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Everything posted by Plow

  2. No, it's not so much Toomer, but more Luke Petitgout. Left Tackle is just as important as QB.
  3. Johnson cant dominate anybody anymore. He's like a guaranteed 5-6 IP with giving up about 5 runs against a good team. When he goes to the NL and he's pitching against inferior lineups he will be a good pitcher again. However, we have a little bit if a higher standard here for a guy making 16 million dollars. This is a great trade for the Yankees that opens the door for one of the young guys. It gives them more prospects. Ohendorf isn't bad and the fact that our AAA roation doesn't have enough room for him is a great sign for the farm system. The money we saved is going right towards Clemens and if not, it's not like we dont have anybody who can handle the 5th starter role.
  5. exactly, we dont need to start every game rushing 4 consistently. Lets send 2 more guys, see what happens. We give up the touchdown anyways. Lets shock them, maybe something can happen. Same reason why we should start no huddle. Maybe we can go up a touchdown.
  6. actually if we had a LT that could block and a WR step up and make a play, we'd be fine. Oh wait both of those went on IR 2 months ago.
  7. lorf both teams have questions, the red sox might have an edge, the yankees might have an edge. Who knows? All I know is both teams put a lot of pressure on their pitchers both coming from the media and the fans. The Yankees have 3 guys who can handle this at their 1-3 starters. The red sox 1-3 starters have one guy (schilling) who can handle the pressure. There are a lot of questions, and it's close. I just didn't like how you treated the Yankees rotation like crap. Now here's some food for thought... How will the performaces of the red sox pitchers be effected by the bulpen you possess. As oppose to the yankees who only need 6 inning pitchers?
  8. Eli always looks the most comfortable in the no-huddle offense. If he could run a few plays there and move the chains, he mights feel more comfortable and have a better game. We're not going to outplay these guys. We need to be smarter than them. Then again I highly doubt coughlin is going to outsmart somebody.
  9. dont forget fassel's giants beat the undefeated broncos who were 13-0 in 1998
  10. lol took the words right out of my mouth
  11. hi, i'm from boston, when we win it's skill, when you win it's luck.
  12. Ok if you want to look at the glass half full, then take a look at 4 of your starters. Now you're going to be shocked because the only steady guy I see in your rotation is Wakefield. There was talk about Schilling retiring. He's not the same dominant pitcher he once was. Ever since his ankle surgery he's just been pretty good. Nothing special. He's going on 41 years old with a bad ankle. He doesn't throw as hard as he once did and teams have found ways to knock him around a bit. Matzuzaka... dont get me started. You dont have a clue what this guy is going to do. You can show me all those projections that you want, but he's still coming from japan to the major leagues. Not only that he's coming to the AL East where every team has 19 games against 4 other teams that can all hit. He's going to be seen as some type of savior who cost the team 100 mil to get. The media is going to be all over him. His whole country is going to be looking on to see what kind of player he's going to be. He's got a ton of pressure on him and he still hasn't thrown a pitch yet. Beckett... this one is my favorite. You can point to talent all you want, it's not a question he has it. But the guy is more of a thrower than a pitcher. He's going to have to get smart, and he's not smart. His last season didn't fool anybody. Here are the teams he pitched more than 15 IP to last year. 20 IP against the Yankees with a 9.45 ERA. 29 IP against the Blue Jays with a 6.21 ERA. 17.1 IP against Oakland with a 6.23 ERA. 20.2 IP against Tampa Bay with a 5.03 ERA. 22 IP to Kansas City with a 2.46 ERA. The only team he had success against was the one he could blow his fastball by. My favorite part about this guy is that he could be one of those players that pitches the big game against the last place team and doesn't even show up for the tough games. Yeah yeah yeah keep citing what he did in 2003 against the Yankees. That was against a Yankees team that was tired out and all those pitchers pitched well against us. Now the guy is pitching to tougher lineups and the momentum isn't there that he once had. Papelbon I could see as being a decent starter. Idk how confident you can be on a full year at a high level from this guy though. He hurt his shoulder towards the end. Thats never a good sign. Do you really think he's going to pitch a whole year and dominate. To me he's going to be solid but I dont see him dominating people. Escpecially after the league started figuring him out last year in the second half. I mean like you said Lorf, when a young guy has only started 3 games, who knows. He's got a ton of talent though, but once again he's more of a wild card. So, this is what I am going to ask your Lorf. Where the fuck is the consistency and stability here? What have these guys proven? They have proven nothing except that they have talent. Mussina and Pettitte have been proving year after year they can handle pressure in New York and give you consistent stuff. Wang was 2nd in AL Cy Young voting last year. There are 3 guys right there who have proven things. Igawa is talented and scouts have him projected as a back of the rotation guy in the majors. Well isn't that where he is on the Yankees? Yeah he hasn't proven anything but we still have a bunch of young guys with talent in the minors. Pavano when healthy was a solid pitcher for a bit for the Yankees. We have depth and a balance of proven guys with guys with talent. I dont see your balance. The sox rotation is good, but you cant say any Yankee fan is an idiot for thinking the Yanks' rotation isnt as good. There are more questions on guys in your rotation then there are for the Yanks rotation. We're worried about 2 guys. Our 4,5 starters. Yet we have like 6 candidates for the job. You're worried about your 2,3,4 starters and you have 4 (Lester is included if he comes back) candidates for the job
  13. Before anyone comments on this, I just wat to remind everything of one thing. The Yankees won the divison last year with their 3,4,5 starters being Johnson, Wright, Chacon and Lidle. Karstens made 6 starts, Rasner had 3, and Sidney Ponson added 3 glorious ones of his own. The combined ERA of those guys is well over 5. Take out Karstens and Rasner and it could be close to 6. So, how are Pettitte, Igawa, Pavano, Sanchez, and Karstens any worse? I dont think it can be. I think it's a huge improvement. Thats just my opinion.
  14. http://www.usatoday.com/sports/baseball/al...son-trade_x.htm By Bob Nightengale, USA TODAY The Arizona Diamondbacks expect to complete a deal with the New York Yankees by the end of the week to bring back pitcher Randy Johnson, according to a high-ranking Diamondbacks official familiar with the negotiations. The clubs have agreed on the package of players the Diamondbacks will send to the Yankees, according to a club official from each team — two minor league pitchers and a major league reliever. The deal has not been completed because of money issues, including how much the Yankees will pay toward Johnson's $16 million contract in 2007. The Diamondbacks official also said they would like to sign Johnson to a one-year extension that would be a pay cut from his '07 salary, as well as restructure the $40 million deferred payments the left-hander is owed from his 1999-2004 stint with the team
  15. and we fire coughlin, do we give cowher an offer? DISCUSS!
  16. still they were 12-4 and the number 1 seed, regardless how bad the NFC was, they still lived up to expectations.
  17. fassel's team in the playoffs actually upset somebody who was favored. Remember when we beat the Vikings 41-0 in the NFC Conference Championship. The whole point in all of this is to make the playoffs, but what you do there is even more important. If Coughlin's team shocks a few teams here in the playoffs then he could be better, but until he does that he cant be considered better. Fassel's team actually did something. Going to the Super Bowl is pretty good. You'll always remember when your team went to the super bowl.
  18. if dallas wins and philly loses then we would play dallas.
  19. then in typical giants fashion try to fight the other team at the end of the game.
  20. i guess this is why there are huge building in vegas. They must know something that i dont. Hahaha they just robbed so many people for their money. LoL.
  21. his name is DWAYNE JARRETT from USC. He's a wide reciever, he's from new jersey, grew up a Giants fan. I want somebody Eli can groom and wont bitch all the time. Goodbye Plax and shut up shockey.
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