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Everything posted by Plow

  1. I've seen it done before. J-Load should have been in the game handing the ball off to Finn or Jacobs.
  2. For those of us who watched the whole Saints game, maybe you saw what I saw. The last few plays with like 3 minutes left in the 4th quarter and the Giants were passing for some reason. Well Eli threw an out to Shockey, which was behind him. Shockey stopped for a second to make a play and the defender tackled him. Shockey got up and was limping, which is probably where he hurt himself. So, my point is there was no point in having the starters in in a blow out. I kept thinking oh my god, here is where eli's career is going to end. I know it, it's going to be one of these plays, God forbid, and Eli was going to get sacked and blow out his knee, instead Shockey sprains his ankle and cant play the last game. This is another reason, why Coughlin should get fired. HE HAS NO FEEL FOR THE GAME.
  3. the 18 play thing screams something at me. It means the defense cant make the crucial play, mainly 3rd down, when they need a stop.
  4. What the hell have we done to be favored on the road? In my opinion the skins should be favored by 4.5 points, not us by 2.5.
  5. POSTED 9:21 a.m. EST; UPDATED 10:01 a.m. EST, December 28, 2006 GIANTS' SHORT-TERM FUTURE FULL OF POSSIBLE SURPRISES Okay, we know that we promised to share the "stunning" news that we've picked up regarding the future of the Giants last night, but we were putting up other stories and doing other holiday-related stuff and wanted to have the time to sit down and focus on this one. Anyway, here's what we've picked up, all from our network of league and industry sources. First, former Texans and Redskins G.M. Charley Casserly is regarded as the top prospect to replace Ernie Accorsi in New York. Casserly was interviewed for the job last week. Second, New England V.P. of player personnel Scott Pioli wants the Giants G.M. job, but Bob and Jonathan Kraft (who own the Patriots) don't want to let him go -- and the Giants apparently are inclined to defer to them, which Cleveland owner Randy Lerner supposedly did a couple of years ago before Phil Savage was hired as the Browns G.M. Third, the Patriots (as we hear it) are more inclined to let coach Bill Belichick leave than Pioli. Myra Kraft, the wife of Bob Kraft, is said to be very troubled by reports of Belichick's alleged "relationship" with a married woman in New Jersey, which information surfaced earlier this year in connection with the woman's divorce proceedings. Fourth, the Giants aren't inclined to hire Belichick because of those same dynamics. "They don't need another P.R. nightmare," said one source. Just last week, Page Six of the New York Post disclosed that the divorce complaint has been amended by Vincent Shenocca to accuse his wife and Belichick of adultery. Fifth, if Casserly gets the G.M. job, his first choice for head coach will be former Packers coach Mike Sherman, who was hired as an assistant with the Texans while Casserly's tenure was winding down. Sixth, a dark horse candidate for the Giants job is Eagles offensive coordinator Marty Morningsomething. (Insert shudder here.) Seventh, and finally, Notre Dame coach Charlie Weis wants the Giants job, but realizes that it could be a dead end in the short term. He likewise doesn't want to leave the Irish so soon after his arrival two seasons ago. So there you have it. The current talk from folks in the know. Regardless of what actually happens, it's gonna be an interesting ride for the G-men over the next couple of weeks.
  6. thats all we need, all that other stuff is not needed.
  7. It's Belichick's last season under contract with the Patriots and there are suspicions that he doesn;t want to return. It is no secret he has always wanted to coach the Giants, and Pioli has always wanted to be GM of the Giants. We get Pioli, we will get Bill Belichick. This is all my speculation, but it could happen.
  8. i dont care what the yankees pay zito or clemens. I did care what they would pay lilly or meche.
  9. big ben had the worst QB rating ever for the winning QB in the super bowl. He had the best running game in football and the best defense. Not to mention some pretty fancy receivers. Rivers has LT, the best player in football on his side. Eli has an idiot coach, an idiot off coor, and idiot players surrounding him. Shockey, Burress, Whitfield, etc... they're all retarded. I still will take Eli. Eli had had games where he's shown his abilities.
  10. Plow


    you really think Scott Pioli is going to come in here and be happy to keep Tom Coughlin as head coach? Let me tell you what's going to happen. We're going to go to washington this saturday and get our asses handed to us and Coughlin will be fired that week. We'll get a new GM and that guy will chose our new coach. I will dance in the streets when i hear the news too.
  11. the 26 mil doesn't have a 40% luxury tax on it. Thats why it's better.
  12. in basketball or football, if the home team's fans are chanting for the coach to be fired in the THIRD QUARTER, there is a good chance he really should be fired
  13. actually i think if we win and GB wins there is some secret tiebreaker. thats funny though... giants winning.
  14. agreed! Humberto Sanchez could do exactly what Johnson does. I think this also means the Yanks are confident they can land Clemens
  15. yes lowell is tops at his position. the same position that seats 16 guys with 20 home runs. (Thats without Melvin Mora and Hank Blalock getting 20 homers, both had 16 this year) Meanwhile, there are 17 1st baseman with 20 home runs. It's not the same "fielding position" it used to be.
  16. hey Santa if you do that, you can save some time with me because i'll be set too.
  17. You have a good point with the fielding percentages, but it's a stupid stat. 3b has morphed into a position now where a home run guy is more important than a guy who can field his position. Just look at the jokes who play 3b. As long as you can put up 30 homers, no one cares about your defense. There are so many more skilled SS's CF's 2b's and C's to even consider before you start talking about Lowell's defense. I dont know how Torri Hunter isn't even on the list. Ichiro too.
  18. Hideo Nomo, 2 good years then a diszpearing act that could make Criss Angel cringe?
  19. lorf dont say it's all biased towards the yanks and then try to justify mike lowell winning defensive player of the year. Lowell didn't even win a gold glove at his position. He's not even a top 15 defensive player in the majors.
  20. i know the flaws of my team, dont worry. Melky is not one of them, you can argue he was the best positional rookie in the AL last year. Then to add he is only 22, and I see know point in trading him. Dont worry, you just want him gone because you remember his game saving catch on manny's home run, and his double off Papelbon that was followed by a Jeter single to give good ol Pap a big blown save. The kid is fearless.
  21. even if he lives up to whatever you think he's supposed to live up to. I'm positive it's not worth 70 mil over 5 years.
  22. looks like 5 years 20 mil, some sites are saying 4 yrs 20 mil. Either way, I'd rather take that than Gil Meche or Ted Lilly. I cant wait for Igawa vs Matsuzaka, and Matsui hits a home run off dice!
  23. eli is not the problem of this team at all. He's one of the few positives. The playcalling sucks. Eli is far ahead of where he should be at this point in his career. He's better than I thought he would be. I mean we have 1st and goal twice, and we run the ball with Tiki up the middle, idiotic.
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