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Would you want to bring in Vick to back up Eli?


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I think he's a talented QB and has paid his dues to society....everyone deserves a second chance, and Michael has taken his punishment with grace, and like a man. I'm not so sure he was running the show at the kennels......probably his cousin.


Carr would move to #3

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Apparently, PETA wants Vick to fight for his life too.


I doubt he plays in the NFL again. PETA is already planning to riot when he is released and they will just follow him to any team he goes to.


I hear the UFL is really trying to make a push for him though.


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I think he's a talented QB and has paid his dues to society....everyone deserves a second chance, and Michael has taken his punishment with grace, and like a man. I'm not so sure he was running the show at the kennels......probably his cousin.


Carr would move to #3

Yeah, I would. Not because of his arm, but because he's such a great scrambler. But after the way Carr played last year I'd have Vick at #3 QB, and maybe a #3 running back or a #2 reciever. Lol

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I doubt he plays in the NFL again. PETA is already planning to riot when he is released and they will just follow him to any team he goes to.


I hear the UFL is really trying to make a push for him though.


As long as they pay the admission, the UFL will not mind.


yes the UFL is looking hard at him.



Also, it was confirmed fassel is going to be head coach in Las Vegas.

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If Vick went to Oakland, the Raider fans would eat PETA up in a minute. PETA, the other other white meat. :evilgrin:

What makes you think all PETA-ites are white, huh? Please take your racist post somewhere else....like P&R. :smoke:

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I might take a hard look at Vick as a WR option, but not as a back up qb.

Wow, that's an interesting thought--if he can catch. Don't know if it's worth Pat Hanlon's mental health, but that would make more sense than putting the guy on meds for a backup QB.

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I would not want Vick anywhere near the Giants. Imagine the backlash if Plaxico gets off and then Vick comes here? You will have more anti gun protesters and Peta folks at a Giant game then fans(thats assuming they can get a parking pass of course).


No way on Vick.

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No Jakk .....id rather have Chase Blackburn as back up !!!


Chase is spoken for


He will be our starting MLBer this Sept after they cut Antonio Slowmobile


The Eagles game sealed Pierce's fate as much as the gun incident


Eli ad a bad game, but Pierce showed how exploitable he is


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I think he's a talented QB and has paid his dues to society....everyone deserves a second chance, and Michael has taken his punishment with grace, and like a man. I'm not so sure he was running the show at the kennels......probably his cousin.


Carr would move to #3

Only an animal hater would forgive this piece of shit and want him to play in the NFL. He may be talented but he is stupid and someone who has no respect for laws. What makes you think that he has respect for authority and would follow the rules of the Giants?


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Chase is spoken for


He will be our starting MLBer this Sept after they cut Antonio Slowmobile


The Eagles game sealed Pierce's fate as much as the gun incident


Eli ad a bad game, but Pierce showed how exploitable he is




You mean how the whole team was exploited because of the lack of pass rush?

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Chase is spoken for


He will be our starting MLBer this Sept after they cut Antonio Slowmobile


The Eagles game sealed Pierce's fate as much as the gun incident


Eli ad a bad game, but Pierce showed how exploitable he is




Can we make a bet on this please?

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Only an animal hater would forgive this piece of shit and want him to play in the NFL. He may be talented but he is stupid and someone who has no respect for laws. What makes you think that he has respect for authority and would follow the rules of the Giants?




U.S. Patriot vs JackStroud?


This should be better than when Timmy fought Jimmy on South Park.


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U.S. Patriot vs JackStroud?


This should be better than when Timmy fought Jimmy on South Park.


Sportswrath's version of "Celebrity Deathmatch". I wonder if they'll fight sans gloves. :boxing:

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