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As much as I hate to say it


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I like the Cards' chances. If they were playing in Philly, I'd so no way the Eagles lose. But the next two venues (Glendale, Tampa) are tailor-made for Warner and that Arizona offense.


And I guarantee you that the Cardinals defense is going to surprise alot of people next weekend.

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The Eagles are going to win the Superbowl. :(


I have that feeling also since they got the monkey off their back with the Phillies winning it, well actually was the Soul to break to so called curse of William Penn. It has to happen eventually.

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Didn't both Pittsburgh & Baltimore whip Philly in the regular season?


Philly is hot right now, and I think they should beat Arizona, but...I just don't trust McNabb to go four straight playoff games without up-chucking the game away.


I'm not sold on Philly. Right now, they look like a good team that is not getting in the way of letting other teams suck (Cowboys, Vikings, Giants).

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I'm not sold on Philly. Right now, they look like a good team that is not getting in the way of letting other teams suck (Cowboys, Vikings, Giants).



Best explanation of their recent run anywhere. They definitely lose the Vikes game....that is if the Vikes actually field a capable QB.

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Best explanation of their recent run anywhere. They definitely lose the Vikes game....that is if the Vikes actually field a capable QB.


Man, this hurts, but the same could be said about the Philly-Giant game. I'm sorry, Eli, I still love ya.

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Man, this hurts, but the same could be said about the Philly-Giant game. I'm sorry, Eli, I still love ya.



Even though all of the humps pooh-poohed this on WFAN including Francessa. I would have inserted Carr for the first series of the second half as he has a quicker release and a tighter spiral. I would make it clear to Eli that he is still the man, but that we need a spark. Hold his hand, kiss him, have Abby give him a bj in the locker room to help him realize this is just a temporary emergency situation. Because if we don't win....we go home. But that is all predicated on the coaching staff actually perceiving the reality of the situation; and as we have seen in the past that does not come easily to the Giants.

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Even though all of the humps pooh-poohed this on WFAN including Francessa. I would have inserted Carr for the first series of the second half as he has a quicker release and a tighter spiral. I would make it clear to Eli that he is still the man, but that we need a spark. Hold his hand, kiss him, have Abby give him a bj in the locker room to help him realize this is just a temporary emergency situation. Because if we don't win....we go home. But that is all predicated on the coaching staff actually perceiving the reality of the situation; and as we have seen in the past that does not come easily to the Giants.


Yeah bench your starting QB in the playoffs for his back up....even for one series thats stupid. Carr hasnt even played in cold/windy environments he would of been twice as worse. Yeah we want to win, so you start your best players...not their backups.

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Not start...put him in for a series, but I forget how fragile the egos are of most NFL quarterbacks.


Theres no point other then trying to hurt his ego lol


You're trying to win a playoff game, not make your QB realize anything in the midst of a one and done game.


Come to think about when is the last time any QB was benched "just for a series" in a playoff game? I really dont want the Giants to start a new trend :P


Anyways if's and but's now....still a crazy suggestion though.

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this thread is only correct in that the Eagles may go to the SB, but they aren't beating this Steelers team. Westbroke is hurt and that leaves passing for them. They've had some good weeks (maybe a month and a half); it's been a nice run.


Minnesota was DOA and we weren't much better and they didn't smoke us out. If Warner plays well and they protect him, it's tight. Never the less, they can't outscore the Steelers because they won't score.


Watching the Eagles lose in the SB is fun for me; I hate that team. I hope they make it so I can see them be 0-3. Nothing entertains me more than those fans, all crest-fallen, watching their team lose again and then the in-fighting begins. They are the dirt-bags of the league and watching them lose is funny.


I'm sure they're geeked about knocking us out; why not, we weren't a good deep threat and wouldn't have beaten the Steelers again either. Just the same if someone has to lose to the AFC, then let it be a team I really dislike.




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