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Ton of hate from Jaws and Chris Carter


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These guys break the color barrier proving you can be a complete total AXXHOLE no matter what color you are


what a couple of TOOLS


I know we ended Jaworski's career and LT tortured him but what did we ever do the Chrissy Carter? LOL


They are so anti Giant they make utter fools of themselves :sheeplover:

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These guys break the color barrier proving you can be a complete total AXXHOLE no matter what color you are




what a couple of TOOLS


I know we ended Jaworski's career and LT tortured him but what did we ever do the Chrissy Carter? LOL


41-0, plus he's just a dick


They are so anti Giant they make utter fools of themselves :sheeplover:

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Not understanding the color comment or why it was necessary...but I wish just once ESPN could provide some non-biased coverage of a game...from any sport. They have their one or two teams per league per year--usually the team that they perceived to have won free agency/offseason--that they ride the dick of until they are inevitably proven wrong. If I were a betting man, I'd go to an OTB and bet against ESPN's yearly men-crushes...

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I loved how they were sucking Ryan's dick, telling us how great his defense is while on the field our back-ups were scoring against his starters. Chucky was the only one keeping up with the actual events.



Yeah too many of todays commentators love sucking the dicks of the loud and empty windbags like Ryan. I really wish the Giants would stop playing the Jets in preseason as those guys go all out for kill shots and treat the game like its the Super Bowl. Whereas the Giants are playing it like just another preseason game.

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He is really hard to watch On ESPN seems like a real bag of douche.


Bruschi has really really disappointed me.....I actually liked him as an overachieving player


hey Teddy listen up small fry............the better team won......17-0 was an illusion.....you play in the weakest division in football and great D ALWAYS beats good O


Grow up you piece of chit



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Other then their personal gripes against the Giants I'm sure the ESPN execs told them to pump up the Jets since they are opening the season up with a MNF game. They also have two other MNF games later on in the season. Listening to the commentary and watching them interview Jet after Jet on the sidelines it was pretty obvious. If Eli didn't bust his head wide open I don't think they would of talked about a Giant all night.

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Other then their personal gripes against the Giants I'm sure the ESPN execs told them to pump up the Jets since they are opening the season up with a MNF game. They also have two other MNF games later on in the season. Listening to the commentary and watching them interview Jet after Jet on the sidelines it was pretty obvious. If Eli didn't bust his head wide open I don't think they would of talked about a Giant all night.



plus ESPN has the Jets as the featured team on thier Hard Knocks show. ESPN was using the game as one big promotional stunt for thier own show basically.

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Is it your turn to bring orange slices?


Hbo not Espn.


By the way, Jaws is solid on ESPN. Everybody thinks Gruden is great but here's a guy who had several years to draft a qb and develop one and never bothered and basically pissed off every qb he had and treated them like shit. Plus he's so good, he's got all these job offers on the tab... oh wait.

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Hbo not Espn.


By the way, Jaws is solid on ESPN. Everybody thinks Gruden is great but here's a guy who had several years to draft a qb and develop one and never bothered and basically pissed off every qb he had and treated them like shit. Plus he's so good, he's got all these job offers on the tab... oh wait.

I think that might have been an ego thing, that he felt he could take a back up or borderline player and turn him into a solid starter. Like Shanahan in Denver with RB's. I would hope if he got another coaching job he'd be more mature, but you gotta give him props for being the last person to make the Raiders relevant and winning a sb, albeit with Dungy's team.


I'd like to see him get another job, he's like Rex Ryan without all the dickness.

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I think that might have been an ego thing, that he felt he could take a back up or borderline player and turn him into a solid starter. Like Shanahan in Denver with RB's. I would hope if he got another coaching job he'd be more mature, but you gotta give him props for being the last person to make the Raiders relevant and winning a sb, albeit with Dungy's team.


I'd like to see him get another job, he's like Rex Ryan without all the dickness.



Vince Lombardi would have struggled with the crap teams Gruden had to coach after winning the SB.....poor ownership

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Hbo not Espn.


By the way, Jaws is solid on ESPN. Everybody thinks Gruden is great but here's a guy who had several years to draft a qb and develop one and never bothered and basically pissed off every qb he had and treated them like shit. Plus he's so good, he's got all these job offers on the tab... oh wait.

I'm not so sure about that, I think Gruden realizes he has a great, stress free job, where he gets paid a ton, and gets to talk about/focus on football year round. Honestly, it IS the perfect job.

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I'm not so sure about that, I think Gruden realizes he has a great, stress free job, where he gets paid a ton, and gets to talk about/focus on football year round. Honestly, it IS the perfect job.




and probably eats up about 20 hours a week, mostly spent watching football as opposed to 80 hours a week managing egos and placating prima donas.


Definite advantages. The only question is whether or not he misses the juice from actualy being involved in the outcome of the game.

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Hbo not Espn.


By the way, Jaws is solid on ESPN. Everybody thinks Gruden is great but here's a guy who had several years to draft a qb and develop one and never bothered and basically pissed off every qb he had and treated them like shit. Plus he's so good, he's got all these job offers on the tab... oh wait.


Wow, Boohyah, I don't think we could disagree more. I think Jaws sucks in a big way. He throws around superlatives for even average players. His voice is annoying when he starts to get excited about something... and he is good for a nationwide eye roll at least every 20 minutes (and that's counting the commercials). He will always say something like, "Look at Jay Cutler here, he throws the best deep pall in the history of the NFL." Then next week, "And Donovan McNabb does it better than anyone ever has, throwing the deep ball to Jackson." Really Jaws?

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Wow, Boohyah, I don't think we could disagree more. I think Jaws sucks in a big way. He throws around superlatives for even average players. His voice is annoying when he starts to get excited about something... and he is good for a nationwide eye roll at least every 20 minutes (and that's counting the commercials). He will always say something like, "Look at Jay Cutler here, he throws the best deep pall in the history of the NFL." Then next week, "And Donovan McNabb does it better than anyone ever has, throwing the deep ball to Jackson." Really Jaws?


I don't know Jim.. I like Jaws.


Aside from that I can't wait to see Chris Berman and Tom Jackson.. those guys are good. And Gruden is perfect where he is now... I think the most awful thing that happened to MNF is when they brought that unfunny comedian to do commentary... don't remember his name but he was lame.

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I don't know Jim.. I like Jaws.


Aside from that I can't wait to see Chris Berman and Tom Jackson.. those guys are good. And Gruden is perfect where he is now... I think the most awful thing that happened to MNF is when they brought that unfunny comedian to do commentary... don't remember his name but he was lame.



Maybe I'm in the minority, to me Jaws is just awful to listen to. I love Gruden, Berman, and Jackson, and I think Tirico is a fine play by play man. The comedian you're trying to remember is Dennis Miller, and yes, he was bad for MNF. I remember watching and he would throughout the most obscure references that would just leave the rest of the booth silent for 5 to 10 seconds just trying to digest what the hell Dennis just said. Otherwise, I like Miller, who I don't find funny at all. But he was never right for MNF, one of, if not the worst commentators for sports broadcasting I've ever seen.

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Maybe I'm in the minority, to me Jaws is just awful to listen to. I love Gruden, Berman, and Jackson, and I think Tirico is a fine play by play man. The comedian you're trying to remember is Dennis Miller, and yes, he was bad for MNF. I remember watching and he would throughout the most obscure references that would just leave the rest of the booth silent for 5 to 10 seconds just trying to digest what the hell Dennis just said. Otherwise, I like Miller, who I don't find funny at all. But he was never right for MNF, one of, if not the worst commentators for sports broadcasting I've ever seen.


No, I think you're in the majority. Jaws is awful...

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