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Not like it matters but the 2000 World Series, the Yankees got all their wins out of Pettitte, Clemens, Neagle, and Pettitte again for all wins. All three on the list.


That championship is tainted now, by Yankee fans' own admission. You should have seen these jokers all over the Red Sox board when that bogus list with Varitek on it surfaced. They were screaming about how the '04 and '07 championships are tainted.


Looks like there was a huge subculture of 'roid heads on those championship Yankee teams. Tsk, tsk.

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There has to be a reasonable explanation for Pettitte. The man is sainted.


Comical, Did you know Mr. Holiness himself left NY to go to Houston before the 2004 season beacause she knew what many others knew? He was fucking some whore up here behind her back? It was a blind item in the News one day and I know a cop who was assigned Yankee Stadium from 98-01 who said Pettite had this chick.

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I thought it a little strange that Mitchell (employed by the Red Sox) focused on Yankees while ignoring the Sox. Yesterday's news listed Veritek and "Big Poppi", yet their names were suddenly dropped from the list. How strange and convenient.


Also, according to the investegators (apart from Mitchell), Johnny Damon was hitting the roids hard while a Red Sox, but quit when going to the Yanks.....which could explain Damon's breakdown since leaving the Sox.


Regardless....one would have to be a fool to believe Mitchell was unbiased as he played accuser, judge, and jury while listing Yanks as the biggest offender and the Red Sox as squeaky clean. C'mon....give me a break....Chuck Knoblauch??? He was a skinny little slap hitter than couldn't throw a ball from 2nd base to 1st.....and he was juicing up??? Mitchell's report was clearly leveled at the Yankees.


A lot of players that thrived in the late 90's early 00's started to break down after 2003 once drug testing was initiated. Schilling sticks out in my mind as one of them. Pedro Martinez and Nomar Garciapia are others. And of course, the aforementioned Damon. There's something really smelly and fishy about "stud players" becoming "always breaking down has-beens" since 2004.


The list doesn't even scratch the surface....only the surface of the Yankees.

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Were the Yankees players violating any league rules in 2000? No. So how can you even think about stripping them of titles?


Besides which do you really think it was only some Yankees players doing it? That the Mitchell report really covered everyone roiding? Of course not. But none of that will matter because hey, the Red Sox are clean somehow when every other team has had roid issues. FUnny how that worked out.

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bwahaha, some of you Yankees fans make me laugh, a witch hunt. I love the conspiracy theorists complaining about Mitchell not having any Red Sox on his list because he is on their payroll :LMAO: . Papi and Manny should be on that list! Get over it already. One-third of your roster in 2000 was on roids and/or grown hormones. Am I saying take away your title? No, that is not right but just repeating what the reports said. Stop being apologists for these guys and look at the report with an open mind. It could happened to any team but if it is your team, you blame others and bash the report.

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To think that someone on the Red Sox payroll....and whose livelihood relies on the Red Sox....was not biased in who to "out" is absurd. It's like paying Steinbrenner to find out who's on steroids and when the list comes out we discover that half the Red Sox are on roids, but no Yankees.


Do you think a few Red Sox fans wouldn't think that a little bias played a role?


It's also funny that Red Sox fans despise any player who used to be a Red Sox and is now a Yankee - what a coincidence that Clemens and Damon make up half the list....not to mention, skinny little Knoblauch who repeatedly hurt the Sox with his little league slap hitting.


I'm sure that plenty of Yankee haters....and especially Red Sox lovers, are creamin in their shorts over this. I doubt you guys would feel the same way if the director of the Eagles came out with a report with no Eagles on it, but all kinds of Giants.

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My god people are blinded. The focus of this investigation was through a man named Radmonski, who was a Met employee until 1995 and had NY connections. They got him, because he was arrested and in a plea deal agreed to cooperate with this and become a "rat". Does anyone think that a guy, from NY, with NY connections is not going to be able to name NY players. Had he been a Red Sox employee at one time, I would say yes, there should be more SOX, its only natural there are a lot of Yankees(and Mets for that matter, but most were shitty fringe players with a few exceptions that no one gives a rats ass about). This is no witchunt and any Yankee fan that thinks it is is out of their minds.


Keep these FACTS in mind. Radmonski had connections through NY.


He placed the Mitchell commission in contact with a man named McNamee, who was a personal trainer for the Blue Jays when Clemens was there. He then was hired by THE NEW YORK YANKEES at the urging of CLemens to be a trainer for CLemens in 2000 and was later fired in 2002. This is a FORMER NY YANKEE EMPLOYEE who confirms this. BTW, Clemens was very upset at the time when they fired him and banned people from the clubhouse(this also went for Giambis trainer at the time which now leads one to believe the Yanks were onto the nonsense of these personal player trainers and for that they shoud be commended).


Yankee fans need to stop focusing who is not on this list and start admitting that Roger Clemens is a fucking phony and cheat. Thats all, no witch hunt on the Yanks, no Yankee bias, its just that CLemens is a cheat. I bet he cheated in Houston and cheated in Boston as well, its just that those cheating contacts were not part of a federal investigation like the cheating contacts in NY were.

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To think that someone on the Red Sox payroll....and whose livelihood relies on the Red Sox....was not biased in who to "out" is absurd. It's like paying Steinbrenner to find out who's on steroids and when the list comes out we discover that half the Red Sox are on roids, but no Yankees.


Do you think a few Red Sox fans wouldn't think that a little bias played a role?


It's also funny that Red Sox fans despise any player who used to be a Red Sox and is now a Yankee - what a coincidence that Clemens and Damon make up half the list....not to mention, skinny little Knoblauch who repeatedly hurt the Sox with his little league slap hitting.


I'm sure that plenty of Yankee haters....and especially Red Sox lovers, are creamin in their shorts over this. I doubt you guys would feel the same way if the director of the Eagles came out with a report with no Eagles on it, but all kinds of Giants.


You need a history lesson on George Mitchell if you think his "livelihood" relies on the RED SOX.


He is not an owner, he WAS on their board of directors.


BTW, Damon is not on the official Mitchell list.


You need to read the facts, because EVERYTHING you JUST posted might as well be written in Japanese.

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bwahaha, some of you Yankees fans make me laugh, a witch hunt. I love the conspiracy theorists complaining about Mitchell not having any Red Sox on his list because he is on their payroll :LMAO: . Papi and Manny should be on that list! Get over it already. One-third of your roster in 2000 was on roids and/or grown hormones. Am I saying take away your title? No, that is not right but just repeating what the reports said. Stop being apologists for these guys and look at the report with an open mind. It could happened to any team but if it is your team, you blame others and bash the report.

JR, I firmly believe every team in the league had just as many roid users as the Yanks at that time. To think the Yanks were the epicenter of drug use isn't fair.


I think the Rangers of the 90's had about half the team on them.



No doubt the Mets had significant numbers of users.



I do not doubt the Sox had plenty of users.



At this point, anyone piling on the Yanks about the number of names of their listed is making the same mistake the Yanks made every time they wanted to put an * next to Bonds' name.



All out teams were guilty, the Yanks are no more guilty than the Mets, Rangers Sox, Giants, etc.

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I don't think he was aiming strictly at the Yankees. But it's possible he just omitted Red Sox data from the report to protect Boston.


But why did this investigation rely on only two testimonies that maybe not completely credible? Couldn't they get more than two sources?


Also, read this.

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I know ESPN is sure loving the fact that there are a lot of Yankees on the list. All the clips of Sheffield have been in his Yankee stripes, even though he hasn't been a Yankee for 2 years now. No clips of Clemens or Pettite during their Houston days. I also have no problem with any player using HGH during those years. It was not illegal in the country, they were selling it on TV as the new Fountain of Youth. Anabolic Steroids and HGH are 2 completely different things, but the sports media tries to make you believe they are one in the same.

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I know ESPN is sure loving the fact that there are a lot of Yankees on the list. All the clips of Sheffield have been in his Yankee stripes, even though he hasn't been a Yankee for 2 years now. No clips of Clemens or Pettite during their Houston days. I also have no problem with any player using HGH during those years. It was not illegal in the country, they were selling it on TV as the new Fountain of Youth. Anabolic Steroids and HGH are 2 completely different things, but the sports media tries to make you believe they are one in the same.

I saw some footage of the Rocket as a Stro this evening when they were talking about it.



Also, Buster Olney was on mike and mike this morning saying he would vote for Roger and Barry for the HOF when they were up.

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I saw some footage of the Rocket as a Stro this evening when they were talking about it.

Also, Buster Olney was on mike and mike this morning saying he would vote for Roger and Barry for the HOF when they were up.


I'm on the fence about this whole thing. It was my understanding that when this list came out it was going to have EVERYBODY. Now they tell us that it's not even half of the players. If baseball really wanted to get to the bottom of this, they would have given Mitchell subpoena power, cleaned out all the skeletons and then we could truly move on.

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