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So who are you rooting for now?


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OMFG this is horrible. Horrible. This may be the first time in a long time that I have the SB on as background noise. I seriously can't root for either of these teams. This whole season has been a waste. The only good thing that may, M A Y, come of this is that whoever wins will suck donkey balls next year.

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Oh, come on! It's not like it's the Cowboys Vs Jets! And even if it was, I'd appreciate the NFL's Championship game - I'm a football fan! Just for the day, put aside the baggage of memories that make you hate them (and I admit there are a few doozies here!) and enjoy what should be a hell of a football game! After all, it's the last one you'll see until September!

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Oh, come on! It's not like it's the Cowboys Vs Jets! And even if it was, I'd appreciate the NFL's Championship game - I'm a football fan! Just for the day, put aside the baggage of memories that make you hate them (and I admit there are a few doozies here!) and enjoy what should be a hell of a football game! After all, it's the last one you'll see until September!


Pretty much this.


People are acting like it's a three way game between the 'Skins, Eagles and 'Boys.


Although that would be interesting to watch.

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Oh, come on! It's not like it's the Cowboys Vs Jets! And even if it was, I'd appreciate the NFL's Championship game - I'm a football fan! Just for the day, put aside the baggage of memories that make you hate them (and I admit there are a few doozies here!) and enjoy what should be a hell of a football game! After all, it's the last one you'll see until September!

Or with Ray Lewis. Nah, still too much baggage, it's gonna suck.

Or like any other SB without the Giants, just enjoy it.

This is unlike any other SB without the Giants. It's not even going to be about the teams, it's going to be 2 media weeks of the Harbaugh brothers, and RayLew's last game. This was setup from the beginning of the playoffs, these aren't even the 2 best teams in football. Don't ask me who the 2 best teams are, I just know these 2 aren't them, I play fantasy football so I know what I'm talking about.

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Or like any other SB without the Giants, just enjoy it.


It depends alot on the teams playing, and in this case, two of the teams I really don't like are playing, so I'm basically just going to root against the 49ers.

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i dislike these 49ers marginally less than the Ravens .......and i would like to see Ray Lewis lose in the Superbowl as minor recompense for 2000 ( plus i had massive respect for Montana and that team of 25 years ago ) ......so i have to root for SF i suppose

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i dislike these 49ers marginally less than the Ravens .......and i would like to see Ray Lewis lose in the Superbowl as minor recompense for 2000 ( plus i had massive respect for Montana and that team of 25 years ago ) ......so i have to root for SF i suppose


I dislike the 9ers a lot more than the Ravens... Ray Lewis is an amazing LB (Imagine the Giants with a Ray Lewis). The 9ers and their fans are assholes... never once have I met a 9er fan who isn't a piece of shit... remember, last year in the NFCCG they "beat themselves" fucking assholes... I'll root for Ray Lewis and the Ravens over those assholes any fucking day.

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I suppose I'm rooting for our conference. And also hoping the 9ers have a Super Bowl hangover. The only playoff team on the NFC side I hated more than the 49ers was the Seahawks. And there is no team in the AFC I hate more than the Ravens, not even the Pats. Sucks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, this little tidbit from a Joe Montana article pretty much made the decision for me:


NEW ORLEANS -- A win on Sunday against the Baltimore Ravens would make the San Francisco 49ers a perfect 6-0 in Super Bowl appearances, but Joe Montana isn't ready to place this year's squad up there with the juggernaut he presided over.



I'll have to go for the Ravens. Can't have SF at a perfect 6-0, that's just unacceptable. God what a horrible way to end the season.

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its not as bad as it could be .........can you imagine a Jets v Eagles Superbowl ?..........i would go and live in sub Saharan Africa for a month to avoid that one !





I'd take the Jets. I'd certainly take them over the Ravens and SF, but I see your point.

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