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Bad News - LT arrested


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This is one Post commentator reply that I can go along with. Absent of the racism, jealousy, bias, love of LT found in the other commentaries. In the end the guy paid for a sex act that when properly adjudged will result in a misdemeanor conviction. I just love one dumb ass commentator saying that he should have made sure of her age. And how pray tell are you going to do that. What verification methods are going to be employed. :smartass:




05/09/2010 3:36 AM


The basis of this case is statutory rape which by the girl's own testimony it seems Lawrence Taylor is innocent of. These domestic issues, all though not pretty, seem irrelevant to this case and this article. I really don't see the connection between the two. It's obvious Mr.Taylor has lived a troubled life but it doesn't seem that he's guilty of anything more than a misdemeanor for soliciting a prostitute. The pimp in this case is the real criminal and needs to go to jail for a long time. Lawrence Taylor should perform some community service and pay this young woman some restitution so, hopefully, she can get her life in order.


Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/lt_gal_text_cry_for_help_obAVWPKSJC7a90qwTro85H?offset=40#comments#ixzz0nSSW6NIK

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This is one Post commentator reply that I can go along with. Absent of the racism, jealousy, bias, love of LT found in the other commentaries. In the end the guy paid for a sex act that when properly adjudged will result in a misdemeanor conviction. I just love one dumb ass commentator saying that he should have made sure of her age. And how pray tell are you going to do that. What verification methods are going to be employed. :smartass:




05/09/2010 3:36 AM


The basis of this case is statutory rape which by the girl's own testimony it seems Lawrence Taylor is innocent of. These domestic issues, all though not pretty, seem irrelevant to this case and this article. I really don't see the connection between the two. It's obvious Mr.Taylor has lived a troubled life but it doesn't seem that he's guilty of anything more than a misdemeanor for soliciting a prostitute. The pimp in this case is the real criminal and needs to go to jail for a long time. Lawrence Taylor should perform some community service and pay this young woman some restitution so, hopefully, she can get her life in order.


Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/lt_gal_text_cry_for_help_obAVWPKSJC7a90qwTro85H?offset=40#comments#ixzz0nSSW6NIK


except in the eyes of the law, whether he knew or didnt know she was underage is irrelevant, if he had sex with her hes guilty either way.

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storm thats not the mug shot from this incident, thats from his hit and run.





Is it me, or does the first blue man seem to be thinking "Join the Blue side, LT, join the Blue side".



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why dont you guys get off his axx


this could have happened to anyone......


prostiution should be legalized, health checks and identity cards issued to working girls as is done in 1st world countries.....we are sinking into 2nd world status with our weak economy, no social safety net programs, and a huge gap between upper class and lower class and a quickly vanishing middle class.....the new middle class is public sector workers with their audacious healthcare, salaries, and pension benefits......this despite the fact that based upon hours per week we are the hardest working and most charitable nation on earth


if you have kids tell them to become lawyers , teachers or police.......other wise they are shark bait


what we stink at is taking care of our own people with some compassion. We incarcerate more citizens than any other nation on earth mostly for stupid crimes like this one (blaming the john not the pimp and prostitute) and drug dealing....... and are 2nd only to china in executions


despite all we pay these teachers our students are now grading out nearing dropping out of the top 20 nations in scholastic testing

Police are used mainly for ticketing blitzes to raise money.


we are no longer the greatest nation on earth.......not by a mile


we are good at squalled thieving corporations, shady financial institutions, predatory lawyers, doctors, politicians who are paid off like slot machines, and at waging war......this country is in its death spiral......much like the last "greatest nations on Earth"- the Romans and British Empire..


I trace all this back to Madaline Murray O'Hare the infamous athiest, who fought to take morality and religion out of our schools


Leave LT alone............also what kills me is despite the severity of the punishment for this crime.......you need to dig trough the law to find out what the "legal age" is.............why not advertise that age??? If you asked the average citizen they are more likely to know who the president of Uganda is than what the "legal age" is in their state.........or worse the state they are visiting


this is nonsense..............SHE WAS A PROSTITUTE......she could have yelled out to the desk clerk to call the police if she felt threatened........she took the money and ran.......then called her uncle when the pimp beat her.

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except in the eyes of the law, whether he knew or didnt know she was underage is irrelevant, if he had sex with her hes guilty either way.



Guilty of third degree statutory rape that is always plead down to a misdemeanor unless someone is looking to make a name for himself on a named suspect. This case has no legs which is the reason why its being tried in the media and his entire past is being trotted out. When a DA has a strong case they don't tell you shit other than the charges.

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Guilty of third degree statutory rape that is always plead down to a misdemeanor unless someone is looking to make a name for himself on a named suspect. This case has no legs which is the reason why its being tried in the media and his entire past is being trotted out. When a DA has a strong case they don't tell you shit other than the charges.


i hope youre right.

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storm thats not the mug shot from this incident, thats from his hit and run.





ahhh, okay, the current one looks like he just got done (Guy) whimpering

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And I dunno about you but I've always known the legal age of consent...


She is on record saying she told LT she was 19 . I know that's no excuse but if he had known she was 16 he surely wouldn't touch her.

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She is on record saying she told LT she was 19 . I know that's no excuse but if he had known she was 16 he surely wouldn't touch her.


i think storm was only making that comment because jack implied you have to dig through the library of congress to find out the age of consent.



and him thinking she was 19 helps in the court of public opinion, and in my mind. but sadly it doesnt help in the eyes of the law.

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i think storm was only making that comment because jack implied you have to dig through the library of congress to find out the age of consent.



and him thinking she was 19 helps in the court of public opinion, and in my mind. but sadly it doesnt help in the eyes of the law.


i think it may help in the plea bargain.

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I am no lawyer. But thinking she is of age. And the Actual person telling you they are of age are two different things I would think legally. It's not like we can saw the person in half and count their rings to verify their age.

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why dont you guys get off his axx


this could have happened to anyone......


prostiution should be legalized, health checks and identity cards issued to working girls as is done in 1st world countries.....we are sinking into 2nd world status with our weak economy, no social safety net programs, and a huge gap between upper class and lower class and a quickly vanishing middle class.....the new middle class is public sector workers with their audacious healthcare, salaries, and pension benefits......this despite the fact that based upon hours per week we are the hardest working and most charitable nation on earth


if you have kids tell them to become lawyers , teachers or police.......other wise they are shark bait


what we stink at is taking care of our own people with some compassion. We incarcerate more citizens than any other nation on earth mostly for stupid crimes like this one (blaming the john not the pimp and prostitute) and drug dealing....... and are 2nd only to china in executions


despite all we pay these teachers our students are now grading out nearing dropping out of the top 20 nations in scholastic testing

Police are used mainly for ticketing blitzes to raise money.


we are no longer the greatest nation on earth.......not by a mile


we are good at squalled thieving corporations, shady financial institutions, predatory lawyers, doctors, politicians who are paid off like slot machines, and at waging war......this country is in its death spiral......much like the last "greatest nations on Earth"- the Romans and British Empire..


I trace all this back to Madaline Murray O'Hare the infamous athiest, who fought to take morality and religion out of our schools


Leave LT alone............also what kills me is despite the severity of the punishment for this crime.......you need to dig trough the law to find out what the "legal age" is.............why not advertise that age??? If you asked the average citizen they are more likely to know who the president of Uganda is than what the "legal age" is in their state.........or worse the state they are visiting


this is nonsense..............SHE WAS A PROSTITUTE......she could have yelled out to the desk clerk to call the police if she felt threatened........she took the money and ran.......then called her uncle when the pimp beat her.


Your idea to stimulate the economy is to legalize prostitution? You have any idea how many kids would deviate from education to making a quick buck? I can understand Marijuana.. but prostitution?

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The New York Giants are beyond one player regardless of who that player is. There are many players who have come and gone and contributed to the tradition of excellence here. What has happened to one is saddening yet cannot be used to judge the rest by. I hope that the evidence provided that has yet to be seen exonerates Lawrence Taylor but I also accept that his possible guilt will tarnish his image further. Everyone deserves a chance but not many get it. Not sure where he stands, just hope that whatever happens goes with the law and not with public opinion.

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Your idea to stimulate the economy is to legalize prostitution? You have any idea how many kids would deviate from education to making a quick buck? I can understand Marijuana.. but prostitution?


worlds oldest profession, legalizing it would only make the transaction safer for all concerned.


there should be an age of consent.....i'm not arguing that....but If prositutes carried IDs saying they were drug free and of age this LT incident would not have happened


free the drug convitees and spend some of that money on healthcare, education, and fixing potholes, lowering property taxes etc


if a man shoots himself in the leg he should be under medical and psychiatric care not in a prison

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Guilty of third degree statutory rape that is always plead down to a misdemeanor unless someone is looking to make a name for himself on a named suspect. This case has no legs which is the reason why its being tried in the media and his entire past is being trotted out. When a DA has a strong case they don't tell you shit other than the charges.


it's being tried in the media b/c he is a big name and that is what happens. any information given publicly by the authorities has been done so to clarify what the facts are as they currently know them, most likely in response to the rumor mill that started right away, and more so to Taylor's benefit b/c of course initially the rumors were that he beat and raped some 16 year old which is obviously not the case.


the dog, like everyone has no idea what took place that night. regardless, if you are going to make a decision to engage in something that is illegal, regardless of the degree, then you need to know the potential consequences and ultimately will have to accept them. no different than the burress situation...the dog has no issue with him going down hard if the facts come out and it proves that he did have sex with her. enough already with the famous athletes doing whatever they want. if they can figure out how to nail roethlisberger down, the two can share the same cell for the next 20 years for all the dog cares...

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