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Everything posted by TaylorBanksCarsonVanPelt

  1. WHAT!?! COME OVER HERE?!? So that we can have 20 threads on how Eli still sucks?
  2. The power of Shockey must be harnessed for the good of mankind....no the very fate of the universe hinges on the proper use of SHOCKEY!!!
  3. It will be a glorious wonder to behold! :worshippy: :yikes: . Primitive aliens will worship it as a god.
  4. Yeah there are a couple of dudes there who are sober and logical thinkers....the rest are living in dream land.
  5. Hey Bro....I have been surfing that board as a guest. I hate to say it...but too many people over there are viewing him as the Second Coming before he even gets on the f'ing field. Jesus...talk about your wishful thinking. TE has been an underutilized position in terms of receiving since Cheerleader got here; in no way shape or form is this a huge unrecoverable loss for the Giants. And I am glad that we did not take the 2nd or 5th round this year as since we are so stocked at most positions, there was a danger of having to cut a potentially great player. No one got the best of anyone in this deal. Now Shockey got what he wanted; now he needs to shut the fuck up and produce. Otherwise I think many of your board buddies who love him now may tar and feather the bastard.
  6. Even better...lol. The threads of Shockey will become so numerous that they will form a singularity and all matter will be sucked down into it and transformed into pure energy.....only to emerge half a universe away through a white hole (not Shockey ) that will be the wonder of alien astronomers.
  7. Oh yeah how could I forget that brilliant play. And he was in position to slaughter the guy too.
  8. The Best Rome Total War mod ever....except when I was playing the Roma Barboroum mod....then it was too close to call. Well now off to CivFanatics so I can disappoint all of those newbs who want to play my Civ IV Mod: Realism 2.0.....heh, heh currently it is unplayable due to unforseen crash to desktop bugs;.....oh well eat'em you noobs. LOL!!! As the only American Mod I say Drop Dead and wait BEEWWWAAHhhhhahaahhhh!!!! :evilgrin: :evilgrin: :evilgrin:
  9. There will be 37 threads on the GMB....
  10. I will never forgive that sure touchdown he dropped against the 69'ers in the playoffs. I was vacationing in San Francisco a month after that game and my cousins who live in San Fran were reaming me unmercifully about that Hole and his big mouth and how he choked during a critical moment. :explode:
  11. All of that darn bike riding has affected his brain cells. He should be banned until the results of the neurological exam come in.
  12. LOL!!! Been watching too many episodes of the Price is Right....ha, ha, ha.
  13. Nothing but a pure Shockey board will satisfy my hunger for ALL THINGS....SHOCKEY!!!
  14. "Wider.....the parameters must WIDER....so that we can see the sun come out....." LOL!!!
  15. Nah, nah that is too narrow. How about #80; Reese is a moron....etc., Arm waving is me, broken legged sour puss; in a corporate box at the Super Bowl but still pissed off. The parameters must be as broad as is possible to encompass all that is Shockey.
  16. Yeah our O-Line were not out there auditioning for the Rockettes. Shockey stays...Shockey goes. It was a wash for me. But if he wanted out....and it seems the league knew it....then you are not going to get the best deal in the world for him either. I think they got value for what he is right now...not having taken a snap since the broken leg; but this is a lousy deal for the Shockey of his first 3 years here.
  17. LOL!!! The 3 guys who wanted Cheerleader gone before he even arrived....LOL!!! How ironic. Of them all, Michael was the only one to really get with the program without the backstabbing and griping in the wings.
  18. He was neither the Second Coming; nor is this an insurmountable loss. Should he be traded at this point no; will we regret it....I doubt it. Though I would have liked for him to come back at least one more year...shut up and silence his critics with his play. It looks like he will be doing that for the Aints. Some marriages end on simple things like miscommunication....and this seems to be one of them.
  19. LOVE IT!!!! But you know if the Patsies ever get us down, they are going to crap all over us. LOL!!! I still will hold my head high though. Think Brady has a man crush on Tuck?
  20. Agree with Gut....Walker's mom should have given him two middle names, Pass Interference. That way it cuts down on any confusion.
  21. Costas makes me want to throw the TV out the window. Gumbel I am neutral on....but I never listen to the TV feed anyway. Always the Giants feed with Bob Papa and crew (usually Carl Banks is there for color as well) on the WFAN. Have not graduated to Sirius Radio yet but when I do, its good to know that Papa is there.
  22. I hope I did not jinx us....I finally took Plaxico down and put my Ankhenaton and Nefertiti wallpaper back up. Hey it beats looking at Microsoft puppies.
  23. Man I was fist pumping like it was live....then I watched the other linked vids on YouTube. Great find Dragon.
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