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Everything posted by TaylorBanksCarsonVanPelt

  1. What did he have?......Two or three run back for touchdowns? Phil used to say you have to throw the ball with a flatter trajectory at Giants Stadium because of the high crown; basically the field is higher at the 50 yard line then gently slopes from there. I guess the genius who thought it up, thought it would help with the drainage.
  2. Eat me Pat you Pat loving Whore.....scream nooooooo all you want. I like the guy who crawls into his shirt. LOL!!! The Great Escape and The Catch.....two of the greatest sports sequences in the same play.....forever.
  3. Three variables came together on that play. Craig carrying a carton of eggs; Erik Howard's head/helmet; and Lawrence Taylor hands/arms/lap to cradle that wonderful fumble. LOL!!! That and Mookie's dribbler through Buckner's legs were foreordained.
  5. Love all of the jealous Pats fans comments beneath the Giants fantasy girl....what a bunch of losers. God they still have not gotten over themselves yet. LOL!!!
  6. The French Gal here for the Bucs looks like she could be a member of my soon to be ex wife's family. Smoking Hot!!! If I could have the family look without the crappy attitude/personality....well I would not be heaing for a divorce. LOL!!! http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Zk0YFSjPV5A
  7. Yeah I hear you, and that is different than the kids or so-called investors who are buying up everything they see....especially if it says limited edition, special or some other modifier. Yeah real limited with at least 100-500,000 examples floating around. When the hobby as it stands today probably does not have more than a million dedicated collectors....if that many.
  8. I had a friend at my last job who is a fanatic baseball freak and was once into baseball cards and wanted to get back into it. I took him to these guys on William St.....near Water Street. Well these guys have a nice selection on their little table. Complete with little plastic boxes of the "real gems" and wonderful silver foil cards of everyone from the batboy to the MVP of the league. And like you said....not a one worth JACK SHIT and most definitely not for the prices they are asking for. I finally persuaded him to give it up. And go stare at one of his oldie cards that are actually worth something.
  9. Yeah its one thing to be a Boy Scout and a rat; but its another to sit down with guys and snort, blow and smoke everything in sight like everyone else. And then go on a canary run like nobody's business. If I was one of his interviewers I would have asked him point blank: "Wasn't your nose just as wide open as the guys you are ratting on there Mex? Uh Mex...gotta an answer?"
  10. All of that GD'd bubblegum....who else could it have been...LOL!!!
  11. You are correct on the comics spiel there Bro....I have quite a few Marvels from the 70's in very good and/or mint condition. But I stopped seriously collecting just before the Marvel Secret Wars cycle as it was just a stunt to sell underselling titles that maybe 5 pimple faces would read. I got them because I loved the story line. Then came Valiant, Dark Horse and a couple of other marks who along with Marvel and D/C started that whole silver foil editon; edition #0; and other gimmicky horseshit that sucked in a lot of kids and investors. The comics market from 88-92 was one giant speculative bubble that had to crash based on what people were doing. That is why during my several moves all of the garbage from that era was unloaded by me. Either I sold it in lots or just boxed it up for the sanitation man. Thousands of dollars up the bloody fucking spout. But at least I figured out the game before it crashed as was able to recover a lot of lost profits. I also blacklisted stores to kids that would not buy back the extra expensive shit they peddled to kids. I would tell them only buy from places where you can trade the shit in at least. Lastly I told them if you are going to collect; pick a maximum of 3 titles that you really like to read and enjoy the characters; because it probably won't be worth shit 10 or even 20 years down the line because of the over production. That being said I will buy the DVD during the upcoming season.
  12. I soured on Keith Hernandez when he sang like a bird (to me a lot of it was volunteered by him without any pressure) concerning the habits of fellow players during that drug scandal a few years back. People talk about Carter being a self-promoter....well to me Carter is very smarmy....but Keith is a little snake in the grass to me based on his current/past actions and words. Not saying though that he cannot call it as he sees it....the current Mets are a bunch of babies.
  13. Looks like she was in some type of accident.....that prominent left cheek bone looks like it was severely fractured. I guess he figured out the pecking order as she is on the outside. Poor dear a charity case if you ever saw one. Nothing but glory holes in her future.
  14. Fast food restaurants specialize in hours just short of the fed minimum. I almost broke out in hysterical gut busting laughter one time when I heard a cashier tell another cashier that such and such supervisor was real nice because he let her and the rest of her shift leave early on Saturdays. Honey....nice has nothing to do with it.
  15. Exactly....I will take sucking and being "lucky" every year if this is the result. Poor sportsmanship and poor knowledge concerning the history of the game where the Giants were the Yankees of pro football.
  16. LOL!!! Meant to write Nemesis....must have been delirious last night.
  17. The only objection....to me Lawrence Taylor was more like John the Baptist all fire and retribution...lol.
  18. Jesus H. Christ. Talk about crabs in a barrel....or maybe something minority members might empathize with a little more...."like cockroaches in a box, with a big shoe ready to come crashing down, but the cockroaches keep on eating each other". I was never a fan of Willie primarily because of the childish reason that he was an ex-Yankee. But boy was he laid out to dry. What the fuck kind of situation is that...you are the manager and can only name one coach. I would not give a fuck if I did not manage for the next 30 years...you can kiss my ass. I am bringing a lot to your organization (including the whole historic minority hire) to arguably NY's second team and yet you treat me like you are doing me this huge colossal favor just to look in my direction. Fuck you (Mets Owners) and drop dead...would have been my answer. He would have been better off being the first Elston Howard (as manager) for the Yankee's in the future; rather than licking ass for the Mets. No wonder Black American kids for the most part can give less than a shit about MLB; with all of this tribal horse shit going on. Where you have a Dominican GM being sweated by his owners and other Dominican's to hang out to dry the Black American who helped to right the ship. Shameful.
  19. That is Colombian Drug Lord VG.....unless you are saying Tempest was the biggest drug lord on the Columbia University campus up on 113th Street.
  20. My Old Man's middle name was MacBeth....LOL!!! He used to use his brother's first name (Maxwell) as his middle name. One time as a teenager I was downstairs in the basement with my father and his business partners. Rocco (Italian), Phil (Jewish), Harry (Puerto Rican) and Eddie (Black) and I made the mistake of telling them my Dad's middle name. After the laughter died down, I made sure I hid myself in my room for the rest of the weekend. Yeah the G-Men seem to be stacked for comp at the WR position.
  21. Not aAnti or Pro Shockey...but I love your response to the hypothetical Broke Back fans out there. LOL.
  22. Man I thought I had seen it all in NY Baseball. I have been a Mets fan since age 5, starting in '69 and I used to laugh at the Yankees and their follies. But Jesus what a low down way to do it to a guy. I was never a big fan of Willie as I thought he was more of a Yankee than anything else. But why do it to the guy this way. Either fire him before this series of games and/or wait out the season.
  23. LOL!!! Great description there 21-25....a dirty bare ass refrigerator, with a three year old box of stale arm and hammer in the back.
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