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Everything posted by TaylorBanksCarsonVanPelt

  1. You know I had a feeling....the same one back in 1980....with "Noooo....I am your father" or with the Sixth Sense knowing that main character is really dead, I had a feeling that Harrison was the one who wrote the forward. Well maybe he is not such a son of a bitch afterall. Good find Bleedin and a good read. It shows a lot of people that finding your way to Christ can happen anytime and anywhere....and it is a come as you are invitation with no one rejected by the Master. :worshippy:
  2. You Canuck Bastard.....its a plot....I tell ya..... a plot. :lol:
  3. Dumb kid.....I wouldn't trust him with the slurpee machine.....much less the deep frier....
  4. Disagree with the Newsday appellation there my friend...they are/were an award winning newspaper with higher editorial standards than the Los Angeles and New York Times. Only recently with the self inflicted money woes of the Tribune Company....that bled Newsday dry like a cash cow did the standards decline somewhat. But I would take their sports reporting over that of the Post or Daily News any day. Other than that you are point on.
  5. I listen to Papa exclusively via the radio feed. The only time last/this year that I listened to some of the TV feed was during the SuperBowl.
  6. And you know what? Simms is so objective and even handed, that it will not be a Giants love fest come right or wrong. And that would make it a must see and hear broadcast in my opinion. We would definitely see the difference between Simms/Strahan and homers like Steve Young or Aikman.
  7. Real nice Taylorized....real nice. Strahan was the last bridge to the Taylor/Simms era....I will miss him on Sundays.
  8. You are so right Blu....Strahan could smoke out a screen in the huddle....yet Osi is still susceptible to the misdirection plays.
  9. Tyree could be in traction and on crutches for the next six months and I would still give Moss one way plane fare out of here.
  10. I would take Carter over Mazzilli, though I could live with either one. Howard Johnson would be a good candidate as well.
  11. I hear ya....and as he continues to play he may make it to Strahan's level. Right now he is relying on strength and the speed rush. Strahan has taught us its more of a chess match out there more than anything else.
  12. I agree...Tuck is one of those Manimals that just plays the game with every fiber of his being. I see disruption of the O on just about every play he is in on. Remember Tuck was sucking wind when the Cheatriots scored their go ahead touchdown. He was like a vacuum cleaner trying to inhale enough oxygen on the sideline. But on their last series he just willed himself back into domination mode.
  13. I really think that is the scoutting report on Osi. Basically he has just one first move and you tell your QB to just step up inside of his rush and the lane he vacated should be wide open.
  14. It was a legit rivalry....but Rice always sells out on the run for the sack. That is why he saw a steady diet of draws, screens and other types of misdirection plays. Even in their prime I would still take Strahan as he is good against the run as well as being an elite pass rusher.
  15. The whole Latin connection thing has many of these guys acting like they are playing a pickup game in San Francisco de Marcoris rather than getting paid millions to produce and/or think while on the base paths. Omar should be the one getting the grief...he picked these guys....blows their noses for them....and wipes their asses. And that whole speaking Spanish to a player at length while his non-Spanish speaking manager stands by looking stupid is for the birds. My paternal grandparents were from Cuba and even they would not speak Spanish in mixed company with non-Spanish speakers unless the person being spoken to understood no English. That being said I was always luke warm about Randolph. We should have chosen Mookie Wilson, HoJo or even Carter or Backman before him.
  16. Sony can Blu-Ray its ass and follow it up with a shove up the spout with the whole DRM nonsense. I will wait it out another 2-3 years for this crap to settle out.
  17. Make sure she puts her swords and knives away first....then handcuff her just to be sure....then she could beg me all night long.
  18. One of the few things I hate about Coach Cheerleader's Redemption Tour...is that we keep that shit pile of a conditioning coach. :brooding:
  19. Nah....he prefers 'em short, bossy and Asian. Just like my avatar....."beg me....beg me"
  20. Agree completely. And he ruined his career playing a meaningless game against the Jets who gang tackled him like it was critical play in the Super Bowl as opposed to the pre season. And his frame, speed and ball hawking skills would have been better utilized at free safety after the injury.
  21. Diehl is a manimal....he has that desire to go out there and play one up against the guy on the other side of him. You can't coach that...and it is what makes him such a capable player in my opinion. Appears to get along with everyone and is not a locker room cancer. Just one of those guys that helps you win games.
  22. He really had a feel for the game...and almost always came up with the clutch interception. Never went for the kill shot and a real class guy.
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