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The Giants are cheap and dirty


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The focus of cheap talk

Packers well versed in tactics used by Giants



Posted: Jan. 16, 2008


Green Bay - Aaron Kampman didn't want to talk about it Wednesday. He took the rather diplomatic approach of not providing the New York Giants with anything that could be deemed bulletin-board material.


Giants receiver Amani Toomer gets an unsportsmanlike penalty called against him for taunting Packers linebacker Nick Barnett during the teams' meeting in September.

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But what happened to Kampman during the Week 2 matchup with the Giants - and the immediate aftermath - said all that needed to be said.


About the Giants and their style of play. And what the Packers are going to contend with in Sunday's NFC Championship Game.


With 3 minutes 22 seconds remaining in the Packers' 35-13 victory at Giants Stadium, Kampman was blocked to the ground by Giants center Shaun O'Hara. As backup quarterback Jared Lorenzen was sacked, Kampman started to get up when O'Hara delivered a forceful forearm to the back of Kampman's neck.


Kampman, one of the most gentlemanly players in the game, responded by flipping O'Hara on his back and nearly punching him. But Kampman had the self control to stop himself. After the game, however, Kampman's displeasure couldn't be halted.


"I had a player that did something real dirty to me," Kampman said after that game. "This was stuff that he shouldn't be doing and he won't do it again."


O'Hara was not in the Giants' locker room Wednesday in New York. No matter, really. The Giants' method of operation - tough, physical football that approaches the line of dirty play - is no secret in NFL circles.


"I'm going to tell you, we saw it on film," New England Patriots safety Rodney Harrison said after facing the Giants in the regular-season finale. "It wasn't no secret. They push, they hit late, they come at you and try to take you out. That's the way they play."


Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. When Harrison - who has twice been voted the league's dirtiest player in a player poll conducted by Sports Illustrated - questions your tactics, then you've arrived if your goal is to be a physical team.


And that's exactly what the Giants try to do, week in and week out. And their game plan against the Packers will be no different. Not in the least.


"I think this is going to be the most physical game that any of us have ever played to this point," Giants wide receiver Plaxico Burress said. "It is going to be physical even when guys are lying on the ground with guys taking cheap shots and things like that. This is the game to get to the Super Bowl and this is the game that you have to win to get there. It is just going to be a tough game all the way around."


The Packers' coaches, especially on defense, have been warning their players all week about keeping their cool against the Giants.


"It's a big emphasis, especially with so much being on the line in the game," said defensive end Cullen Jenkins. "We're aware that they do that stuff and we expect them to try it again. It's just up to us to keep our cool and not give them anything cheap. That's what they want to do - they want to bait you into giving them the 15 yards. We just have to keep our cool, you know? Not let it happen."


Jenkins is hearing the lesson loud and clear this week. Against the Giants, he got into skirmishes on three occasions and one, a retaliation against O'Hara for a two-handed punch to the face, drew a 15-yard personal foul penalty.


Linebacker Brady Poppinga also was flagged for a personal foul after he retaliated against Burress for hitting an unsuspecting A.J. Hawk from behind after the play was over - on the second play of the game.


Of the six personal-foul penalties the Packers were assessed this season, two were against the Giants.


Then there was the play where wide receiver Amani Toomer, after being shoved by linebacker Nick Barnett, tried to get revenge by diving at Barnett's knees.


"That's how they play," said defensive tackle Ryan Pickett. "They do a little extra stuff after the whistle, things like that. It's a part of football, but they seem to do a little extra. You've got to keep your eyes on them. We just have to take it to them, not sit back and wait, because they get you on fouls and things like that. It's stuff we've seen all year, but they do it as a group."


The first time around, the Packers didn't face running back Brandon Jacobs due to injury. But they are well aware of his trash-talking tendencies after he was involved in a handful of post-play confrontations in last week's victory over the Dallas Cowboys.


The Packers have seen the film. They have been warned by their coaches. Now it's up to them to follow Kampman's lead and resist the Giants' bait.


"Oh yeah, they do some stuff after the whistle," said defensive tackle Corey Williams. "We're going to beat them between the whistles. We ain't going to take no cheap shots at them. The shots we're going to take at them are going to be legal shots. They'll be hard, but they'll be legal."


18 games the Giants have played. Only once or twice have they drawn unnecessary roughness calls....if the Giants are such dirty players why is it this is the first time I have heard of it after 18 games? Sounds like the GB media just trying to create a story.

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18 games the Giants have played. Only once or twice have they drawn unnecessary roughness calls....if the Giants are such dirty players why is it this is the first time I have heard of it after 18 games? Sounds like the GB media just trying to create a story.



We're no dirtier than the Broncos o-line that capped their ass in the Superbowl.


If Rodney Harrison couldn't play football, he'd be a bum on the street. He's scum, I could care less what he thinks, being the cheap shot artist he is.

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Sounds like fear to me. If you ain;'t out there to play football and be physical, what are you out there for. Football is an emotional game, shit happens. I have not talked to one fan this season who has even hinted that he thought the Giants played dirty. I don't even think Egg and Pup have said we play dirty.


Like i said, if dirty play by the Giants is on the Packers minds right now? They're worried.

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I don't think the Giants are a dirty team, and who the fuck is Rodney Harrison to say anything about "cheap shots?"


Now that being said, the Toomer hit on Barnett was definitely a dirty shot, and I remember a hit or two by Plax that I thought was questionable as well.


But that lineman saying, "I was on the ground, and he threw a forearm to my head" WAAAAAHHHHH! "The Big football man was trying to hurt me!"


Jesus, take the skirt off.... bunch of fuckin' Sallies. :huh:

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Sounds like fear to me. If you ain;'t out there to play football and be physical, what are you out there for. Football is an emotional game, shit happens. I have not talked to one fan this season who has even hinted that he thought the Giants played dirty. I don't even think Egg and Pup have said we play dirty.


Like i said, if dirty play by the Giants is on the Packers minds right now? They're worried.


I never thought the Giants played dirty. And I am shocked that a team, even if they were looking for some type of advantage through trashtalking, would go this route. But then again, I haven't heard them accuse anyone else of this. I am curious to see if there is actually a "fire" behind this "smoke." But I also can't imagine that they are "worried" about or "fear" the Giants, or any other team for that matter. I think they feel they are the best team and that they will win. Let's remember, it's the Giants, not the Packers, that are playing with the house money right now.

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House money, I thought that guy was a dildo before.


It's like last evening when I'm watching the replay of the Cowboys game and I'm think three things:

1. I can't believe we didn't beat them worse

2. I can't believe how many times my friends (who are Cowboy supporters) cry and make excuses

3. I'm astonished that Troy Aikman gets to do his games. Thank goodness Phil chose to avoid his son's games and the whole Giants tie in.


We're not a dirty team and that article comes from a Milwaukee beat writer; that state has only beer, cheese, and the Packers, and we may take on of them away this week.


I argue that our record may be more impressive than the Packers because we're doing it with considerable injuries and on the road. Not even the mighty Favre could do that and he's demonstrated as much.


If we lose, I won't be crying about our injuries or officiating; it's a game and these are part of the deal.


Note to Cowboy fans...it's over, you just weren't better in the end. Nothing pleases me more than to have our record as 1-0 in playoffs against the Cowboys and with the assault on its staff, I'd say Dallas stands a good chance of stepping back considerably into the back of the fold. It'll be like it was pre-Parcells.

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Yeah, first Ive heard that we're considered one of the dirtiest teams in the league. GB media bullshit. Im losing respect for this team and thier fans by the minute, I didnt think that could happen.
I lived and worked in Milwaukee, Wisconsin from 1972 thru 1975. The media in this state would never say anything bad about the Packers, even if it were factual. Their love of this team cannot be understood by anyone from anywhere else in this country. Their media will publish absolute bullshit about any team the Packers are going to play against.


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I lived and worked in Milwaukee, Wisconsin from 1972 thru 1975. The media in this state would never say anything bad about the Packers, even if it were factual. Their love of this team cannot be understood by anyone from anywhere else in this country. Their media will publish absolute bullshit about any team the Packers are going to play against.


I can believe that. The only NFL team to be owned by the city? They've got to be on a different level.

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We're no dirtier than the Broncos o-line that capped their ass in the Superbowl.


If Rodney Harrison couldn't play football, he'd be a bum on the street. He's scum, I could care less what he thinks, being the cheap shot artist he is.


True. The Patriots as a whole are a lot "dirtier" than the Giants - who can forget the eye-gouging on Jacobs?


Harrison is a complete scumbag....can't wait until he breaks down and gets cut by Belichick.

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I could understand if this was anger directed at some of Pierce's clear late hits that he seemed to be so fond of in the first half of the season, but O'Hara? Sounds like a retaliation for fucking with the QB more than anything. Kampman probably deserved it.

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I have seen more forearms pressed against the back of Opie's head while he is on the ground after a pass than you see thrown in the WWE. I also think the Pack are a little nervous that this team is going to upset their good time parade they have going on. Talk and bullshit are about equivalent in the net worth department.

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Nothing pleases me more than to have our record as 1-0 in playoffs against the Cowboys


Not just 'the Cowboys', but the best team the cowboys have put together since Aikman,Smith,Irvin. The franchise tying reg season record team. The number one seed. The division champs. The winner of the previous three matchups. The all pro team. America's team. Those Cowboys.

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I never thought the Giants played dirty. And I am shocked that a team, even if they were looking for some type of advantage through trashtalking, would go this route. But then again, I haven't heard them accuse anyone else of this. I am curious to see if there is actually a "fire" behind this "smoke." But I also can't imagine that they are "worried" about or "fear" the Giants, or any other team for that matter. I think they feel they are the best team and that they will win. Let's remember, it's the Giants, not the Packers, that are playing with the house money right now.

If days before the game you're talking about dirty play, you're worried. Thats like me an a mathmatician going head to head in a match test and saying I saw him use a calculator once. They may feel they are the best team, but if they're bringing up cheap shots and dirty play, BEFORE the game, they have something on their minds.

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From the AZ republic:


Kent Somers' blog

Covers the Arizona Cardinals

Some fine print

The bigger the game, the more efficient the NFL PR machine comes.


Before the conference championships and Super Bowl, players are interviewed by a horde of reporters, and many of those interviews are transcribed and distributed to the media.


Looking over some of the transcripts today, I came across some hilarious stuff.


Here's Giants defensive end Michael Strahan on the decision by a Green Bay television station to not run Seinfeld re-runs this week. It seems Seinfeld is one of Giants quarterback Eli Manning's favorite shows.


"Taking Seinfeld off? Are you kidding me. I mean, there are DVDs, we can always watch Seinfeld. If they think that is going to mess him up...wow, I need to move to Green Bay. I could probably be very successfull there with some of my ideas. Not to say that people there aren't smart, but that is just one situation. It is amazing."


Here's Giants center Shaun O'Hara on the Packers calling him a dirty player:


"I try to shower daily and use deodorant, and every once in a while I will even throw in some conditioner.".


Not everyone plays along. Here's Giants coach Tom Coughlin on the forecast calling for colder conditions than originally forecast.


"I saw where it was written on the board that it is cooler, but we will know when we get to the stadium, probably."




My favorite quote of the day came from Packers linebacker Brady Poppinga, who answered a few questions about the cold temperatures expected Sunday.



"We're going to take what the weather gives us."



Notice what Shaun O'Hara said............LMAO!

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