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Usama Young


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I agree. What point are you trying to make, Nas? :confused:


I think it's interesting that's all.


Why do some posters sound like they havn't had their first cup of coffee yet? Sheesh lighten up guys, it ain't that serious.

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Personally, I'm shocked and appalled that the most diverse, accepting, tolerant country on Earth would let a guy named Usama in their National Football League. What have we become?!


And there-in lies the irony which is why I posted this up. And I will admit this topic now maybe more fitting in the P&R section... how many times did we hear Obama's middle name mentioned time and again and in not a very good way?

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And there-in lies the irony which is why I posted this up. And I will admit this topic now maybe more fitting in the P&R section... how many times did we hear Obama's middle name mentioned time and again and in not a very good way?

because its politics...Nas when you have some time I will sit down with you, buy you a beer and explain how politics works...my mother used to be very heavily involved in Trenton politics, she told me a story where the opponent of the person she was working for left some dead animals on her car...needless to say all that did was piss her off and, well it went back and forth.

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I think it's interesting that's all.


Why do some posters sound like they havn't had their first cup of coffee yet? Sheesh lighten up guys, it ain't that serious.

I was well past my first cup of coffee, I just didn't get your point. I thought maybe he had some fantastic stat or something else I was missing. If it's just his name, hell, there's plenty of other intersting names out there...like Lousaka Polite for instance. (Who, by the way, happened to have been a Giant at one time......who knew)? :P

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And there-in lies the irony which is why I posted this up. And I will admit this topic now maybe more fitting in the P&R section... how many times did we hear Obama's middle name mentioned time and again and in not a very good way?


Well, it is an infamous name, isn't it? And come on, that's politics. We heard alot about the cost of a wardrobe, too. :rolleyes:


What's ironic is people throwing these things out there looking for a specific response just to get the chance to call them out for being narrow minded.


I could be wrong. Go Giants? :)


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Well, it is an infamous name, isn't it? And come on, that's politics. We heard alot about the cost of a wardrobe, too. :rolleyes:


That's true. Oddly enough one of the guys who represented the US' Olympic boxing team is an American of Yemeni decent and his name is Osama as well.

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That's true. Oddly enough one of the guys who represented the US' Olympic boxing team is an American of Yemeni decent and his name is Osama as well.


To me, that's not odd, and I will refer to my 1st post. Saying this is the most diverse, accepting, and tolerant country is not BS. I will bet my ass that we'd be less likely to ever hear of a Yemeni boxer named Michael Smith.

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To me, that's not odd, and I will refer to my 1st post. Saying this is the most diverse, accepting, and tolerant country is not BS. I will bet my ass that we'd be less likely to ever hear of a Yemeni boxer named Michael Smith.


It's a mixed bag.. yes there's a lot of tolerance here but by the same token and thanks to the evangelical self-righteous bigots, I've seen that reputation tarnished.

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It's a mixed bag.. yes there's a lot of tolerance here but by the same token and thanks to the evangelical self-righteous bigots, I've seen that reputation tarnished.


I doubt the self-righteous evangelicals are the only bigots around. Of course it's a mixed bag, that's human nature. There is no perfect world, but at least here we can all get on with our lives in relative peace, despite all our differences.

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boxing still exists? does anybody really watch that sport anymore?


Yea..not the corrupt Las Vegas boxing.. but the olympic sport. Besides I stopped watching that shit when one guy broke down and cried two minutes into the fight with Tyson.. don't recall who the fuck he is.. nor have I ever paid for a single PPV event... I leave that to my fellow Americans who ALWAYS need entertainment..

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Yea..not the corrupt Las Vegas boxing.. but the olympic sport. Besides I stopped watching that shit when one guy broke down and cried two minutes into the fight with Tyson.. don't recall who the fuck he is.. nor have I ever paid for a single PPV event... I leave that to my fellow Americans who ALWAYS need entertainment..


Yeah, where has BadEgg been?

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