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Kevin Abrams willing to stick with Judge.


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I don't have anything against Kevin Abrams and my only question is what would he do differently?  He has been with the team for over twenty years and this will be his first time running any team in this capacity.  

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On 12/19/2021 at 11:08 AM, BlueInCanada said:

Rumors are across the pundit verse is Kevin Abrams our VP of player operations the last four years (quite the track record) is the heavy favorite to be the new GM once Getty "retires"

The main reason? He's the only candidate willing to stick with Judge.



So basically we won't see good giants football for at least another 5 years (until after the new GM Abrams is eventually fired)

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4 hours ago, mastershake said:

So basically we won't see good giants football for at least another 5 years (until after the new GM Abrams is eventually fired)

This squared... shades of The Fumble and 1978 Revisited until the return to the promised land in 1981 :laugh:

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I read your article CD and it confirms my opinion that I think Reese like Acorsi was heading in the right direction.  He made some mistakes... however he was way better than Gettleman and the future cunts ending up here.  It is one thing that a minority with all of the marbles has to face.  Criticism within as well as without.  I faced the same thing in 2017-2018 as a Vice President till my lawyer on retainer shut that shit down.  It happens more often than we are aware of.  The Giants might be headed to another three to four years of obscure madness unless there is intervention from the league.  This family ownership thing is killing the Giants.

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Well I think things were pretty well off the rails during the Reese era, but this casts a lot of doubt on how much Reese was to blame for that.

Don't forget Finding Giants though. We got a window into the operation back then and it wasn't pretty. The scouts, Ross in particular, came off as lazy as hell.

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On 12/22/2021 at 10:03 PM, Sephiroth said:

Oh shit I thought that was the end of the article.


On 12/23/2021 at 12:30 PM, mastershake said:

No problem. It was insightful and makes sense. I'd thought I'd read somewhere else something about the giants not signing George Fant because they thought he was an asshole, so it all makes sense.

it’s pretty telling the organization stinks from the top-down.   You have to be a special kind of asshole and an incompetent one to run such a storied organization to the ground.

On 12/23/2021 at 12:30 PM, mastershake said:
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55 minutes ago, UK-Giantsfan said:

its actually the right decision. IMO

get healthy first ......get a couple more high draft picks in the trenches

see if we can get to 9-8 and playoffs next year

( better than tearing the whole thing down i think )

I disagree UK.

Not sure why anyone thinks sticking with the plan that's gotten us one winning season this decade and 10 wins over the past two years is a good formula.

I was advocating to blow the whole thing up back in 2014 after the regular season loss  to the Niners. It was obvious then that this era of Giants football was over.

Instead we've dragged our feet for the past ten years and we're perennial bottom-feeders.

Abrams, Judge, and Jones are not the answers. Blow it up.

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52 minutes ago, UK-Giantsfan said:

its actually the right decision. IMO

get healthy first ......get a couple more high draft picks in the trenches

see if we can get to 9-8 and playoffs next year

( better than tearing the whole thing down i think )


32 minutes ago, Sephiroth said:

I disagree UK.

Not sure why anyone thinks sticking with the plan that's gotten us one winning season this decade and 10 wins over the past two years is a good formula.

I was advocating to blow the whole thing up back in 2014 after the regular season loss  to the Miners. It was obvious then that this era of Giants football was over.

Instead we've dragged our feet for the past ten years and we're perennial bottom-feeders.

Abrams, Judge, and Jones are not the answers. Blow it up.

I have seen a lot of winning and losing Giants football and I say blow it up gentlemen  

Start from the Broke Backs rock bottom with Aikman and Emmett Smith

Otherwise we will be consigned to losing with con artists for another four or five years at least

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