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Our fake injuries last night


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League Issues Statement


It's ridiculous that the Giants are the ones getting thrown under the bus for this.


The truth is though that Grant and Williams, first of all shouldn't have gone down together, and second shouldn't have done such a lame job. Everyone does it, but once you make it that obvious people are gonna make a stink.


Best way to do it is probably to just not got up after a tackle, then you could just lie there and discuss the weather with the trainers for a minute, then be helped up and slowly walk off.






I can remember as a kid wondering how guys seem to be in such pain on the field, get up and jog off and be out there the next play. This is not new.

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Whether or not it's new or not and whether or not every other team does it or not....it's still being a pussy.


Grow a set of motherfucking balls and play the goddamn game. You lose, so be it. At least you lost being a man.


This bullshit saying it's a veteran move...I just lost a lot of faith in veterans.


I played soccer for too damn long and would love to watch pro and international games. But I can't. Not because they're not interesting, but because of this very same fake injury horseshit.


I'm glad the NFL has issued a statement. I wish they'd be able to do more, but I fully understand the difficulty in determining what is truly a fake injury. I'd have no problems extending it beyond one play. Something along the lines of...if you are injured, you're out a minimum of 3 plays unless those 3 plays are interrupted by a change in possession or a first down, in which case you'd be permitted to re-enter the field. Probably not perfect, but like I said, something along those lines.

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Whether or not it's new or not and whether or not every other team does it or not....it's still being a pussy.


Grow a set of motherfucking balls and play the goddamn game. You lose, so be it. At least you lost being a man.


This bullshit saying it's a veteran move...I just lost a lot of faith in veterans.


I played soccer for too damn long and would love to watch pro and international games. But I can't. Not because they're not interesting, but because of this very same fake injury horseshit.


I'm glad the NFL has issued a statement. I wish they'd be able to do more, but I fully understand the difficulty in determining what is truly a fake injury. I'd have no problems extending it beyond one play. Something along the lines of...if you are injured, you're out a minimum of 3 plays unless those 3 plays are interrupted by a change in possession or a first down, in which case you'd be permitted to re-enter the field. Probably not perfect, but like I said, something along those lines.


I'm in total agreement that it was a pussy move. I just don't think we should overreact...

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I'm in total agreement that it was a pussy move. I just don't think we should overreact...


You two let your moral code and your idea of what is and isn't manly get in the way of the main idea here.....


Who the hell cares if it's a pussy move? You're trying to win the game. It's all about winning and you take whatever advantage you can within the rule books to do so. Anything less isn't doing your best to win football games.

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You two let your moral code and your idea of what is and isn't manly get in the way of the main idea here.....


Who the hell cares if it's a pussy move? You're trying to win the game. It's all about winning and you take whatever advantage you can within the rule books to do so. Anything less isn't doing your best to win football games.


it's bush...and for a fan base that continues to try and discuss being the "classiest" organization, to accept it is to accept being bush. the dog would wonder what the response on here would be if it was the rams who had done it to the giants...

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"I went out one play," Grant said. "I got banged up, and went right back in and finished the game -- (just like I have) every game for my career. My whole thing is when (do) you know (if) somebody (is) faking an injury? ... I'm not no duck or no dummy. I'm not about to be going out there banging myself up like they do in the movies.


"You look at my knees now, do you see this knee (my right one), this knee is smaller than that one (my left one)? You see the bang-up, right?"


Grant said he banged his knee on the previous play while making a tackle. He began flexing his knee and knew he'd hurt it, but wanted to stay in the game. Grant said someone -- perhaps defensive end Justin Tuck -- was behind him and said, 'D, don't try to run off the field, just go down.' And I was like, 'No.' "


"But as I was walking they lined up knowing I couldn't get back into my position because of the injury, so I went down," Grant said. "It just so happened Jacquian (Williams) -- he was catching a cramp at the same time -- and he went down.


"I went out (and) came back in. I've been doing that my whole career. But you go and check my medical report. I (have) the injuries to speak for it. Two torn MCLs I never had surgery on. Wrist surgery. Shoulder surgery. (A) broken hip with a metal plate with screws in it, so I don't fake nothing. How can another person that's not in your body tell you when you're faking an injury?"


Had Grant attempted to get off the field, it could have left the Giants a defender short when the ball was snapped. Of course, they also could have called a timeout, a course of action teams might need to use in the future.



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The NFL commissioner wasn't impressed. This from ESPN:


The NFL sent a memo Wednesday to all 32 teams warning of fines, suspensions and loss of draft picks if the league determines players faked injuries during a game. Yet several players admit it's an accepted practice, and some coaches hinted they are not above condoning phony injuries if it provides a competitive edge.


"I've been places where it has been (taught)," said Browns linebacker Scott Fujita, a member of the players' union executive committee. "They have a name for it and I've been places where it's been pre-called. I've been places where it's one player who has been designated. Maybe I'm getting everyone in trouble, but I'm just being honest."


While calling it "real bush league" -- no pun intended -- Dolphins running back Reggie Bush said a coach "just designates a guy who fakes an injury. It's usually not a captain of the team. It's a guy who's expendable."


In the memo obtained by ESPN and The Associated Press, the NFL reminded teams of league policy that calls on coaches to discourage the practice, and that there was no specific rule on the topic.


However, two days after there was speculation the Giants' Deon Grant faked an injury against the Rams during the Monday night game, the NFL is warning of disciplinary action.


"It's always been in the game," Ravens All-Pro safety Ed Reed said. "It's all tactical stuff you need to use. Whatever it takes. ... If you're tired, you're tired. You get a break however you can."


Added 49ers running back Frank Gore: "Hey, I feel if it helps, do it. I'm bound to do it. Whatever it takes to win ..."


Rams coach Steve Spagnuolo said Tuesday the team notified the league office that it suspected the Giants were feigning injuries in St. Louis' 28-16 loss. Rams quarterback Sam Bradford said it was obvious the Giants were just buying time, with St. Louis running a no-huddle offense.


"They couldn't get subbed, they couldn't line up," Bradford said. "Someone said, 'Someone go down, someone go down,' so someone just went down and grabbed a cramp."


The memo from the league said:


"Going forward, be advised that should the league office determine that there is reasonable cause, all those suspected of being involved in faking injuries will be summoned promptly to this office ... to discuss the matter. Those found to be violators will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action for conduct detrimental to the game."


On Tuesday, Giants coach Tom Coughlin said he was not aware Grant might have faked an injury late in the first quarter. Coughlin said he thought Grant went down with cramps.


Grant on Wednesday said he wasn't pretending to be injured.


"I went out one play," Grant said. "I got banged up, and went right back in and finished the game -- (just like I have) every game for my career. My whole thing is when (do) you know (if) somebody (is) faking an injury? ... I'm not no duck or no dummy. I'm not about to be going out there banging myself up like they do in the movies.

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Even worse, Dog. They did it to Spagnola.


Here is the architect of perhaps one of the best defenses ever on a Superbowl team. If not the best. Yet, without him, the best they can do is fake injuries in the 1st quarter against a 500 team to keep them out of the endzone.


It's sad. Desperate. Cheap. And embarrassing.


This is the big bad NFC East?


Man up and play against your old coach.


We did. That was one play. We beat them the remainder of the game.


I want to hurry and say as much to you now, cause when the cowshits lose next weekend, you'll be ghost.

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it's bush...and for a fan base that continues to try and discuss being the "classiest" organization, to accept it is to accept being bush. the dog would wonder what the response on here would be if it was the rams who had done it to the giants...


It happens all the time, bro.


I wouldn't have personally gave a shit about it if the Rams had done it. That's smart football. Did it prevent a touchdown? Who knows? But it did give us every opportunity to get the right play and the right personnel on the field.

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Let's see if I'm following this: a QB can throw the ball directly into the ground to stop the clock; a running back can run out of bounds even if he has 10 free yards in front of him to stop the clock; but a defender feigning injury to DO THE EXACT SAME THING is the cause of sturm und drang.


No, I'm not saying it's all that great for the game: but how many advantages are enough for offenses?

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It happens all the time, bro.


I wouldn't have personally gave a shit about it if the Rams had done it. That's smart football. Did it prevent a touchdown? Who knows? But it did give us every opportunity to get the right play and the right personnel on the field.



sure it happens, but it is still bush. the dog isn't singling the giants out (except that if it happens all the time, they clearly need to fine tune their acting relative to other teams), but it is weak. and it may happen sporadically, but not all the time. takes away from the integrity of the game...

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Whether or not it's new or not and whether or not every other team does it or not....it's still being a pussy.


Grow a set of motherfucking balls and play the goddamn game. You lose, so be it. At least you lost being a man.


This bullshit saying it's a veteran move...I just lost a lot of faith in veterans.


I played soccer for too damn long and would love to watch pro and international games. But I can't. Not because they're not interesting, but because of this very same fake injury horseshit.


I'm glad the NFL has issued a statement. I wish they'd be able to do more, but I fully understand the difficulty in determining what is truly a fake injury. I'd have no problems extending it beyond one play. Something along the lines of...if you are injured, you're out a minimum of 3 plays unless those 3 plays are interrupted by a change in possession or a first down, in which case you'd be permitted to re-enter the field. Probably not perfect, but like I said, something along those lines.


One play off isn't much of a penalty for it... I'd have no problem with this.

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it's bush...and for a fan base that continues to try and discuss being the "classiest" organization, to accept it is to accept being bush. the dog would wonder what the response on here would be if it was the rams who had done it to the giants...


It happens every week... so the smart money says it wouldn't even be a topic of discussion. Because, you know, its never been a topic of discussion before.


Got any other questions with pathetically obvious answers?

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Did you all saw how Bryan Kehl called out Fewell for telling his players to fake injuries? Useless for the Giants, useless for the Rams.....I guess the guys gotta make himself a name somehow. Most people wouldn't have chosen to go the rat route, though....for shame Mr. Kehl, for shame.

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Did you all saw how Bryan Kehl called out Fewell for telling his players to fake injuries? Useless for the Giants, useless for the Rams.....I guess the guys gotta make himself a name somehow. Most people wouldn't have chosen to go the rat route, though....for shame Mr. Kehl, for shame.



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Did you all saw how Bryan Kehl called out Fewell for telling his players to fake injuries? Useless for the Giants, useless for the Rams.....I guess the guys gotta make himself a name somehow. Most people wouldn't have chosen to go the rat route, though....for shame Mr. Kehl, for shame.


Yeah, and then London Fletcher said he has a bigger problem with Kehl talking about what goes on in the meeting room than the fake injuries. LOL.

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Yeah, and then London Fletcher said he has a bigger problem with Kehl talking about what goes on in the meeting room than the fake injuries. LOL.


Deon Grant was saying how he lost all respect for Kehl and that Kehl was mad because the Giants let him go and he felt he wasn't treated right. LMAO.


The guy played in I think 1 game for us.


And yes, Nas, exactly, Bryan WHO?

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