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Is this a fair assessment of Shockey?


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Shockey used to be a top 3 TE...now he is more of a top 5 or top 10 TE


He, w/o a doubt, posseses the abilties to be top 3 if not the best. The way we utilize him does not allow for him to become that TE. But even with that said, he is definatley top 5. For me, since Shock has been in the league, it goes like this:







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He, w/o a doubt, posseses the abilties to be top 3 if not the best. The way we utilize him does not allow for him to become that TE. But even with that said, he is definatley top 5. For me, since Shock has been in the league, it goes like this:








ya the thing though that Shockey has improved most is his blocking...


he came into the league as a below average blocking TE...but now he is a very good blocking TE

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He, w/o a doubt, posseses the abilties to be top 3 if not the best. The way we utilize him does not allow for him to become that TE. But even with that said, he is definatley top 5. For me, since Shock has been in the league, it goes like this:









Gates is better than Gonzalez.


I don't think Heap is better than Shockey, he just gets thrown the ball to more than Shock.

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I think Chris Cooley has become a better tight end than Shockey and he doesn't commit stupid penalties.

Compare their stats the last two years and compare their negative impact as well. Cooley > Shockey



Damn I hate Homers

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Damn I hate Homers



Great argument.


Please explain how Shockey is so much better. Don't leave out his injuries and stupid penalties and rants to the media.



Compare their stats and assess their overall value to the respective teams.



We'll get to see both of them in action tomorrow. Even after Shockey comitted that stupid spiking the ball penalty just last week I know you won't be surprised if he commits some equally stupid penalty this week. Or starts complaining to the ref during a play or something.


On the flip side I will be truly surprised if Cooley makes a stupid decision that hurts the team.



Shockey is certainly a good player but he carries a lot of negative baggage. If Coughlin had the choice straight up between Shockey and Cooley who do you think he'd rather have? I'm not so sure he'd choose Shockey.

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I think Chris Cooley has become a better tight end than Shockey and he doesn't commit stupid penalties.

Compare their stats the last two years and compare their negative impact as well. Cooley > Shockey


I have seen retarded comments and sheer foolish homerism, but sheeesh! this takes the cake. The Giants fans themselves are on here discussing the top 5 TEs and Shockey's weaknesses or lack of control over emotions etc etc, and you come on here with Cooley?? Jesus Christ man, I can understand being a Redskins fan itself is a pain, but this is homing like nobody's business.

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Gates is better than Gonzalez.


I don't think Heap is better than Shockey, he just gets thrown the ball to more than Shock.



No way. Maybe now, in the later years of Tonys career, but not overall. Thats why I stated since Shock came in the league. For the last 6 years, I list it that way for a couple of reasons. If you take the # of passes thrown to the TE's, Gonzlaez' Ratio is better, because he drops FAR less. Gates may have a ton of TD's, but he drops a ton of passes. And he still has a lot of yds and TD's because he gets thrown to more than your average TE. They have no one else to throw to beside Ladanian.(Not LT :furious: ) And as for Heap, I agree, I think Shock is more talented, but until he gets used properly like Heap, I cant put him above Heap.



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Great argument.


Please explain how Shockey is so much better. Don't leave out his injuries and stupid penalties and rants to the media.

Compare their stats and assess their overall value to the respective teams.

We'll get to see both of them in action tomorrow. Even after Shockey comitted that stupid spiking the ball penalty just last week I know you won't be surprised if he commits some equally stupid penalty this week. Or starts complaining to the ref during a play or something.


On the flip side I will be truly surprised if Cooley makes a stupid decision that hurts the team.

Shockey is certainly a good player but he carries a lot of negative baggage. If Coughlin had the choice straight up between Shockey and Cooley who do you think he'd rather have? I'm not so sure he'd choose Shockey.


Receiving REC YDS TD LG

J. Shockey 5 79 0 27


C. Cooley 3 19 1 8



I'm sorry....what?

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Receiving REC YDS TD LG

J. Shockey 5 79 0 27


C. Cooley 3 19 1 8

I'm sorry....what?

Mic, you may not be sure but you are a musician, not a football coach, so that means your opinion is worthless. Cooley is is not cool, just a shitty player when faced with a good defense.


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Shockey is a very good football player and TE....but of late ...like the last two years - the guy can't stay on his feet when he makes a catch.


Is it me or does the guy layout when he doesn't have to? I remember when he played with Collins the guy had YAC up the ass...thought he was the next Dave Casper....now...catch...knees...catch...knees.


Is it an issue that he is so concerned about a drop that he smothers the ball and drops when he gets a toss. Notice most of his drops are when he is looking to it up field and not drop.


Sort of like when Steve Sax forgot how to throw from second.


I hope they fix it cause the guy is a bull when he gets loose in the secondary.


C. Wagon

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Shockey is a very good football player and TE....but of late ...like the last two years - the guy can't stay on his feet when he makes a catch.


Is it me or does the guy layout when he doesn't have to? I remember when he played with Collins the guy had YAC up the ass...thought he was the next Dave Casper....now...catch...knees...catch...knees.


Is it an issue that he is so concerned about a drop that he smothers the ball and drops when he gets a toss. Notice most of his drops are when he is looking to it up field and not drop.


Sort of like when Steve Sax forgot how to throw from second.


I hope they fix it cause the guy is a bull when he gets loose in the secondary.


C. Wagon


Yeah I was thinking the same thing yesterday. Now he's either hit as he makes the catch or he's forced to leave his feet to make the catch, but he's rarely seperated from defenders when the ball comes his way.

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Shockey is a very good football player and TE....but of late ...like the last two years - the guy can't stay on his feet when he makes a catch.


Is it me or does the guy layout when he doesn't have to? I remember when he played with Collins the guy had YAC up the ass...thought he was the next Dave Casper....now...catch...knees...catch...knees.


Is it an issue that he is so concerned about a drop that he smothers the ball and drops when he gets a toss. Notice most of his drops are when he is looking to it up field and not drop.


Sort of like when Steve Sax forgot how to throw from second.


I hope they fix it cause the guy is a bull when he gets loose in the secondary.


C. Wagon

I was thinking the same thing last night Chuck, but he commands far more attention and safety help than he did his first year. It's rare that he has big opportunities for YACs these days. I'm happy to see him focus on ball control.

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Shockey is a very good football player and TE....but of late ...like the last two years - the guy can't stay on his feet when he makes a catch.


Is it me or does the guy layout when he doesn't have to? I remember when he played with Collins the guy had YAC up the ass...thought he was the next Dave Casper....now...catch...knees...catch...knees.


Is it an issue that he is so concerned about a drop that he smothers the ball and drops when he gets a toss. Notice most of his drops are when he is looking to it up field and not drop.


Sort of like when Steve Sax forgot how to throw from second.


I hope they fix it cause the guy is a bull when he gets loose in the secondary.


C. Wagon


I think you are on to something here. Remember his first catch yesterday, for 20 something yards? He caught the ball over his shoulder, and went to the ground before being touched. That should have been a huge play for the Giants.

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