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Seems to get injured a lot. Love the player, he is a terrific talent. I'm more about value, so I'd probably go with the Braylon Edwards trade, but only a 2 and a 4th would be my best offer. And then I would still draft Kenny Britt with the 1st.

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i'd do a 1, 2 and 5 for andre johnson in a hearbeat. until everyone jumped on the larry fitzgerald bandwagon he was the clear #1 in football

you can make a strong case for calvin johnson as well. had garbage QB's all year, no one else to take double coverage from him, and still caught 100 yds and a td or 2 each game. i would definitely send draft picks and perform a rescue operation on him.

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since we dont even have room for all our picks how about...


a 1, 2 and 5 for Andre Johnson


a 2, 3, 7 for Edwards


a 2, 4, 5, 6, for Boldin


We could give up a 1, 2 and 5th for Boldin. The Cards would take that. We wouldnt have to give up that many picks. I'd love to have either Johnson or Boldin.

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There are several rumors out there of the Giants working on a trade - Kiwi for Bolden


"Peter and I both agreed that the Giants have been very busy. It is hard to argue that the Giants have improved the front seven on defense with the acquisitions of Canty, Bernard and Boley. When I asked Peter about the future of Plaxico Burress with the Giants, he didn't seem to think there was one. Peter feels that the legal woes combined with Mayor Bloomberg's hard stance on guns will keep Burress away from the Giants all year. He did say that the Giants could be the final destination for standout Cardinal wideout Anquan Boldin". (Sid Rosenberg and Peter King) Sid Rosenberg Show


Another site that focuses on the Browns are talking about the Giants offering Kiwi for WR Braylon Edwards and PFT (profootballtalk.com) seems to think it's realistic that the Giants would be shopping Kiwi for a big play wideout that draws double coverage. They are also assuming Plax is finished with the gints.


MIdwest Sports


Profootball talk rumor mill



I have no idea if these rumors are substantive, but those rumors are out there and with the number of defensive linemen we now have, it would almost make sense. Not only did we pick up two new lineman, but Osi will be back so we have a net gain of 3. Kiwi might be the most movable of the gang because he's highly desireable and has two years left on a modest salary. Also, he's a hybrid that can play LB in a 3-4. Bottom line: who knows? Trust in Reese!

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Andre will most likely NOT be traded though.


Its a pipedream but possible and would do it in a splitsecond at almost any price since we need less picks now with the new young depth id throw Texans alot of picks


yeah, they're trying to get better, not rebuild.


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you can make a strong case for calvin johnson as well. had garbage QB's all year, no one else to take double coverage from him, and still caught 100 yds and a td or 2 each game. i would definitely send draft picks and perform a rescue operation on him.


a case coudl def be made for him. what's amazing about him is that he'd put up those numbers and only get like 3 catches in the game. he's younger though and prob more expensive. andre's my fav receiver in football. he's put up amazing numbers every single year he's been in the league and the majority of those were with david carr at qb

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I would keep Kiwi and I would never ever trade a pass rusher for a WR...but I think someone wrote it best...if we get Boldin, it will be for draft picks, not players.

I've been watching NFL Network and they are calling this year's draft one of the weakest drafts in a long time....only a handful of impact players. Might be a good year to trade draft picks if that's really the case. Regardless....we do have a logjam on the defensive line. Most teams carry 8 and sometimes 7. We already have 9 or 10 (13 if you count Anthony Bryant, Jeremy Clark, Leger Douzable, Robt. Henderson, and Tollifson). Somebody's going to go because they can't all get a lot of playing time. A lot of articles talk about cutting Robbins but that would be a big mistake in my opinion.....dittos with Cofield or even Alford who is also our only reliable long snapper. And Kiwi is great to rotate in on Osi or Tuck.

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I've been watching NFL Network and they are calling this year's draft one of the weakest drafts in a long time....only a handful of impact players. Might be a good year to trade draft picks if that's really the case. Regardless....we do have a logjam on the defensive line. Most teams carry 8 and sometimes 7. We already have 9 or 10 (13 if you count Anthony Bryant, Jeremy Clark, Leger Douzable, Robt. Henderson, and Tollifson). Somebody's going to go because they can't all get a lot of playing time. A lot of articles talk about cutting Robbins but that would be a big mistake in my opinion.....dittos with Cofield or even Alford who is also our only reliable long snapper. And Kiwi is great to rotate in on Osi or Tuck.

I have heard this is a weak draft as well, and actually I can tell it is a weak draft when Reese is pursuing free agents...somewhere along the lines they are going to trade away some of these picks, they being the Giants...if the draft is weak and the Giants really have not glaring needs, then a package of picks to Arizona for Boldin may be the way to go.

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last year we had de's: tuck,kiwi,wynn,mcdougle,tollefson,

dts': robbins, cofield, alfod



this year could be de's: tuck, osi, kiwi

dt's: canty,robbins,cofield,bernard,alford


I suspect we'll see a lot of Canty playing DE when spelling one or the other. From everything I've read about Boley, he's a freak of nature and an animal with unreal speed who would rather blitz than fall back. I suspect we'll have a pass rush again like we haven't seen since kicking patriot ass in the SB....except better!

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Looks like the plan is too move Canty around like we did with Tuck last year, so does that mean DT starters are Bernard and Coefield, Robbins wore down and Alford could be a solid backup, which leads me to believe that Robbins will be released and use Kiwi and the top three picks in some fashion to get Boldin, who by the way has been quiet has of late but won't be much longer once Warner is obtained by San Fran OUCH!!!!!!!!! Matt Leinart? :lol:

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you can make a strong case for calvin johnson as well. had garbage QB's all year, no one else to take double coverage from him, and still caught 100 yds and a td or 2 each game. i would definitely send draft picks and perform a rescue operation on him.

Very true, I thought about him but I don't think I saw a Lions game all year. Saw a couple Texans games and Johnson must have the strongest hands in the league. He steals the ball from db's.



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