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Kevin Gilbride


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When is this fucking asshole going to realize that 22 pre-snap reads, audibles, fake audibles, and all the "Omaha" bullshit does not work for this QB or this offense?


Eli has traditionally been good-to-great in the no-huddle offense. Why? Because there aren't 22 pre-snap reads and he gets to just play.


The first 6 quarters of the season, there were wild gestures, a billion audibles, and more "Omaha" bullshit than I could stand. What happened? Eli sucked and we were all calling for his head.


Then all of that stopped and what happened? A 100+ QB rating for Eli and three straight wins.


What do we get today? A return to what sucks and doesn't work... what historically has NEVER worked for this group. I can't imagine how that conversation went in the coaches meetings this week.


Gilbride: Since we got rid of all the pre-snap reads and bullshit, Eli has been on fire and our offense looks great. So I think for this week we should... hmm... you know what? I think we should go back to the shit offense from the beginning of the season. I know it hasn't worked the last 100 times we've tried it... but I have a feeling THIS time is gonna be different.


Seriously, this fucking guy has to go. He is the NUMBER ONE problem with this offense.

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At the risk of starting another fight and/or reinfuriating Storm, I just wanna point out that if you take away Eli's garbage time pick, his QB rating for today's game would have been 102.5...with that last pick it went down to 91.82


But I agree with you Sephiroth, though Eli seems to be good at making those pre-snap adjustments, at the end of the day he performs better after the snap without all of it...and after the snap is all that counts.





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I also think Fox had his mike turned up more this game, so you heard the dreaded "Omaha" more but it's always there.


It's just Eli's version of Blue 180...


But your point still remains...Eli plays better when things are simpler





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You think Payton would give a rats ass about Notbrides playbook??? He'll just use it as toilet paper. Eli need to start bitching and let that clown know how he feels. TC should know when Eli plays best. This is on TC as well. Yeah I think the Omaha was always there but not noticeable as much.

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The Oline was more to blame for the lack of production than Gilbride's calls IMO. I think having Boothe plugged in there was more of a disruption than we though, as both guards looked bad and I highly doubt Snee forgot how to do his job.



This. The O-line shit the bed today. Boothe was awful, you penalties by Beatty, and missed assignments.

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At the risk of starting another fight and/or reinfuriating Storm, I just wanna point out that if you take away Eli's garbage time pick, his QB rating for today's game would have been 102.5...with that last pick it went down to 91.82


But I agree with you Sephiroth, though Eli seems to be good at making those pre-snap adjustments, at the end of the day he performs better after the snap without all of it...and after the snap is all that counts.






I'm sorry man, I wasn't infuriated, more vehement.....lol

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When is this fucking asshole going to realize that 22 pre-snap reads, audibles, fake audibles, and all the "Omaha" bullshit does not work for this QB or this offense?


Eli has traditionally been good-to-great in the no-huddle offense. Why? Because there aren't 22 pre-snap reads and he gets to just play.


The first 6 quarters of the season, there were wild gestures, a billion audibles, and more "Omaha" bullshit than I could stand. What happened? Eli sucked and we were all calling for his head.


Then all of that stopped and what happened? A 100+ QB rating for Eli and three straight wins.


What do we get today? A return to what sucks and doesn't work... what historically has NEVER worked for this group. I can't imagine how that conversation went in the coaches meetings this week.


Gilbride: Since we got rid of all the pre-snap reads and bullshit, Eli has been on fire and our offense looks great. So I think for this week we should... hmm... you know what? I think we should go back to the shit offense from the beginning of the season. I know it hasn't worked the last 100 times we've tried it... but I have a feeling THIS time is gonna be different.


Seriously, this fucking guy has to go. He is the NUMBER ONE problem with this offense.




Seph.....Eli's okay....but he's no Charlie Whitehurst. Maybe if we had Whitehurst on the team, Gilbride would be more comfortable getting into that no huddle.


And don't get me started on Da'Rel Scott...... DJ Ware is the man.

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Perry Fewell is worse and gets no shit.


Until now.


Fuck him.


Exactly. Posters on this board make me wonder if we are all watching the same game. 5 turnovers and the Seahawks could have easily scored 50+ points if they didn't have turnovers. Yet it's Gilbride's fault for the loss? :rolleyes:

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