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I'm getting a little sick and tired of listening to sports radio (I'm looking at you Carton you fence-riding bitch) and papers bitching about PSLs. Guess what folks it costs money to build a stadium. It costs money to field a team. Yeah the common fan may and will get pushed out of their seats. But if you have any clue what you are talking about you will know that building an 80K stadium with top-notch facilities is NOT cheap at all. And when you think about how the players are taking in more and more of the profits thanks to the last CBA you will understand how building up the cash to afford a stadium is near impossible without using PSLs.

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...almost makes you wonder how they did it for 80+ years without PSLs, right?


The cost of building has skyrocketed lately. And teams were not burning up so much of their profits on player salaries. If someone can produce evidence that the team is banking huge on these PSLs I'll be pissed. No reason to exploit the fans to profit off of building a new stadium. But from everything I have seen and read, and from my own experience in the commercial/industrial construction business, it makes sense to need PSLs to afford a new stadium, especially in the NY area.


Oh and another thing.....the retarded estate tax? When John Mara and Hollywood Tisch kick the bucket in order for their inhereters to receive their shares they will have to pay almost 50% of the value of the shares. Think about that....lets say the Giants are worth 1 Billion. Lets say for the sake of simplicity that the Maras and Tisches own 50/50 shares. Lets say each owner has only 2 kids. That means in order for the 4 kids to legally acquire ownership they will have to each dish out 125 million just to retain their ownership.

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The cost of building has skyrocketed lately.


If Joe Schmo who's a season ticket holder at Giants Stadium, wants to build his dream house, but can't because he can't afford it, he doesn't get to build it. The Giants, on the other hand, want him to fork out anywhere between $1,000 to $20,000, to help them build theirs. Are the Mara's and Tisch's puttting all their money into this project?. You can bet not.



Oh and another thing.....the retarded estate tax? When John Mara and Hollywood Tisch kick the bucket in order for their inhereters to receive their shares they will have to pay almost 50% of the value of the shares. Think about that....lets say the Giants are worth 1 Billion. Lets say for the sake of simplicity that the Maras and Tisches own 50/50 shares. Lets say each owner has only 2 kids. That means in order for the 4 kids to legally acquire ownership they will have to each dish out 125 million just to retain their ownership.



I'll donate some money to the cause, how's a nickel?

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the sad thing here was there was absolutely no need what so ever for a new stadium.


The sad thing is the lack of fiscal responsibility of teams such as the Giants/Jets and Yankees, who completely fucked up in terms of budgeting and the fact that no-one is taken to task for it. We just allow it to happen.


I've said it before, the fan has more power than they ever think and if they just would take a stand.

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I really don't think we have a bitch here. Most of the older stadiums were built almost entirely with public funds: at least the new stadium is being built with the costs falling where they actually belong: on the owners and fans, and not on people that will never set foot in the facility.


This might be an unpopular opinion, but when you think about it, this is probably the right way to go about this. I feel bad for people that won't be able to afford it, but season tickets are a luxury.

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Oh and another thing.....the retarded estate tax? When John Mara and Hollywood Tisch kick the bucket in order for their inhereters to receive their shares they will have to pay almost 50% of the value of the shares. Think about that....lets say the Giants are worth 1 Billion. Lets say for the sake of simplicity that the Maras and Tisches own 50/50 shares. Lets say each owner has only 2 kids. That means in order for the 4 kids to legally acquire ownership they will have to each dish out 125 million just to retain their ownership.


Yeah, I always shed a tear when multi-millionaires have to pay taxes. If it bugs them so much, tho, they can donate their money to the Make Sephiroth Rich Foundation, and I'll even pay 75% of the value of the shares so long as they give me all the money they have. :TU:


See? Problem solved! Everyone's happy! Maybe they can throw in Kate Mara too as a deal sweetener! :drool:

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I'm getting a little sick and tired of listening to sports radio (I'm looking at you Carton you fence-riding bitch) and papers bitching about PSLs. Guess what folks it costs money to build a stadium. It costs money to field a team. Yeah the common fan may and will get pushed out of their seats. But if you have any clue what you are talking about you will know that building an 80K stadium with top-notch facilities is NOT cheap at all. And when you think about how the players are taking in more and more of the profits thanks to the last CBA you will understand how building up the cash to afford a stadium is near impossible without using PSLs.



You need to shut the fuck up. Obviously its not gonna affect you because you can afford it. Atleast thats what I get from your post. Wellington Mara would never have let this happen and John Mara should absolutely be ashamed of himself for doing this to the blue collar man. Fuck you and all you rich fuckin bastards who this doesnt seem to bother. I work hard for my money and wont be able to pay the 400$ its gonna cost to get in the new stadium. 2 teams, one stadium? PSL's? yeah, ok.........

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You need to shut the fuck up. Obviously its not gonna affect you because you can afford it. Atleast thats what I get from your post. Wellington Mara would never have let this happen and John Mara should absolutely be ashamed of himself for doing this to the blue collar man. Fuck you and all you rich fuckin bastards who this doesnt seem to bother. I work hard for my money and wont be able to pay the 400$ its gonna cost to get in the new stadium. 2 teams, one stadium? PSL's? yeah, ok.........


You need to open your ears and your mind and realize it costs money to build stadiums. And in the NY metro area it costs a LOT of money. Especially since they are being built by union labor. The Giants and Jets are not charitable organizations. They are not going to take on a huge amount of debt just so the "blue collar man" can go to a game.


Wellington would have had to use PSLs. How else are you going to fund the stadium? Charge a ridiculous amount for the seats? Isn't that driving out the "blue collar man"? How about going to the state and local governments and getting them to chip in? Oh wait where does that money come from? "Blue collar man" AND "rich fuckin bastards".


And as for your wild assumption that I am rich or have the financial capacity to go to games you are wrong. The only way I ever get to see a game is if someone who has tickets invites me.

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Yeah, I always shed a tear when multi-millionaires have to pay taxes. If it bugs them so much, tho, they can donate their money to the Make Sephiroth Rich Foundation, and I'll even pay 75% of the value of the shares so long as they give me all the money they have. :TU:


See? Problem solved! Everyone's happy! Maybe they can throw in Kate Mara too as a deal sweetener! :drool:


You don't see the problem that family-owned teams will have in retaining control? Where are the Mara and Tisch kids going to come up with the money?

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the sad thing here was there was absolutely no need what so ever for a new stadium.

absolutely we are New Yorkers we will watch our teams play in a sandlot for christ sakes, We are losing Shea,Yankee and Giants stadium cause they all have greedy assholes for owners. None of those teams need a new stadium. I want us to keep Giants stadium and give the Jets this corporate piece of shit we are building across the street. I don't need Budweiser,Metlife or whoever the fuck else to tell me to be a Giants fan. the NFL is starting to become NASCAR next players will be wearing 80 patches on their jerseys, cause we need sponsorship to fund this new piece of shit, for corporate suits, who don't know Eli from fucking Peyton or Tom Brady from Brady Quinn Can fill the stadium and enjoy football, I will still enjoy it just not live anymore.

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You need to shut the fuck up. Obviously its not gonna affect you because you can afford it. Atleast thats what I get from your post. Wellington Mara would never have let this happen and John Mara should absolutely be ashamed of himself for doing this to the blue collar man. Fuck you and all you rich fuckin bastards who this doesnt seem to bother. I work hard for my money and wont be able to pay the 400$ its gonna cost to get in the new stadium. 2 teams, one stadium? PSL's? yeah, ok.........


Wellington Mara was a business man. Football was his business. He would have done whatever he could to make a profit in his business. He made sure he got as sweet a deal as possible before crossing the Hudson. There is no reason to think he wouldn't have went for PSLs. Remember, he was still alive when they started planning for the stadium.


The Rooney's are just as old and storied as the Mara's are. You can get two PSLs for the Steelers for as low as $15,500 on eBay.


I wish I was a rich fuckin bastard.

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going to games is overrated anyway. season tickets weren't that great an investment before the new stadium--they're doing us a favor, you can do a lot more for yourself for 1,000 bucks than buy the right to buy tickets to a football game

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since we're on the subject of stadiums. What are the expiration date for stadiums these days? 50, 40, 30 years? it's crazy how often new stadiums are needed these days.. this is the last year for Shea, Yankee, and Giants stadium. it's crazy how all three picking the same time..

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Wellington Mara was a business man. Football was his business. He would have done whatever he could to make a profit in his business. He made sure he got as sweet a deal as possible before crossing the Hudson. There is no reason to think he wouldn't have went for PSLs. Remember, he was still alive when they started planning for the stadium.


The Rooney's are just as old and storied as the Mara's are. You can get two PSLs for the Steelers for as low as $15,500 on eBay.


I wish I was a rich fuckin bastard.



I understand that he was a buisness man. I disagree that Wellington would have let it happen.


And as for your wild assumption that I am rich or have the financial capacity to go to games you are wrong. The only way I ever get to see a game is if someone who has tickets invites me.


I apologize. I still dont see how this doesnt bother you. I enjoy going to games. Its expensive enough as it is, and now its gonna be near impossible for me to see a game in the new stadium. Im not paying the 200-300$ for nosebleeds.

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No please explain to me how you see them being able to come up with the money.



When Wellington died he left the team to his wife, his kids and all of his grandchildren...

so the tax burden wouldn't be that heavy on his family.



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I understand that he was a buisness man. I disagree that Wellington would have let it happen.




I apologize. I still dont see how this doesnt bother you. I enjoy going to games. Its expensive enough as it is, and now its gonna be near impossible for me to see a game in the new stadium. Im not paying the 200-300$ for nosebleeds.



Don't kid yourself, Wellington Mara would have made this move also, and the fact that the Rooney's did it before him would only have made Wellington feel less guilty about doing it.

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No please explain to me how you see them being able to come up with the money.



1. You have 100 billion dollars and a football team bequeathed to you. You get 60 billion, and 60% of the football team. You use 600 million or so to pay for the tax on the remainder of the team.


2. You're a trust fund baby who's had money stashed away since you were a twinkle in your old man's eye.



Please. Not be able to afford it? You've gotta be kidding, Lube. When have you EVER seen that?

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1. You have 100 billion dollars


What 100 billion dollars? Oh you mean the value of the team? Ok 50 billion needs to be paid in taxes. Oh wait the money is only magical money, money that the team is WORTH, not real money. So you need to come up with REAL money to pay taxes on WORTH money. Now do you see the problem?

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I went to the GB game in week 2 last year, 4 of us. We easly dropped 1000 dollars on tickets, and another 60 just to park the car. NTM the Jacobs jersey I got, the Manning Jersey my cousin got, and the 100 dollars in food be bought. Not including the beer we bought. It will be worse in the new place. Anyone who thinks that is reasonable needs there head examined. How anyone could be ok with the exit of true fans from the stadium (the few that could afford it how it was) is beyond me. We will be (and almost already are) the easiest home game for every team to go to. Why would ANY Giant fan be ok with that? I would far rather we just stay right where we are.

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