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Steve Serby article.



Left tackle Bob Whitfield wants blind loyalty from Giants fans.

"If you're booing in the second quarter but you call yourself a fan, you need to go home; that ain't my type of fan," Whitfield said.

Of course, that ain't the fan's type of team.

"We're in a damn tight-ass match, going back and forth, and the noise level dropped so low, like they can't even [bleeping] make noise so the defense can have an advantage," Whitfield said.


"Yeah; you heard that stadium get quiet as hell," Whitfield said. "We're in it together. [bleep], they help us win when they bring the noise level, get them jumping offsides. That [bleep] helps."

Here came a plea from Whitfield.

"Right now, for the next week, we need that [bleep] the loudest, and we need everybody in it for the whole 60 minutes, from our side, to the fans, to everybody, because we need as much help as we can to beat the hell out of the [bleepin'] New Orleans Saints."

Then give them a reason to cheer.

"Just think about it: If you're on board, are you on board halfway, or are you on board wholehearted?" Whitfield said. "Don't be half-assed now. Either you're on it or you ain't.

"For this next week, this is my plea . . . next week, we need everybody, to win this game. We need the Giants Stadium fans to be with us the whole time, even the [bleep] gets rocky for a minute . . . bring the noise, bring the encouragement and enthusiasm . . . help us win that game. That [bleep] helps. Can't deny it."

Give them a reason to cheer, and they will. It's time. The Giants have tortured them enough.


You heard the man, no matter how bad they stink up the field, cheer them on! Half-assed effort needs whole-hearted praise.

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Steve Serby article.

You heard the man, no matter how bad they stink up the field, cheer them on! Half-assed effort needs whole-hearted praise.



If they just sucked but where playing hard and working hard ( think 70s / early 80s ) I would have no problem with Whitfield's comments.


However, not only does this team suck but they spend a lot of time pointing fingers at their coaches and one another instead of pulling together and trying to work their way into being better as a unit.


That does not warrant cheers it warrants contempt.


Hey Bob, you earn respect. you arre not entitled to it simply because you have pulled on the Giants Jersey.

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Come on guys, can't you see it. That loss was definately our fault as fans. I mean if you can't cheer for a drive killing holding penalty, what can you cheer for? :rolleyes:


I'm all for gettin the noise level up at the stadium, it sounded pretty loud to me on sunday (especially the 1st quarter, but on defense throughout the game), but the players gotta play to their ability every play of every game.


Is BW insinuating that the Giants are not able to win a road game because the fans aren't there?

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The thing about that whole cone of silence that happened half way through the 3rd qtr extending to the 4th was that Giants fans have experienced far more collapses than this bunch of pansies have ever seen. They were just reacting to the Ghosts of Fuck-ups Past that they felt/knew that they were witnessing. We are not mindless Sea Hawks fans...we cheer for quality product and you guys are definitely not it right now. Also boos happen most often when fans believe that a team is not playing up to its potential. Take a look into the mirror guys.

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The thing about that whole cone of silence that happened half way through the 3rd qtr extending to the 4th was that Giants fans have experienced far more collapses than this bunch of pansies have ever seen. They were just reacting the Ghosts of Fuck-ups Past that they felt/knew that they were witnessing. We are not mindless Sea Hawks fans...we cheer for quality product and you guys are definitely not it right now. Also boos happen most often when fans believe that a team is not playing up to its potential. Take a look into the mirror guys.

you are correct, sir. but asking whitfield to look in the mirror is cruel.

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BTW that stadium got lound for the defense on key 3rd downs when they blew it i was there... anohter thing i did not hear any booing after the second quarter on after the last play of the game when the 3,000 of us were left (i did not boo no reason too i think they realized they sucked)

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That fat black man doesn't know what he's talking about. The crowd was up for every defensive series, every third down. It would help if the defense would make a stop. If the defense really needs the fans that much then they suck worse than it appears. We can't play the game for those lousy fuckwads. Low life pieces of shit. Fuck that fat black man. I fucking can't stand that these fuck faces point their filthy fucking fingers at everyone except the fucking mirror. If they looked at the fucking thing they would realize that they fucking suck at playing football. It's not the coaching it's the fucking execution. You can't coach after a fumble, that's execution. You can't coach the defense fucking watching the goddamn motherfucking plays unfold in front of their eyes and not one of them makes the fucking play. Even though I see the fucking blitz coming, I can't whisper to Eli, he he's coming off the FUCKING RIGHT SIDE YOU FUCKING DIPSHIT GOOBER! Or the ever popular HEY ASSHOLES, THEY'RE GOING TO RUN ON THRID AND TWO FROM THE 28 YOU FUCKING NIMRODS. Run defense called my ass, if it was called then they fucking suck worse then imagined before. Fucking degenerates. Shut your fucking dumb mouths and play the fucking game before you go pointing fingers at us. I couldn't fucking cheer any louder. How about you stop holding people you fat fucking black man.

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That fat black man doesn't know what he's talking about. The crowd was up for every defensive series, every third down. It would help if the defense would make a stop. If the defense really needs the fans that much then they suck worse than it appears. We can't play the game for those lousy fuckwads. Low life pieces of shit. Fuck that fat black man. I fucking can't stand that these fuck faces point their filthy fucking fingers at everyone except the fucking mirror. If they looked at the fucking thing they would realize that they fucking suck at playing football. It's not the coaching it's the fucking execution. You can't coach after a fumble, that's execution. You can't coach the defense fucking watching the goddamn motherfucking plays unfold in front of their eyes and not one of them makes the fucking play. Even though I see the fucking blitz coming, I can't whisper to Eli, he he's coming off the FUCKING RIGHT SIDE YOU FUCKING DIPSHIT GOOBER! Or the ever popular HEY ASSHOLES, THEY'RE GOING TO RUN ON THRID AND TWO FROM THE 28 YOU FUCKING NIMRODS. Run defense called my ass, if it was called then they fucking suck worse then imagined before. Fucking degenerates. Shut your fucking dumb mouths and play the fucking game before you go pointing fingers at us. I couldn't fucking cheer any louder. How about you stop holding people you fat fucking black man.


I FUCKING agree! :TU:

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That fat black man doesn't know what he's talking about. The crowd was up for every defensive series, every third down. It would help if the defense would make a stop. If the defense really needs the fans that much then they suck worse than it appears. We can't play the game for those lousy fuckwads. Low life pieces of shit. Fuck that fat black man. I fucking can't stand that these fuck faces point their filthy fucking fingers at everyone except the fucking mirror. If they looked at the fucking thing they would realize that they fucking suck at playing football. It's not the coaching it's the fucking execution. You can't coach after a fumble, that's execution. You can't coach the defense fucking watching the goddamn motherfucking plays unfold in front of their eyes and not one of them makes the fucking play. Even though I see the fucking blitz coming, I can't whisper to Eli, he he's coming off the FUCKING RIGHT SIDE YOU FUCKING DIPSHIT GOOBER! Or the ever popular HEY ASSHOLES, THEY'RE GOING TO RUN ON THRID AND TWO FROM THE 28 YOU FUCKING NIMRODS. Run defense called my ass, if it was called then they fucking suck worse then imagined before. Fucking degenerates. Shut your fucking dumb mouths and play the fucking game before you go pointing fingers at us. I couldn't fucking cheer any louder. How about you stop holding people you fat fucking black man.

Fat fucking black man as opposed to what fat fucking white man. The guy did not call out white, black, green or yellow fans...why call him out on his color. That he is an asshole is without question...but the racial stuff is not necessary. :huh:

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Fat fucking black man as opposed to what fat fucking white man. The guy did not call out white, black, green or yellow fans...why call him out on his color. That he is an asshole is without question...but the racial stuff is not necessary. :huh:


He's just stating facts. He's fat. He's black.

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He's just stating facts. He's fat. He's black.

Not the way he was saying it....and its not like its a mystery that he is black so is 70% of the NFL. We might as well start saying that Coach Cheerleader is a dumb Irish asshole...or Huff Hole is a stupid fucking kraut...Shockey is a loud mouthed piece of white trash...Clueless is a stupid black bastard...where does it end? <_< The above statements are for illustration purposes only...they do not reflect the actual opinions of the poster... :P

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Not the way he was saying it....and its not like its a mystery that he is black so is 70% of the NFL. We might as well start saying that Coach Cheerleader is a dumb Irish asshole...or Huff Hole is a stupid fucking kraut...Shockey is a loud mouthed piece of white trash...Clueless is a stupid black bastard...where does it end? <_< The above statements are for illustration purposes only...they do not reflect the actual opinions of the poster... :P


Well, he didn't throw the words "stupid, trash, dumb, or clueless" around. He only said he's black. That doesn't mean he was degrading him.


This is degrading. "Bob Whitfield is a fat fuck and his eye is magnetically attracted to the orbit of Pluto."

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Fat fucking black man as opposed to what fat fucking white man. The guy did not call out white, black, green or yellow fans...why call him out on his color. That he is an asshole is without question...but the racial stuff is not necessary. :huh:

SOrry, about that, I got real agitated when I read that. I hate everyone equally.

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Not the way he was saying it....and its not like its a mystery that he is black so is 70% of the NFL. We might as well start saying that Coach Cheerleader is a dumb Irish asshole...or Huff Hole is a stupid fucking kraut...Shockey is a loud mouthed piece of white trash...Clueless is a stupid black bastard...where does it end? <_< The above statements are for illustration purposes only...they do not reflect the actual opinions of the poster... :P

I could care less if someone called me a kraut, mick, wop, daygo, cracker-ass, honkey, motherfucker. That stuff doesn't bother me what-so-ever. I'm comfortable with who I am.

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I could care less if someone called me a kraut, mick, wop, daygo, cracker-ass, honkey, motherfucker. That stuff doesn't bother me what-so-ever. I'm comfortable with who I am.

Okay Sgt. Hartman..."I don't care if you are a black man, wop, spic, mick, slope, wetback or greaser...to me you're all equally worthless". :P

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By the fourth quarter, my vocal chords were shredded.



I looked over at my Eagles pal, who went to the game with me and was down after we went ahead, and said, "don't worry. Eli will throw a pick, and if you don't return it for a TD, then you'll get a TD on the ensuing drive."



Man, can I fucking call 'em.

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