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The sky is falling thread.


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I know it's been beaten to death, but seriously... I can't find a way to feel good about our LB situation.


We drafted a DE in round one. That's great. But we already had THREE starting caliber/Pro Bowl DEs and had glaring needs at LB.


I like the DT pick, granted... but we JUST picked up two safeties in the offseason... seriously... what the fuck are we doing drafting a safety?


No Spikes or Lee in round two, no Morrison trade. NO good FA's available. Who is going to start for us? I've heard Jerry Reese talk about drafting for depth and you never knowing when you're going to have injuries. Well.... what happens when one of our shit LBs gets injured? Who fills in for him? Rotten, fetid shit as opposed to steamy shit?


The MLB is the signal caller, the heart and soul of the defense. Right now we've got a career backup who played C, C- football over the last half of the season last year as our "heart and soul."


Besides the DT pick, I honestly DON'T see how any of these picks makes our defense better THIS YEAR.


Call me "Chicken Little." The sky is falling. This is fucking absurd.

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im posting to tell you im not on board with the sky is falling thing.


I am not on that childish board as well .... lets look back to all of the other Reese drafts when everyone questioned his picks back then... how did that turn out for us?


I can see what he is doing We had a good draft so far maybe not the best but far from the worst we could be the Bears




LOL ZOLTAN MESKO a Punter to the PAt's ?????



oooooohhhhhh Alan Fannica Just got cut

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im posting to tell you im not on board with the sky is falling thing.

Yeah, I'm with you on this one. I think we're all just going to have to wait and see how this all pans out. What I'm wondering is, is if we are now going to totally revamp the defensive schemes and become Buffalo part II.

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Yeah, I'm with you on this one. I think we're all just going to have to wait and see how this all pans out. What I'm wondering is, is if we are now going to totally revamp the defensive schemes and become Buffalo part II.


yeah As I recall Buffalo had a solid D last year

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I think were good, the only pick I'm still going " :unsure:" is the JPP pick but it's slowly starting to grow on me, especally when you consider Osi/Kiwi heading out the door in a year and the fact that is Osi stays he's been fairly injury prone.


I really like the DT pick and the Safety pick as well (Phillips wont be coming back, just a hunch) The LB pick should provide depth for us plus who knows with these late round picks they can turn out be starters more then the first round guys. The OG we just picked up should help bring some depth to the O-line as well from what reports say he should be ready to start in 2-3 years.


So far I'm liking the draft overall, still think we could of done better with our first but who knows maybe Fewell has some plans for JPP.

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I am not on that childish board as well .... lets look back to all of the other Reese drafts when everyone questioned his picks back then... how did that turn out for us?


I can see what he is doing We had a good draft so far maybe not the best but far from the worst we could be the Bears




LOL ZOLTAN MESKO a Punter to the PAt's ?????



oooooohhhhhh Alan Fannica Just got cut


His last 2 2008/2009 drafts have not been STERLING

he hit on manningham, nicks, thomas, Beatty, Philips

he wiffed on about 10 others in the last 2 yrs all marginal, not on team or do not play.......his 2007 draft was superb


BTW and I hate to bring this up, he's only ever drafted one white guy- Boss (out of 23 guys he's drafted), and traded for one- Carr

with whites being 70% of the US population something is statsically out of whack here


I think Jerry took that movie "White guys can't jump" as a documentary, not a comedy......perhaps this has hampered his ability the last two mediocre drafts.


We should have trade up for one of those 2 USC LBers Cushing, and Matthews last year.....now both are superstars ......I was crushed we did not get one of them


70% of NFL Players are black .....not 95%

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yeah As I recall Buffalo had a solid D last year

I can't see the Gmen bringing in Fewell to just run Sheridan's schemes. I also have a hard time believing Fewell will just insert Buffalo's schemes. I would think that would be just too obvious for offenses to figure out. With the offseason moves so far, it looks like we're hoping the D line is our strength and if anyone gets past that Rolle will be the savior. I don't know, I'm certainly no expert, but the focus of the D certainly seems to have shifted.

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I can't see the Gmen bringing in Fewell to just run Sheridan's schemes. I also have a hard time believing Fewell will just insert Buffalo's schemes. I would think that would be just too obvious for offenses to figure out. With the offseason moves so far, it looks like we're hoping the D line is our strength and if anyone gets past that Rolle will be the savior. I don't know, I'm certainly no expert, but the focus of the D certainly seems to have shifted.


Just the obvous.. where's our weakness in the O side of the ball? we put up a lot of points last year.. it was our D that had diarrhea.

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I'm not saying that I don't like the picks as much as I'm saying that our GM has IGNORED AN ENTIRE POSITION.


We have ONE guy with real NFL starter's experience (Boley) and we have at minimum THREE LB positions on the team. Barring an amazing cut or trade, this is what we've got... Boley, Goff (presumably) and... who, exactly? Kehl? WIlkinson? DeOssie? Are we planning on going to a 6-1-4 Defense with one LB and six down linemen?


We have four "starting caliber" guys to fill two DE spots... yet, we have one guy to fill three LB spots. It just doesn't make any sense. We lost TWO starters at LB and replaced them with a fourth-round reach.


Usually I'd have faith in Reese... but after the shit storm of FA signings last year and this draft, I'm not so sure.

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I'm not saying that I don't like the picks as much as I'm saying that our GM has IGNORED AN ENTIRE POSITION.


We have ONE guy with real NFL starter's experience (Boley) and we have at minimum THREE LB positions on the team. Barring an amazing cut or trade, this is what we've got... Boley, Goff (presumably) and... who, exactly? Kehl? WIlkinson? DeOssie? Are we planning on going to a 6-1-4 Defense with one LB and six down linemen?


We have four "starting caliber" guys to fill two DE spots... yet, we have one guy to fill three LB spots. It just doesn't make any sense. We lost TWO starters at LB and replaced them with a fourth-round reach.


Usually I'd have faith in Reese... but after the shit storm of FA signings last year and this draft, I'm not so sure.




sintim will start at strongside. i think he will have a good year too.

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I'm going to quote the Great tuna here




we were 8-8


We ARE 8-8


nothing we do in this draft is going to move that more than 2 games in either direction.......


free agents

team morale



strength of schedule


new stadium

strength and conditioning

team leadership


how Eli feels when he wakes up


all are factors

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I wouldn't say the sky is falling but this was about as bland of a draft I've remotely watched for Reese. Look past positional needs and just look at the players. I see 3 guys who will produce for us this season.

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I'm not saying that I don't like the picks as much as I'm saying that our GM has IGNORED AN ENTIRE POSITION.


We have ONE guy with real NFL starter's experience (Boley) and we have at minimum THREE LB positions on the team. Barring an amazing cut or trade, this is what we've got... Boley, Goff (presumably) and... who, exactly? Kehl? WIlkinson? DeOssie? Are we planning on going to a 6-1-4 Defense with one LB and six down linemen?


We have four "starting caliber" guys to fill two DE spots... yet, we have one guy to fill three LB spots. It just doesn't make any sense. We lost TWO starters at LB and replaced them with a fourth-round reach.


Usually I'd have faith in Reese... but after the shit storm of FA signings last year and this draft, I'm not so sure.

After McClain was gone...there was no one in the draft better than the players already on the team. Sean Lee would not start ahead of any of the current LB's we already have.


To draft a MLB who won't see playing time this coming season simply to satisfy the fan base to the detriment of the team does not make sense. Even if we had gotten McClain, he would've played less than half the downs. But that is a moot point because McClain went long before the Giants had a shot at him.


Picking up a not so flashy seasoned vet before the season starts is probably a far better move that burning early draft picks on players that will spend the majority of the next two years learning the game from the bench. Have a little faith. The front office is not "more dumber" than us armchair generals who look at everything from a fans' perspective only.

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I'm not saying that I don't like the picks as much as I'm saying that our GM has IGNORED AN ENTIRE POSITION.


We have ONE guy with real NFL starter's experience (Boley) and we have at minimum THREE LB positions on the team. Barring an amazing cut or trade, this is what we've got... Boley, Goff (presumably) and... who, exactly? Kehl? WIlkinson? DeOssie? Are we planning on going to a 6-1-4 Defense with one LB and six down linemen?


We have four "starting caliber" guys to fill two DE spots... yet, we have one guy to fill three LB spots. It just doesn't make any sense. We lost TWO starters at LB and replaced them with a fourth-round reach.


Usually I'd have faith in Reese... but after the shit storm of FA signings last year and this draft, I'm not so sure.


I can't really argue here.


Last season, our best Linebacker (Boley) really wasn't anything special. Granted, it's hard to shine when you are surrounded by crap. I'll give Boley a mulligan for being a newcomer on a truly crappy defense.


This season, Sintim, Goff, and Kehl will ALL really need to step up, or we are in serious fucking trouble. I have ZERO faith in Gerris Wilkinson's ability to stay healty, so I'm not even going to bother to evaluate him. And you've got to assume that at least one of these guys is going to be sidelined at some point for some amount of time.


Unless Dillard is a true sleeper pick, I can't see him contributing beyond special teams (which will likely also suck given the Giants unwillingness to upgrade the kicking game).


So, I'll expect to see Dillard tackle the kickoff returner at the 47....that's how much emphasis Reese & Co. placed on the weakest team position in the 2010 draft. :BullShit-1:

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First of all, to insert racial bias into this draft is completely asinine. To suggest in the slightest that Reese is a racist is baseless and fricking moronic... and I find it offensive, to put it lightly.


Secondly, to suggest that we will do no better than a two game improvement is likewise idiotic. The draft is only ONE tool to improve your team, albeit a significant one. Free agency also plays a major part, as well as the overall physical health of the players going into the season and throughout the season, which, to me, is one of the biggest factors if not the biggest. The Saints just went from 8-8 to SuperBowl Champions... so there is no reason to say we can't compete for the division.


This draft DID not play out the way I would've wanted it. However, not a one of us shlubs have a better idea of how to address the draft than the scouting department, Tom Coughlin, and Jerry Reese. None of us can say that the players that were picked were bad picks, because that remains to be seen.


The Texans were ridiculed for taking Mario Williams over Reggie Bush with the first overall pick a few years ago. With all respect to Reggie, they made the right decision. There are tons of other examples. I hated the Eli Manning pick. I wanted to stick with Kerry and draft Sean Taylor. While Taylor was a superb safety for the Redskins during his all too short career, the Manning pick was the right move for our organization, and Eli is the perfect QB for our franchise. Roethlisberger has 2 rings, but how much trouble would he have gotten in NY? How about Rivers and his superlative personality? Good QB, but not right for us.


Likewise, this draft could be an outstanding one for us. Even with Osi, we need depth on the DL. DT was a need for us... it was addressed in an outstanding way with Joseph. As for JPP, although I had him with big time bust potential, that could go with any player in this draft. JPP's athleticism is too hard to ignore. A person with his physical gifts is rare. He reminds everyone of Jevon Kearse, and I think that it's a valid comparison. When the Giants run the 4 aces package, which I am certain they will do, we will no doubt be marveling at his talent.


Mitch Petrus was a very good value pick, and another position that needed to be addressed. I'm not going to go pick by pick but I think the Giants drafted some good players that fit the team.


Back to JPP, Kiwanuka is a UFA following the season. Osi will not play forever. To get a DE with the physical gifts that JPP has is a good move, and good very well pay dividends a decade from now. Seriously, if this guy becomes the sack artist that they think he is, it could be justified that later he could be considered the best player to come out of this draft.


Back to the linebackers, we have a good group of players that will compete for spots in camp. There may be more addtions as the offseason wears on. The players we have may not be all-pros now or ever, but that doesn't mean they won't be good players. They are just young, just starting to get their opportunity. Boley is proven. He is a strong weakside linebacker. Sintim is a second year player that was picked in the second round. There is no way an honest evaluation can be made of him yet. But he was highly thought of and I am optimistic about his talent. If he doesn't workout, Chase Blackburn is there. And say what you want about Chase, but he does give maximum effort and does a pretty good job. Goff may or may not pan out. We have other players, though. Blackburn can also play the mike, plus Wilkinson has a shot. Then there is the two new guys, Phillip Dillard and Adrian Tracy. There is a forgotten man, Bryan Kehl, who I have always liked. That's a lot of names to compete, and the best 3 will start in our 4-3. Plus, more than half the time we'll likely be using a nickel package, so Boley and perhaps Blackburn will be out there. I'm good with that. Our top 3 corners and our safeties are gangbusters. I think our defense could be the best we've had in a while and one of the best in the NFL.


Stop being drama queens and give these guys a chance to play before you bury them.

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The conventional wisdom on Phillip Dillard, the Giants’ new middle linebacker, is that his stellar senior season at Nebraska deserved an asterisk because he played behind defensive tackle Ndamukong Suh, the No. 2 overall pick in the NFL draft. Clearly, Suh helped make Dillard a better player.


Or maybe it was the other way around?


“He’s a great player, a phenomenal player, one of the best I’ve seen in years,” Dillard said on a conference call with the New York media a few minutes ago. “But the thing I was shocked about is that (Nebraska coach Bo Pellini) told some of the scouts that if I wasn’t behind him, he wouldn’t have made some of those plays, because (offenses) had to game plan for me, too.”


Dillard, the 6-foot, 245-pound linebacker the Giants just took in the fourth round admitted “I didn’t expect him to say that” and it’s certainly a surprising statement since Suh is one of the best defensive tackle prospects to come out of college in years. Then again, maybe everyone has underestimated Dillard, who had three sacks and 11 tackles for losses last year.


Regardless, he didn’t seem to mind that people were doubting him, since that’s happened before. He wasn’t considered much of a prospect early in his career, and he wasn’t helped when he tore his ACL during the 2006 season, beginning what was for him a long, difficult few years. He also hurt his ankle late in the 2008 season and lost his starting job at the start of 2009.


“My mom had passed that January (2008), and I told her I was going to do something that would honor the family,” Dillard said. “(I’d) stay out of trouble and do the right thing. All I had to do was work and not moan, be happy, not be a cancer in the locker room and not be upset that things weren’t going my way. I had to man up.”


Now he plans to do the same thing with the Giants, where he obviously is aware of the gaping hole the team has at middle linebacker. He said he can play inside or outside, but “I’m great at middle. I’m great between the tackles. I always stay square. I never cross over.”



Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/blogs/giants/2010/04/dillard-may-be-great-mlb-on-hi.html#ixzz0m3P3B7hP

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