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Pro Bowl


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Did you see Micheal Bennett line up as QB take the snap and run it in the endzone...... everyone on D basically gave up one player actually touched him and they blew the whistle calling him down on a two hand touch...... Is this what it has really become? Lame just cancel the Pro bowl and do a skills challenge already....


How about this idea. Grab some guys off of the teams (not in the superbowl) practice squad and let them play in some limelight. The days before that game let the actual pro-bowlers do the skills competition . During the "Subpar-bowl" some of the Pro-bowlers can hang out on the sidelines and kind of give some pointers to the players. there already is a very loose coaching staff.


The reason I suggest this is kind of two fold.


One, the practice squad guys can show case their talents one last time before next years FA/Draft some other teams can get their eyes on these players.


Two, we all know the NFL is a cash machine and they will want to have some presence they week before the superbowl that makes money by having an event broadcast to the masses. I bet you dollars to donuts the ratings are going thru the cellar with the probowl.

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Just heard this morning on Mike and Mike that the ratings for the pro bowl still outrank everything else that is on...so I don't foresee the NFL seeing too much of a problem with it.


I agree though, it is horrible to watch and the last one I saw was in 2006...the year Pittsburgh beat Seattle in the SB...I was stuck in Honolulu airport waiting for a flight home and had about 4 or 5 hours to kill. So I sat at the bar and watched the game. Even then I thought about perusing the airport bookstore for a 4th time.


I'm all for the skills competition. I like the idea of a practice-squad-esque kind of game. I'd expand it though to players who played in less than (fill in a percent) their team's snaps. About the only thing that makes preseason watchable to me is seeing some of the younger guys who you'll likely never see in the regular season. You likely get to see some of your draft picks play a little more.

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They really should replace the game with a revamped skills challenge. I have not watched the game in a long fucking time and can't remember a single thing from any of them I have watched, but I can remember Darrel Green in the fastest man competition and the old QB challenges.



The NHL All Star skills competition was actually very cool....fastest slapshot, faster skaters, obstacle courses, etc....just fun shit to watch.

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I think a skills challenge would be boring as hell. They can do an event... maybe a flag football game because there really isn't tackling anyway, or just get rid of it altogether.


Baseball's all star game is a showcase for the fans and is a competitive game. It was that way before the ridiculous WS home field advantage rule. Sort of the same thing in basketball... although defense is usually down.


Football just can't do it. Instead of a skills competition, just an exhibition... like a race between Usain Bolt and Brandin Cooks or something.... offensive linemen sumo wrestling tournament.... that would be fun... just spit-ballin' here. Or just do nothing, move the NFL Honors event to that weekend and be done with it.

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The way these guys are "tackling" he's got more chance of getting injured at the after party.


Personally, I was extremely worried when he sprinted after DRC after DRC picked off a pass while covering him.

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