7 bucks for 4 'burgers' that have nothing to them other than the 'healthy' designation on the box, some soy and oats. I've been spending more time at Fresh and Easy and found tofu for about a buck. Horrible stuff on it's own. But I mix in oats, onion, bell peppers, garlic, worchestershire sauce, and a bit of flour to bind it all together, freeze it so it holds and toss them on the electric griddle. It ain't beef by any stretch of the imagination, but for about 3 bucks I can get a weeks worth of burgers per batch and it's actually not that bad tasting. Toss in some Quakers rice snacks on the side instead of fries, and I can get away with a relatively filling lunch for under 400-500 calories, no salt or sugar. No bun either, just the patties, maybe a few shots of Frank's Hot Sauce (a Godsend).





Okay, let the gay bashing begin.

Miso Soup is quite tasty, other than that I dont find myself eating tofu.

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my wife loves the stuff- she sneaks it in here and there for me and sometimes it's not too bad. but if i were doing my own meals, i don't think i'd go down that aisle.

Well, I've been on a low fat, no/low carb, no salt, no sugar diet since December, and those Boca burgers were just right for lunch, but it just kills me to pay the same (more even if they're not on sale) for fake food as real meat. So I decided to attempt to make my own. Honestly, I could just skip lunch and it would be fine with me, but I can't do that either. And lunch meat is loaded with shit i can't eat, so this is the easiest way to go, at least i know what's in them. However, this is the only way I'd eat tofu. I see them putting chunks of it in salads like bacon bits on tv shows and it makes me want to hurl. Soy, mini rice cakes, apples, bananas, and fuckloads of chicken breast and veggies...I hate it all to be honest with you (actually, I'm just sick of it). I'm trying to hit 220 before I start introducing a few 'regular things' back into my diet on occasion, although I must admit, last Friday I killed a triple Whopper and large onion rings for the first time since xmas.

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We think the browns are crazy to ask for Kiwi, why?


Kiwi is going to be looking for a new contract in a year or two, and there's a good possibility then that he may leave for more money. Browns will be more likely to give that to him.


Kiwi was the last pick in the 2006 draft, Edwards the 3rd pick in the 2005 draft.


We have serious depth now on the line and more depth at linebacker. Your starting ends will be Osi and Tuck, Kiwi's third. We don't have that depth at wide receiver.


I don't see the Giants moving on that either, I'm with you all on this. Reese wants depth and Kiwi's versatlity is very important, reese has said that. He doesn't want to part with lineman after stocking up in the offseason. All that makes sense on our part. But the browns make sense persuing Kiwi on this deal, look what they are giving up.



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We think the browns are crazy to ask for Kiwi, why?


Kiwi is going to be looking for a new contract in a year or two, and there's a good possibility then that he may leave for more money. Browns will be more likely to give that to him.

Kiwi was the last pick in the 2006 draft, Edwards the 3rd pick in the 2005 draft.


We have serious depth now on the line and more depth at linebacker. Your starting ends will be Osi and Tuck, Kiwi's third. We don't have that depth at wide receiver.


I don't see the Giants moving on that either, I'm with you all on this. Reese wants depth and Kiwi's versatlity is very important, reese has said that. He doesn't want to part with lineman after stocking up in the offseason. All that makes sense on our part. But the browns make sense persuing Kiwi on this deal, look what they are giving up.



If I remember correctly, Kiwi was our FIRST pick in 2006.

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We think the browns are crazy to ask for Kiwi, why?

But the browns make sense persuing Kiwi on this deal, look what they are giving up.



? They're giving up an unproven guy. Doesn't matter if he was the first man or last. So far in the NFL he's an underachiever. A change of scenery could bring out his A game, but it's still a big risk for us. Kiwi, meanwhile, is not a risk at all. We'd be essentially giving them two first round picks, one a PROVEN player in the nfl already, for a guy who hasn't lived up to his potential and is no longer wanted in Cleveland. We have the upper hand here, so I do think it's a little crazy for them to ask for so much.

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Too bad Romeo Crenel is not involved in the decision making process. Because I believe he would be able to add in some insight on how the Giants work. The G-men never overpay for anyone....and the Mangina and assorted humps from N.E. can eat collective Giants wad if they think this is gonna be a Hershell Walker Broke Backs to Vikings kind of deal. The Brownies can drop dead if that is the case.

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