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Required to stand for NA


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I think that's fair. If you're on the field, stand. Otherwise stay in the locker room until it's over. I don't need to see someone kneeling to know there is social injustice in the world. Also, if the fans have to stand (as evidenced by an announcement of "please stand for our national anthem"), then so should the players. And yes, I am one of those that finds it disrespectful to kneel during the anthem, but I also find it disrespectful for fans to sit, leave their hats on, drink beer, and hold conversations during the anthem as well.

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Forced patriotism.


I disagree. Before Kapernick started doing it, there wasn't a question about standing or kneeling. It just always was. You stood. Little League. Pop Warner. Any sporting event where they play the anthem, you stood. Now, if someone doesn't like it, they can choose to stay in the locker room. Nobody is forcing anyone to be on the field during the anthem.

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I disagree. Before Kapernick started doing it, there wasn't a question about standing or kneeling. It just always was. You stood. Little League. Pop Warner. Any sporting event where they play the anthem, you stood. Now, if someone doesn't like it, they can choose to stay in the locker room. Nobody is forcing anyone to be on the field during the anthem.


I honestly think some of it was manufactured by the NFLPA.


No one before this was kneeling or whatever, no one but then suddenly every single player in the league is suddenly outraged by it and kneeling.


I wouldn't be surprised if this was just to get the public on their side when contract negotiations start again, it's going to be a fucking blood bath this time.

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Funny thing about public protests, they come in many forms. I wouldn't be surprised if they find another way to protest before the start of the season, besides now the cameras are going to be looking for who isn't on the field instead of the massive American flag in the middle of the field.


I said it before and I'll say it again. I support their right to protest and as they choose to kneel, I will continue to choose to stand. Freedom of speech isn't limited to what you personally approve. NFL over-reacted to this and embarrassed themselves yet again.

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Funny thing about public protests, they come in many forms. I wouldn't be surprised if they find another way to protest before the start of the season, besides now the cameras are going to be looking for who isn't on the field instead of the massive American flag in the middle of the field.


I said it before and I'll say it again. I support their right to protest and as they choose to kneel, I will continue to choose to stand. Freedom of speech isn't limited to what you personally approve. NFL over-reacted to this and embarrassed themselves yet again.

Idk if you can call it overreacting. The league itself is in a really tough spot, albeit one they allowed themselves to be put in by not making a rule about the anthem when they decided to start advertising patriotism. On one hand you have the people paying that are (the majority of the ones actually voicing disapproval of the protests) pissed and boycotting the NFL which is costing them money. On the other hand you have players that are trying to get a message across by using a constitutional right.


In the words of Stephen A. Smith in regards to this exact matter, the owners are rightfully saying, you aren't protesting US so why should WE have to take the financial hit for it?


While I dont agree with the sentiment... I see the point.


Anyway... I'm gonna keep the mindset of, the easiest way to stop the protest is to listen... and then assist in the change that trying to be created. Otherwise there will be other ways the protests are demonstrated and someone else is gonna be offended.

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I don't think the snowflake conservatives that boycotted made any difference and I also don't think people actually boycotted.


It was just a great talking point for the MAGA cult who worship the President. I don't understand the leagues appeasement of that crowd, most of them don't watch football and won't be now. You've pissed off the people who actually do watch the games. Most owners are probably

conservative, but the league is 70% black.


Again the league alienated there supply, which are the players

People confuse Patriotism and Nationlism


In regards to the anthem. There's nothing patriotic really and if you want to use the "flag gives us our fredom" nonsense then these guys have to freedom to protest

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Hopefully those wanting to protest will go this route now:









I disagree. Before Kapernick started doing it, there wasn't a question about standing or kneeling. It just always was. You stood. Little League. Pop Warner. Any sporting event where they play the anthem, you stood. Now, if someone doesn't like it, they can choose to stay in the locker room. Nobody is forcing anyone to be on the field during the anthem.


I don't know what sporting events you've been to, there are always people sitting, walking around, talking, eating during the anthem. Except the kid stuff, I guess, folks usually behave there. ..... I don't mind respectful protesting.... it's the other stuff I find far more disrespectful.


And the players were forced to come out of the locker room. Prior to 2002(?ish), the players were always in the locker room during the pre-game festivities, preparing. Then the military started paying the league to have the players come out for the anthem as a form of advertisement. It was very much coerced patriotism (which isn't patriotism at all, its fascism).



In the words of Stephen A. Smith in regards to this exact matter, the owners are rightfully saying, you aren't protesting US so why should WE have to take the financial hit for it?


While I dont agree with the sentiment... I see the point.


well, they're the ones that took dirty money.... indirectly, the owners are being protested.

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I would not be surprised if people even remember or agree what the protest is about in the first place. When the problems and issues of society start to impact the games, people get cranky because they're watching the games to avoid dealing with problems. A handful of players sprinkled across the league protesting and costing the league what? A point or two in ratings? NFL is a very profitable business and spent more money on Goodell than they lost in two years of player protests.

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I think that's fair. If you're on the field, stand. Otherwise stay in the locker room until it's over. I don't need to see someone kneeling to know there is social injustice in the world. Also, if the fans have to stand (as evidenced by an announcement of "please stand for our national anthem"), then so should the players. And yes, I am one of those that finds it disrespectful to kneel during the anthem, but I also find it disrespectful for fans to sit, leave their hats on, drink beer, and hold conversations during the anthem as well.


We may not like something... but it's the right to be able to do that something that's important. Look I can't stand it when people don't stand up for the anthem but to have a rule to say you have to is plain stupid... and this new rule by the NFL misses the point.

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Sit, stand, kneel... I could honestly give a fuck about any of this. I'd love it if we stopped fellating the military before every game too. What does a football game have to do with military service members?

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Sit, stand, kneel... I could honestly give a fuck about any of this. I'd love it if we stopped fellating the military before every game too. What does a football game have to do with military service members?


about 10.4 million

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Sit, stand, kneel... I could honestly give a fuck about any of this. I'd love it if we stopped fellating the military before every game too. What does a football game have to do with military service members?


It all came back to the forefront after Sept. 11 to rally the nation. The American flag and the National Anthem is not about the military. There is nothing wrong with it and those military service members are at the forefront of protecting the nation. I'm sure they would love to be at home watching the game instead of abroad defending the nation.

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