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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. He flat-out sucked. Plus, I could never tell if he was black or white.
  2. Did Bomar even play this preseason?
  3. LOL I know. We have to wait till Giants.com posts their official depth chart.
  4. I'll bet you a dollar he finishes with MORE than twenty.
  5. ...and... what do you do with it the other 364 days of the year?
  6. So it would seem that Moss has not only made the roster... but may VERY WELL be the #4 receiver on the team.
  7. That really sucks. He worked hard with Osi all offseason and it looked like it was paying off.
  8. Nicks is weird. He keeps making all these big plays downfield but for some reason, he never really looks QUITE fast enough to be a deep threat. For the record though, I like him.
  9. I have no cable and can't access the feed of the game. How has Sinorice Moss looked so far? Has he had any playing time? What are his stats at this point? Do you think he'll be the #4 or better receiver? Has Tyree or Hagan outplayed him? How about Barden? I heard Barden's setting the world on fire.
  10. "Blackburn... in Through the Back Door." Isn't that an anal porn flick?
  11. We should trade Gerris Wilkinson for a BOWL of rice.
  12. Mine too! PLUS Selma Hayek owns my favorite set of boobs! I KNEW there was a reason I liked you!
  13. Squashed Osi rules. Way to man up, admit a mistake, and move on.
  14. I'm not down with it, honestly. Edwards has ONE good season and led the league in drops last year. We already have cheaper receivers that can lead the league in drops. If we offered Manningham, Hagan, or Moss + a 3rd, I'd consider it. If they want any other receiver, the answer should be "no."
  15. They haven't been playing Moss because... um... he's already a lock to make the team! They wanted to showcase OTHER guys so they can work out a trade before the regular season! Yeah... that's it.
  16. I thought it was originally, "slipped on a bag," then when people cried bullshit, it changed to "i was wrestling and I stepped on the bag." But like you said, he's a cancer... and we just got rid of all of ours.
  17. Fuck. Whenever the Giants win the Super Bowl in August, they usually end up watching it from their living rooms in February.
  18. If you thought that was bad... here's his rap sheet, via the Denver Post. This doesn't include the incident where he cut his hand and sustained nerve damage "wrestling with his friend" in the living room... like he didn't punch the TV.
  19. Sinorice Moss will be #4 or better on the depth chart opening day.
  20. Jeez I sure as hell hope not. If you thought Plax and Shockey were headaches... wait till you get a load of that clown.
  21. I heard people from Texas are kind of slow.
  22. Yes, it's preseason... but the WRs have been SO unimpressive that I'd by lying if I said I wasn't starting to get concerned. This may be one of those situations where we don't really see the recieving corps start to gel until midseason. I hope I'm wrong, but nobody has "wowed" me, and we're one big injury on the O-line away from being an average team.
  23. It's preseason. You don't show your hand. Steve Spagnuolo was an "untested assistant promoted to DC" and he became one of the best defensive minds in the game... after he had 85 points hung on him in the first two regular season games. God, you're dumb.
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