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USAToday Releases NFL Teams Power Rankings


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Interesting to see one group giving the Giants a 2nd place ranking in the NFL for power. BTW, New England is no. 1....Cowboys no. 5.......Eagles 10.....Skins 18.


Only 4 NFC teams made it in the top 10.... Giants, Cowboys, Packers, and Eagles.


Not sure I like being rated so high. I prefer to be the big underdog that no one thinks is any good. Hope it isn't a bad omen.


ANyway, here's a link to the list: 2008 NFL Power Rankings

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It's going to be a tough year and as shown 2 of the other top 10 are in the same division. I wouldn't be surprised at all if next year the Giants hit the SB slump. With every team wanting to beat the champs and a brutal division there are going to be a lot of close games. It's going to be one of those 11-5 or 8-8 years depending on if good fortune goes the Giants way or not.

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Eli is NOT a superstar.


yah, you're right, a former first pick of the draft, current Super Bowl MVP, and team leader on offense isn't a Superstar.

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yah, you're right, a former first pick of the draft, current Super Bowl MVP, and team leader on offense isn't a Superstar.


Being first picked overall does not make someone a superstar.


And he had a great, SUPER run at the end, but has not put together a complete season yet. It is far too early to call Eli a superstar.

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yah, you're right, a former first pick of the draft, current Super Bowl MVP, and team leader on offense isn't a Superstar.


Eli has yet to have a complete season, once he actually plays consistently threw a couple season he will be.

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WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Surprising i have no NFL network( i don't know the team byist on that channel), so i am stuck with SNY(Jets channel),YES(Yankees channel) or ESPN(Patriots channel). I have been used to everybody taking shots at us like Chris Mortensen and John Clayton and everyone else on ESPN. Surprising i like it, even though Green Bay? in the top ten.

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Tom Brady, Payton Manning, Tony Romo are superstars. Eli is second tier star at this point. If he has a complete season and gets accolades for his performance, he might turn into one.



Tony Romo a superstar? Don't you actually have to win playoff games or a Super Bowl to be a Superstar?

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Tony Romo a superstar? Don't you actually have to win playoff games or a Super Bowl to be a Superstar?


Yeah I agree Romo is no superstar, but neither is Eli. A superstar leads his team to a seasons worth of excellence. Neither Eli nor Romo have done that.

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Tony Romo a superstar? Don't you actually have to win playoff games or a Super Bowl to be a Superstar?




No, you just have to be the most handsome player ever to wear their hat backwards. I really thought someone was going to catch that earlier. You win



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I don't know, a team "without superstars" is a completely wrong description of the Giants.


Yes, we have talent everywhere on the field...it doesn't mean we are devoid of superstars. That's like saying the Patriots a few years back were devoid of superstars because they were a deep team right down to the third string. As we know, the other players just made as much of a contribution as any of the superstars. Burress, Umenyiora, Strahan(if he plays), and Eli, are IMO, our team's superstars.

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Yeah I agree Romo is no superstar, but neither is Eli. A superstar leads his team to a seasons worth of excellence. Neither Eli nor Romo have done that.



Apparently people need a little superstar lesson...


For the record:


Eli Manning - not a superstar.

Tony Romo - give me break.

Peyton Manning - a star, yes; superstar, no.

Tom Brady - see Peyton Manning.



So who is a superstar? I present Mr. David Hasselhoff.



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I don't know, a team "without superstars" is a completely wrong description of the Giants.


Yes, we have talent everywhere on the field...it doesn't mean we are devoid of superstars. That's like saying the Patriots a few years back were devoid of superstars because they were a deep team right down to the third string. As we know, the other players just made as much of a contribution as any of the superstars. Burress, Umenyiora, Strahan(if he plays), and Eli, are IMO, our team's superstars.


Genuine Superstars (these examples are simply my opinion that may or may not be shared by others):


Tiger Woods (golf)

Michael Jordan (basketball)

Wayne Gretzky (hockey)

Pele (soccer)

Babe Ruth (baseball)

Jim Brown, LT, Walter Payton, Jerry Rice, Joe Montana (football)

Pete Sampras (tennis)

Lance Armstrong (bicycling)

Mark Spitz (swimming)

Muhammad Ali or Sugar Ray Robinson (boxing)

A.J. Foyt, Richard Petty, Michael Schumacher (auto racing)


And lest we forget the women: Jackie Joyner-Kersee (track and field), Steffi Graf (tennis), Annika Sorenstam (golf), Tracy Caulkins (swimming), Babe Zaharias (all around athlete - perhaps the greatest athlete of all time, male or female)


The difference between a superstar and a star player is that a superstar can carry a poor team on his back to a championship or revolutionizes a position that becomes the gold standard. Or, if not competing in a team sport, revolutionizes the sport (such as Tiger) or holds numerous world records (such as Armstrong ) that likely will never be beat. A superstar raises the bar to a completely new standard by which to evaluate all future players in the sport.


The Giants have some very talented top notch players.....but none of them can singlehandedly carry the Giants to a superbowl championship on their back....although, history may end up showing that Michael Strahan set the bar to a new standard that can't be beat....still too early to tell. Even if there were "superstars" on the Giants team....they would be far more effective focusing only on their part in each play so that the entire team could be effective.

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It's going to be a tough year and as shown 2 of the other top 10 are in the same division. I wouldn't be surprised at all if next year the Giants hit the SB slump. With every team wanting to beat the champs and a brutal division there are going to be a lot of close games. It's going to be one of those 11-5 or 8-8 years depending on if good fortune goes the Giants way or not.


I'm sorry but I no longer subsribe to that theory. Every team plays to win. And the Giants won.. not becasue other teams didn't take them seriously.. we won because we ran over TB, destroyed Dallas, tazered Green Bay, and flat out bitch slapped NE.


Now if you think our D was good last year, imagine it now with Spags' 2nd year and all the young stars we brought in. Defense wins Championships... if the QB doesn't have time to throw, the pass won't be completed.. because it never happened.


I want them to gun for us.. and I want us to smash them like we did last year :flex:

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Tom Brady, Payton Manning, Tony Romo are superstars. Eli is second tier star at this point. If he has a complete season and gets accolades for his performance, he might turn into one.


I disagree. I think Eli's proved to be a Super Star in wins and in losses. They're just mad at him he doesn't give them good material to write about.. he's not loud and obnoxious and he doesn't date a blonde singer. Please.. if Eli isn't a Super Star, I don't know who is. Peyton and Brady have been on the scene much longer. Tony Romo although a good QB isn't better than Eli.

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Genuine Superstars (these examples are simply my opinion that may or may not be shared by others):


Tiger Woods (golf)

Michael Jordan (basketball)

Wayne Gretzky (hockey)

Pele (soccer)

Babe Ruth (baseball)

Jim Brown, LT, Walter Payton, Jerry Rice, Joe Montana (football)

Pete Sampras (tennis)

Lance Armstrong (bicycling)

Mark Spitz (swimming)

Muhammad Ali or Sugar Ray Robinson (boxing)

A.J. Foyt, Richard Petty, Michael Schumacher (auto racing)


And lest we forget the women: Jackie Joyner-Kersee (track and field), Steffi Graf (tennis), Annika Sorenstam (golf), Tracy Caulkins (swimming), Babe Zaharias (all around athlete - perhaps the greatest athlete of all time, male or female)


The difference between a superstar and a star player is that a superstar can carry a poor team on his back to a championship or revolutionizes a position that becomes the gold standard. Or, if not competing in a team sport, revolutionizes the sport (such as Tiger) or holds numerous world records (such as Armstrong ) that likely will never be beat. A superstar raises the bar to a completely new standard by which to evaluate all future players in the sport.


The Giants have some very talented top notch players.....but none of them can singlehandedly carry the Giants to a superbowl championship on their back....although, history may end up showing that Michael Strahan set the bar to a new standard that can't be beat....still too early to tell. Even if there were "superstars" on the Giants team....they would be far more effective focusing only on their part in each play so that the entire team could be effective.


Then how can you say any team has superstars? Last time I checked LaDanian Tomlinson(I know you meant Lawrence Taylor) can't single handedly lead the Chargers to a Super Bowl and hasn't...yet ask anybody, he's a Superstar. He could have wrote, "Good depth but this team has no superstars" about every single NFL team by that logic.


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