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Eagles deserve to win


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Bullshit. Our D was awesome for most of the game, and Jacobs was the man for most of the game. This game came down to poor play calling. We were either leading or within a few points for the majority of this game and we continued to throw and make poor choices both by Gillbride and Coughlin, but mostly Gillbride. We should have won this game, Eagles hunger be damned. It was within grasp and we gave it away by throwing the ball.

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Bullshit. Our D was awesome for most of the game, and Jacobs was the man for most of the game. This game came down to poor play calling. We were either leading or within a few points for the majority of this game and we continued to throw and make poor choices both by Gillbride and Coughlin, but mostly Gillbride. We should have won this game, Eagles hunger be damned. It was within grasp and we gave it away by throwing the ball.



Our defense was "awesome". and you call what I said "Bullshit".



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Repeating is extremely difficult, I can handle that. I could even handle a 'one and done' loss to anyone other than Dallas or the Eagles. Hell, I could've handled a 'one and done' to the Eagles if it wasn't an ass whooping. Sure it was a great season to watch. Sure, we got the #1 seed and didn't stink up the season following a superbowl win. I'm happy for all that and appreciate the fact that the Gmen are were contenders, but still, this shit fucking sucks. Giants vs. Texans in Superbowl XLIV. Giants 42 - Texans 23.

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He should have done something to stop it then.


Apparently you didn't see it then . When he was asked this stupid question he said "have they won the superbowl yet? until they do then NO they are not"

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Eagles did deserve to win, they did what was needed to win so be it. These were the two best years in recent memory but with Strahan retiring, Osi getting hurt and Plaxico shooting himself and our team and we still had this type of season so fuck it guys who do we draft?

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Apparently you didn't see it then . When he was asked this stupid question he said "have they won the superbowl yet? until they do then NO they are not"



And he has been playing on one leg the entire last 8 games. With no help in the pass rush unless they blitz. I guess Kiwi thinks he will sack the QB by the wind he creates by running past him. Fuck 3rd and 20 for a first down. I would have felt better if they rushed 7 on that play and got beat for a long one than to have a pass to the flat that just gets the first down. Also this supposedly all star crew was filled with ticky tack fouls. We needed the refs from last years playoffs.

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And he has been playing on one leg the entire last 8 games. With no help in the pass rush unless they blitz. I guess Kiwi thinks he will sack the QB by the wind he creates by running past him. Fuck 3rd and 20 for a first down. I would have felt better if they rushed 7 on that play and got beat for a long one than to have a pass to the flat that just gets the first down. Also this supposedly all star crew was filled with ticky tack fouls. We needed the refs from last years playoffs.


The refs in our game today we're the ones from the Superbowl :doh:

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I don't care, they've got the hunger in their eyes. We're playing like we're entitlted to win.


Only from the stand point that we kept shooting ourselves in the foot... and only because of terrible play calling.. and Eli tossing out ducks. The Eagles? They had no business being in this game... they only started gaining momentum in that 2 minute drill.. now someone needs to explain why the fuck does ANYONE play prevent defense when all it does it prevents you from winning the god damn game.

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No I am pretty sure we were out coached



I already said we were outcoached, but if you couldn't see that this team played like "oh yeah, you'll see, we're going to comeback and win", then you wouldn't be paying attention. There was no sense of urgency, none.

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