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It was obvious Airhorn had to go


here some others I'd cut/trade-








CC Brown

Danny Clark

Zak D'Ossie

Jeff Feagles

Fred Robbins

Chris Canty


Spend the entire draft on Lbers and Safteys......you can always pick up

RBs, lineman and Kickers ........also ask Tiki to return for one more year


see If we can get Kawika Mitchell back

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It was obvious Airhorn had to go


here some others I'd cut/trade-








CC Brown

Danny Clark

Zak D'Ossie

Jeff Feagles

Fred Robbins

Chris Canty


Spend the entire draft on Lbers and Safteys......you can always pick up

RBs, lineman and Kickers ........also ask Tiki to return for one more year


see If we can get Kawika Mitchell back


Jacobs isnt going anywhere, Osi probably isnt either(if he does, we better get a good trade for him). Seubert and Mckenzie are good for rotation, so I doubt they will be going anywhere. Bernard and CC have to go. Clark would be good for second string. Zak is up in the air, he hasnt paned out, but we are already in a bad LB situation. Feagles time is up, sad to say. Robbins I think it depends. He was hurt the year before and never really came back to form. He's getting old too, but might have a good year two before we let him go. If he's gone, probably wont be till after camp. I cant believe how much Canty sucked, but I think he's up in the air as well. If he cant prove in camp that he's worth the money we spent, he will be gone.


It will be a cold day in hell before we see Tiki in a Giants uniform. The draft should be focused on LB's and safties, but we are going to have to get a couple O-linemen as well. Id love to see Mitchell come back, but he is probably getting old too.

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It was obvious Airhorn had to go


here some others I'd cut/trade-








CC Brown

Danny Clark

Zak D'Ossie

Jeff Feagles

Fred Robbins

Chris Canty


Spend the entire draft on Lbers and Safteys......you can always pick up

RBs, lineman and Kickers ........also ask Tiki to return for one more year


see If we can get Kawika Mitchell back



I'm actually OK with most of that list, with a few exceptions and provided some of them can bring a return or at least not kill us cap-wise. Therein lies the caveat: cap ramifications with or without new CBA.


Never been a big Jacobs guy and would love to get out from under that contract. If CBA situation allows us to release him with no cap penalty, I'd jump at opportunity.


Osi should shut up and prove it on the field or be traded.....but if the best we can get is a 3rd round pick, I'll keep him and hope the 2nd year back after the knee surgery is the Osi of old. Offer me a #2 for Osi on draft day and I'd be mighty tempted.....


Seubert is reasonably priced and can play up and down the line. I'd like to see an upgrade to replace him on the starting unit (which could be Diehl moving inside if we get a stud tackle) but he provides good depth.


Feagles had a few bad games but he was the least of our problems.


You have to give Canty a chance to show what he can do. He was hurt all year. And if there is a cap penalty, releasing him would be a killer, since he just signed a big contract....which is the same reason you couldn't trade him. And I certainly wouldn't get rid of Osi AND Canty (because I agree with you on Bernard & Robbins).

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It was obvious Airhorn had to go


here some others I'd cut/trade-








CC Brown

Danny Clark

Zak D'Ossie

Jeff Feagles

Fred Robbins

Chris Canty


Spend the entire draft on Lbers and Safteys......you can always pick up

RBs, lineman and Kickers ........also ask Tiki to return for one more year


see If we can get Kawika Mitchell back



There's no need to cut Robbins or Clark, their contracts are up . They'll keep DeOssie for special teams and because he's cheap. I expect Feagles to announce his retirement. There's no need to cut Seubert, he's cheap and there's a good chance he'll take a reserve role. Rocky Bernard, I agree. CC Brown will be gone although I'd keep him because again he's cheap and when he was used properly he was better. Tynes will be kicker till he drops dead it seems.


The rest, pipe dreams, they arent' going anywhere.

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As said before, Robbins and Clark have expired contracts. DeOssie won't go anywhere, since he's the only healthy long-snapper we have until Alford shows otherwise. Seubert's contract is set up so that it's reasonable to keep him as a reserve, and he's still a decent player, just maybe not over a 16-game stretch. Mackenzie had a season packed with injuries, which was unusual for him, and he's been solid at RT: I wouldn't be in a rush to cut him just yet.


Really can't tell what Canty has with the season he just had. I doubt Osi goes anywhere, although I don't think he's untouchable at this point. I agree with Bernard.


How do you concentrate on LBs and Safeties in the draft if you want to get rid of half of the defensive line?


Tiki returning is a bad idea on a multitude of levels, from morale to the fact that he's entering his mid-30's after 2 years of being out of the game.

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As said before, Robbins and Clark have expired contracts. DeOssie won't go anywhere, since he's the only healthy long-snapper we have until Alford shows otherwise. Seubert's contract is set up so that it's reasonable to keep him as a reserve, and he's still a decent player, just maybe not over a 16-game stretch. Mackenzie had a season packed with injuries, which was unusual for him, and he's been solid at RT: I wouldn't be in a rush to cut him just yet.


Really can't tell what Canty has with the season he just had. I doubt Osi goes anywhere, although I don't think he's untouchable at this point. I agree with Bernard.


How do you concentrate on LBs and Safeties in the draft if you want to get rid of half of the defensive line?


Tiki returning is a bad idea on a multitude of levels, from morale to the fact that he's entering his mid-30's after 2 years of being out of the game.




We shouldn't be messing around too much with the team.


On the offensive side, it's more about planning for the future than replacing people.


On the defensive side, the majority of the draft has to be spent on restocking the linebacker corps....maybe Goff steps up and becomes a playmaker. Maybe Sintim is as good as we hope, and maybe Boley was just swamped by the mediocrity of his defensive teammates.


But regardless, Giants fans are sick of shitty linebacking. I can handle the occasional non-playoff year, but I can't handle crappy defense, and especially, I can't handle soft, slow linebackers.


We absolutely, positively, have to draft the best linebacker available when our turn comes.


With a 100% Tuck, a healthy Phillips and Alford, and a coordinator that is actually capable of making in-game adjustments, we head into 2010 in much better shape then we ended 2009.

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Fire Reese, hire Matt Millen.


It's time we Giants fans become humble for a six win season again.


I would not mind bringing in Matt Millen.....he would be an excellent negative barometer. Only offer him A and B choices, and whatever he said to do.....go the opposite way.


Coughlin should be on any real discard list too......hes out of touch


If things do not change you may well get our 6 season win prediction though. Another year of Coughlin coaching the same group with Sheriden brought back might well produce 4-12.


As for Tiki, I agree why would we ever want to bring back a player who proctically guarantees 1000 yds, 500 yds passing form him alone........if you moved out Coughlin, Tiki might actually return


How about Phil Simms for Head Coach or GM?

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It was obvious Airhorn had to go


here some others I'd cut/trade-








CC Brown

Danny Clark

Zak D'Ossie

Jeff Feagles

Fred Robbins

Chris Canty


Spend the entire draft on Lbers and Safteys......you can always pick up

RBs, lineman and Kickers ........also ask Tiki to return for one more year


see If we can get Kawika Mitchell back


That list is ridiculous.


Players that should and likely will stay on that list:


Jacobs, Osi, Seubert, McKenzie, DeOssie, and Canty. I would even like to keep Robbins but I think he's gone. You can never have too many quality bodies on the offensive and defensive lines. As much criticism as he took, Canty did not play poorly. He did not play as well as we'd hoped, but he was also not nearly as healthy as we hoped. This guy is a high quality DT when healthy. Likewise for Boley who is not on this list but also took a lot of post season criticism that wasn't warranted. When he was healthy, he was our best defensive player on the field, period. He not part of the problem.


We went 8-8 with a team that had a terrible rash of injuries. This team needs tweaking, not an overhaul. Alford will be back, and I expect Osi will perform better next season, and Jacobs as well. I expect a greater improvement from Osi than Jacobs, however. I fear Jacobs may suffer from the Eddie George career track. But he should be back and I think he will turn a solid, if not spectacular year for us in 2010. I'm hopeful for good things from Andre Brown next year, but I still think we need to spend a 3rd to 5th round pick on another upside running back.


As far as the offensive line, the weakest member was not McKenzie or Seubert, so I don't know why either is listed. It was Diehl, even though he (undeservedly) went to the Pro Bowl. Diehl struggled greatly in pass protection this season and we can't have that on Eli's blind side. I'm hopeful Beatty can beat him out next season and move Diehl inside to Seubert's position. I agree with boohyah that Seubert would probably be kosher with a reserve role, and he is too versatile and valuable to be let go. McKenzie had some injury trouble, but he is a solid RT and I didn't see any justfication for him being jettisoned. I think Jack doesn't realize how difficult it is to find quality starting tackles in the NFL, and McKenzie has been a stalwart there for us for several years. I would however, draft another tackle in rounds 2-5 to groom for the future, as I believe the time is now to groom both Diehl's AND McKenzie's eventual replacements.


I believe Feagles retired (if he didn't he should, someone correct me if I'm wrong).... DeOssie stays because like fish and boohyah said, he is valuable on specials and is cheap. I'm good with the rest of Jack's list, which is basically Tynes, Bernard, and Brown. Of course, as blu said, Sinorice should be gone and I'm pretty certain he will be.


Addition to the list that I would like to make: Ware (use his spot for a more upside rookie back). I would also say Gerris Wilkinson, but he is a UFA right now.


I'm optimistic about Sintim providing returns for us next year as the SLB, and paired with a healthy Boley I think we can be in pretty good shape. I would not take a chance at middle linebacker, though, and that position needs to be addressed in free agency, preferably, and if they go through the draft, which I think is not where we should look for a new starter at the mike. That idea is only as good as the available talent in free agency, however.


If the draft is the only way to go, then the Giants have little choice but to go MLB in the first round, and I would target a safety in round 2.


Anyways, this team could easily win the division next year with healthy players.... the talent on the Giants is there.

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That list is ridiculous.


Players that should and likely will stay on that list:


Jacobs, Osi, Seubert, McKenzie, DeOssie, and Canty. I would even like to keep Robbins but I think he's gone. You can never have too many quality bodies on the offensive and defensive lines. As much criticism as he took, Canty did not play poorly. He did not play as well as we'd hoped, but he was also not nearly as healthy as we hoped. This guy is a high quality DT when healthy. Likewise for Boley who is not on this list but also took a lot of post season criticism that wasn't warranted. When he was healthy, he was our best defensive player on the field, period. He not part of the problem.


We went 8-8 with a team that had a terrible rash of injuries. This team needs tweaking, not an overhaul. Alford will be back, and I expect Osi will perform better next season, and Jacobs as well. I expect a greater improvement from Osi than Jacobs, however. I fear Jacobs may suffer from the Eddie George career track. But he should be back and I think he will turn a solid, if not spectacular year for us in 2010. I'm hopeful for good things from Andre Brown next year, but I still think we need to spend a 3rd to 5th round pick on another upside running back.


As far as the offensive line, the weakest member was not McKenzie or Seubert, so I don't know why either is listed. It was Diehl, even though he (undeservedly) went to the Pro Bowl. Diehl struggled greatly in pass protection this season and we can't have that on Eli's blind side. I'm hopeful Beatty can beat him out next season and move Diehl inside to Seubert's position. I agree with boohyah that Seubert would probably be kosher with a reserve role, and he is too versatile and valuable to be let go. McKenzie had some injury trouble, but he is a solid RT and I didn't see any justfication for him being jettisoned. I think Jack doesn't realize how difficult it is to find quality starting tackles in the NFL, and McKenzie has been a stalwart there for us for several years. I would however, draft another tackle in rounds 2-5 to groom for the future, as I believe the time is now to groom both Diehl's AND McKenzie's eventual replacements.


I believe Feagles retired (if he didn't he should, someone correct me if I'm wrong).... DeOssie stays because like fish and boohyah said, he is valuable on specials and is cheap. I'm good with the rest of Jack's list, which is basically Tynes, Bernard, and Brown. Of course, as blu said, Sinorice should be gone and I'm pretty certain he will be.


Addition to the list that I would like to make: Ware (use his spot for a more upside rookie back). I would also say Gerris Wilkinson, but he is a UFA right now.


I'm optimistic about Sintim providing returns for us next year as the SLB, and paired with a healthy Boley I think we can be in pretty good shape. I would not take a chance at middle linebacker, though, and that position needs to be addressed in free agency, preferably, and if they go through the draft, which I think is not where we should look for a new starter at the mike. That idea is only as good as the available talent in free agency, however.


If the draft is the only way to go, then the Giants have little choice but to go MLB in the first round, and I would target a safety in round 2.


Anyways, this team could easily win the division next year with healthy players.... the talent on the Giants is there.



Bottom line, that there probably won't be many cuts per se. more than likely guys will finish out their contracts and they won't be renewed. Kevin Dockery won't be resigned clearly so he's gone. Robbins and Clark, gone. Feagles I'd say will retire. Aaron Rouse should be gone he sucks. CC Brown will probably go even thought I think he's getting a raw deal. Gerris Wilkerson, gone finally. Sinorice has to go, and if for some reason we fell we should keep him he should have the decency to leave. David Carr also won't be back.


If you add on the guys I hope are gone, Bernard and Tynes, we're talking :


3 linebackers

1 corner

2 safeties

1 punter

1 kicker

2 down lineman

1 qb.


That's 11 guys that have to be replaced. Now if my worst fear comes true and somehow Cofield goes elsewhere, that's 12. That's a serious revamp.

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That list is ridiculous.


Players that should and likely will stay on that list:


Jacobs, Osi, Seubert, McKenzie, DeOssie, and Canty. I would even like to keep Robbins but I think he's gone. You can never have too many quality bodies on the offensive and defensive lines. As much criticism as he took, Canty did not play poorly. He did not play as well as we'd hoped, but he was also not nearly as healthy as we hoped. This guy is a high quality DT when healthy. Likewise for Boley who is not on this list but also took a lot of post season criticism that wasn't warranted. When he was healthy, he was our best defensive player on the field, period. He not part of the problem.


We went 8-8 with a team that had a terrible rash of injuries. This team needs tweaking, not an overhaul. Alford will be back, and I expect Osi will perform better next season, and Jacobs as well. I expect a greater improvement from Osi than Jacobs, however. I fear Jacobs may suffer from the Eddie George career track. But he should be back and I think he will turn a solid, if not spectacular year for us in 2010. I'm hopeful for good things from Andre Brown next year, but I still think we need to spend a 3rd to 5th round pick on another upside running back.


As far as the offensive line, the weakest member was not McKenzie or Seubert, so I don't know why either is listed. It was Diehl, even though he (undeservedly) went to the Pro Bowl. Diehl struggled greatly in pass protection this season and we can't have that on Eli's blind side. I'm hopeful Beatty can beat him out next season and move Diehl inside to Seubert's position. I agree with boohyah that Seubert would probably be kosher with a reserve role, and he is too versatile and valuable to be let go. McKenzie had some injury trouble, but he is a solid RT and I didn't see any justfication for him being jettisoned. I think Jack doesn't realize how difficult it is to find quality starting tackles in the NFL, and McKenzie has been a stalwart there for us for several years. I would however, draft another tackle in rounds 2-5 to groom for the future, as I believe the time is now to groom both Diehl's AND McKenzie's eventual replacements.


I believe Feagles retired (if he didn't he should, someone correct me if I'm wrong).... DeOssie stays because like fish and boohyah said, he is valuable on specials and is cheap. I'm good with the rest of Jack's list, which is basically Tynes, Bernard, and Brown. Of course, as blu said, Sinorice should be gone and I'm pretty certain he will be.


Addition to the list that I would like to make: Ware (use his spot for a more upside rookie back). I would also say Gerris Wilkinson, but he is a UFA right now.


I'm optimistic about Sintim providing returns for us next year as the SLB, and paired with a healthy Boley I think we can be in pretty good shape. I would not take a chance at middle linebacker, though, and that position needs to be addressed in free agency, preferably, and if they go through the draft, which I think is not where we should look for a new starter at the mike. That idea is only as good as the available talent in free agency, however.


If the draft is the only way to go, then the Giants have little choice but to go MLB in the first round, and I would target a safety in round 2.


Anyways, this team could easily win the division next year with healthy players.... the talent on the Giants is there.


I agree Deihl lucked out winning the SB, and making the pro bowl.....we should show him the door


FOOL hahahaha


maybe we should put your boy mckenzie on Elis blindside so Eli can get decapitated LOL

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remember deihls contract has a clause where we can pay him less if we move him to guard



and seubert's has a clause where we can pay him less if he moves to backup


While its true Deihl did allow a couple of sacks last years


What LT does not.....its part of the game


Few seem to remember Pettigout who took our money and false started 6-7 times per game, and allowed sacks by the bushel

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Bottom line, that there probably won't be many cuts per se. more than likely guys will finish out their contracts and they won't be renewed. Kevin Dockery won't be resigned clearly so he's gone. Robbins and Clark, gone. Feagles I'd say will retire. Aaron Rouse should be gone he sucks. CC Brown will probably go even thought I think he's getting a raw deal. Gerris Wilkerson, gone finally. Sinorice has to go, and if for some reason we fell we should keep him he should have the decency to leave. David Carr also won't be back.


If you add on the guys I hope are gone, Bernard and Tynes, we're talking :


3 linebackers

1 corner

2 safeties

1 punter

1 kicker

2 down lineman

1 qb.


That's 11 guys that have to be replaced. Now if my worst fear comes true and somehow Cofield goes elsewhere, that's 12. That's a serious revamp.


That's not a serious revamp, Booh. That number looks pretty close to on par with most seasons. Consider you input about 5 rookies a year that make the team plus free agent signings every year... Plus, most of those guys are role players or backups... none of those guys with the exception of Robbins could be considered part of the core of the team. Even Clark, although brought in to be a starter, as really just a placeholder for Sintim this year and is very replaceable. Rouse, Brown, Wilkerson, Moss, Carr... they just kept the bench warm or were pressed into duty due to an unfortunate rash of injuries.

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While its true Deihl did allow a couple of sacks last years


What LT does not.....its part of the game


Few seem to remember Pettigout who took our money and false started 6-7 times per game, and allowed sacks by the bushel


Petitgout had a couple of good seasons, and I do remember him well. His career with us was marred by back problems and false starts. But Diehl said "Ole'" to far too many defensive ends this year, and not just speed rushers. At times he just looked terrible in pass protection, and it cannot just be dismissed as "part of the game." Jamarcus Russell couldn't complete 50% of his passes this year, but would you defend him by saying that incompletions are just "part of the game?" Just a pointless statement.


I'm not saying Diehl is garbage, he's not. But he did not have a good season and I think we'd get better on the O-line by moving him inside if Beatty is ready and able to take over for him. And that's a big IF.

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I'm not saying Diehl is garbage, he's not. But he did not have a good season and I think we'd get better on the O-line by moving him inside if Beatty is ready and able to take over for him. And that's a big IF.

I wouldn't mind seeing that at all. Diehl has already proven himself at guard, and having the guy you replaced giving you on the job training one spot next to you couldn't do anything but help.

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That's not a serious revamp, Booh. That number looks pretty close to on par with most seasons. Consider you input about 5 rookies a year that make the team plus free agent signings every year... Plus, most of those guys are role players or backups... none of those guys with the exception of Robbins could be considered part of the core of the team. Even Clark, although brought in to be a starter, as really just a placeholder for Sintim this year and is very replaceable. Rouse, Brown, Wilkerson, Moss, Carr... they just kept the bench warm or were pressed into duty due to an unfortunate rash of injuries.


I understand what you're saying asj, I guess Robbins going and Alford coming back is a trade off. But losing 3 linebackers is a big deal and you're punter and kicker are key elements. Also after this year, getting serious backup for safety and corner is a big deal.

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I understand what you're saying asj, I guess Robbins going and Alford coming back is a trade off. But losing 3 linebackers is a big deal and you're punter and kicker are key elements. Also after this year, getting serious backup for safety and corner is a big deal.



No doubt. I didn't even really comment on special teams as I suppose I'm taking it for granted that whoever we get to replace Tynes (and I hope he is replaced) will be an improvement, but you can never really know for sure. Feagles is a big loss because the guy was a dead eye on the corner kicks. I think the Giants should be able to get adequate replacements for those positions.


Losing AP and Clark could potentially be troubling, but Wilkerson didn't see the field nearly enough to say that he will be missed at all. He was mostly a forgotten man on the bench this year. Out of it all, replacing AP is what I'm most concerned about, even though I believe that if we had to roll with Goff and Blackburn, we'd be ok (if we don't suffer the gamut of injuries to our defense next year that we did this past one). And I'm also very optimistic on Sintim, perhaps too much so. But he's young and Clark wasn't exactly a standout although his professionalism and contributions were appreciated by me.


I definitely recognize a big need to get a guy to replace AP.... but overall I'm not seeing the gaping holes that need filling that others are. And yes, safety and corner are huge. Our defensive backfield was a mess this year... and it started as soon as KP got hurt. We can't gamble on him being right again, same goes for Ross. His hamstring issues could be chronic as frequently as he gets them and as slow as he is to heal from them. I said we should've signed Bernard Pollard or someone similar at the beginning of the year because we had no depth at safety and it proved to be a an achilles heel. I'm confident Reese won't make that same mistake again. Free agency period is almost upon us. If we grab a couple of veterans for our defense, particularly with respect to linebackers and the defensive backfield, I feel confident that Reese will find us a few gems in the draft to do the rest in replacing some of the chaff that will be leaving us.

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