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Steve Smith


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It is very rare that rookie WR's have a major impact in the NFL. Of course it does happen - see Colston last year. But it is rare so unless the Giants are knocked out of the playoffs early or get some injuries at WR I would not expect S.Smith to have a big impact.


In regards to the Ike Hilliard discussion. I think he is a fair somparison to S. Smith. Derrick Mason is another guy that seems comaprable.


In regards to Ike's career - he was a very solid #2 WR for a while. Too many injuries and picked way too high, but a soid WR.


Shockey has been a top 5 TE his entire career. Ike never sniffed the top 5 of WR's but like I said he was solid and a lot of Top 10 picks in the NFL have done a lot worse.

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Two things to keep in mind:


Steve Smith was drafted to EVENTUALLY replace Toomer since Toomer is getting old and will retire soon.


Secondly, if this kid is that impressive, He should battle Plax not Toomer since we all know that Toomer is better than Plax.

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OK, let me dumb it down for you...


Shockey first 5 year recieving yards: 3609

Ike's? 3199

Advantage: Shockey


Shockey first 5 year catches total:314

Ike's: 232

Winner: Shockey again...


Shockey first 5 year TD catches total:24

ike's: 19

Shockey wins again? how can that be?


Here's the kicker...Shockey is a TE.


Shocky: A first round pick

Hilliard: What round?


QB throwing to Shockey: Eli Manning.

QB(s) Throwing to Ike: :drool:

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Who ever called our multi-Pro Bowl TE a bust? :confused:


How can anyone not be satisfied with a 8.9 yards per catch season?


That's a terrible argument against a guy who was used as a short-yardage possession receiver.

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used, or limited to short-yardage routes?

No, it was used.


I'm no expert on late 90s early 00s WRs, but Toomer and Calloway were the primary outside receivers that were sent deep, right?

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No, it was used.


I'm no expert on late 90s early 00s WRs, but Toomer and Calloway were the primary outside receivers that were sent deep, right?

You're right, I forget Ike had that breakaway speed. :rolleyes:





No, Calloway was a possesion receiver. I think you're thinking about Mike Sherrard. He was our last deep threat reciever before we drafted Toomer.


You know, now that I think about it. Ike doesn't seem so bad after remembering the type of recievers we use to have... No wonder you guys think Ike was such a 'good' reciever. All the other ones before him sucked big balls.


Does anyone remember Mark Jackson use to play for the Giants. He was another bum...

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You're right, I forget Ike had that breakaway speed. :rolleyes:



No, Calloway was a possesion receiver. I think you're thinking about Mike Sherrard. He was our last deep threat reciever before we drafted Toomer.


You know, now that I think about it. Ike doesn't seem so bad after remembering the type of recievers we use to have... No wonder you guys think Ike was such a 'good' reciever. All the other ones before him sucked big balls.


Does anyone remember Mark Jackson use to play for the Giants. He was another bum...


Mike Sherrard was a deep threat?


Oh, Like I was! :TU:

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Keep in mind Nem, how many deep patterns are you going to run with Danny Kanell/Kent Graham/Kerry Collins throwing to you. The ony good thing about Kanell's deep passes was getting the pass interference call on the defense.


I don't remember much about our 00 team but we weren't exactly a deep pass team were we? I remember Toomer hauling in some long ones though.

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Keep in mind Nem, how many deep patterns are you going to run with Danny Kanell/Kent Graham/Kerry Collins throwing to you. The ony good thing about Kanell's deep passes was getting the pass interference call on the defense.


I don't remember much about our 00 team but we weren't exactly a deep pass team were we? I remember Toomer hauling in some long ones though.

Kerry was good at the deep ball.

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Kerry was good at the deep ball.

Yeah, but was he ever really that consistent with it? 2002 he was as good as he ever was in his career with the deep ball, i remember that much.


I still have a vivid memory of the opening play of the first half against Indy in 02. What a throw that was.

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Steve Smith could be a replacement for Plaxico. I think this is Plaxico's last year as a Giant.


Next years starting wideouts could be Moss and Smith.


That's what I've been thinking.

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There's a monster WR coming out of Cal that goes by the name of DeSean Jackson coming into the league next year through the draft, if we get our hands on him that can give us a way to afford to cut ties with Plax by his 4th or 5th year if he continues his antics. But I don't think Smith will be the guy that replaces Plax.

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There's a monster WR coming out of Cal that goes by the name of DeSean Jackson coming into the league next year through the draft, if we get our hands on him that can give us a way to afford to cut ties with Plax by his 4th or 5th year if he continues his antics. But I don't think Smith will be the guy that replaces Plax.


The only reason for that, imo, is that Toomer maybe retiring soon. Otherwise I would much rather see Toomer, Smith, and Moss on the field. And if we can't get our hands on the guy you just mentioned, who's to say we can't go after a star WR in FA?

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Good job picking his 2004 stats. What about his other ones?

WHOOPS. Speaking of 7th overall wideouts, would you have rather

had Reidel Anthony who is probably working in a Jiffy Lube in Florida,

Yatil Green who is selling insurance or Rae Carruth? A man who was

found guilty of hiring a hit man to murder his pregnant girlfriend at the time.


You choose Nem, which one would you rather have?


How about Derrick Mason :P

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Should I mention the fact that

1. Ike had Dave Brown and Danny Kannell throwing to him.

2. Ike was never the first target on throws.


Much to your chagrin, Ike isn't bust, he didn't

live up to his selection, but was still productive.

Same could be said about Shockey, his bark

has certainly been louder than his bite.


No Ike caught balls from Eli Collins Warner.....Ike only played his first 2 years with those other bumbs


Oh remember that Dallas game Elis rookie year..That come back...Ike had 3 catches in that game ;)


Collins started 7 games in 99...Ikes best year...For 5 years with Kerry 1 year with Eli, Warner..2years with Kennel.......Kennell started 97-98...If Ike caught any passes for Brown it couldnt be any more then 2....in 97 Ike only caught 2 passes ...Brown went to the Cards in 98..He could have never caught a Ball from brown...


Oh and in 99 Kenell only started 9 games...So Ike only caught from Kennell for a 1 and 1/2...


And if you want to compare the two why not just pick the 2 seasons they played together



Ike 27c catch 386y

Shock 74C 894y


Shock 48C 535y

Ike 60C 608Y


Oh by the way...Any one who says Ike is better WR then Shockey is a TE is retarded....Shockey is top 5 NFL...Ike was never top 15 in the NFL...So stop being stoopid

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Being fast doesnt nessesarily translate into being a good wr, otherwise Tim Carter would have been our #1. Toomer showed just how important he was to this team when he went down last year. 6-2, to 8-8 :mellow: I hope Smith does great. I hope he eventualy becomes a great wr for us. But no way does he take the #2 spot from Toomer. Thinking about it though, Imagine Toomer as the 3rd option? SICK



Actually, the Giants went into week 10 vs. the Bears 6-2, and were very much in the game when LUKE PETITGOUT broke his leg and was lost for the season. We ended up tanking the rest of the game and the rest of the season as Eli's blindside was completely undefended with geriatric Bob Whitfield trying to block guys half his age. It was Luke Petitgout who showed just how important he was to this team when he went down last year. Good thing we replaced him.... :confused::furious:

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Actually, the Giants went into week 10 vs. the Bears 6-2, and were very much in the game when LUKE PETITGOUT broke his leg and was lost for the season. We ended up tanking the rest of the game and the rest of the season as Eli's blindside was completely undefended with geriatric Bob Whitfield trying to block guys half his age. It was Luke Petitgout who showed just how important he was to this team when he went down last year. Good thing we replaced him.... :confused::furious:



I still think the Giants could have won that game had they stopped the Bears on 3rd and 20

and didn't attempt that stupid field goal. Stupid to cry over spilled milk though.....

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Good thing we replaced him.... :confused::furious:


Luke was good last season... he probably had one more game left before his back starts hurting him again and let's not forget how many drives stalled becasue of his false starts. Not to mention he was taking about out of the salary cap.


I'm sure the front office tried to replace him but look at the FA market.. was there anyone worth it? And maybe this FO knows something we don't.. like David Diehl? The guy maybe a moster LT or this Whimper Guy (Guy Whimper.. I Know.. lol).


Lastly, our season tanked because our defense couldn't stop anyone.. offensively we were a top teir team.

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The only reason for that, imo, is that Toomer maybe retiring soon. Otherwise I would much rather see Toomer, Smith, and Moss on the field. And if we can't get our hands on the guy you just mentioned, who's to say we can't go after a star WR in FA?

Who knows if there is one going to be available. And if there is and we push after him hard and don't get him, how do you think Plax will feel about us trying to replace him while he's still under contract? This is a fragile situation.

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