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Everything posted by Plow

  1. farsnworth's year before coming to the yanks was this... detroit 42.2 IP 55 K 2.32 ERA .192 BAA atlanta 27.1 IP 32 K 1.98 ERA .161 BAA combined 70 IP 87 K 2.19 ERA .180 BAA 16 saves 19 holds 2 blown saves oh what i am talking about, thats not good or anything.
  2. i dont consider melky a 4th OF, i consider him a starter who will be starting for the next 5 years. Thats why I dont want to do it.
  3. KP, look up Kyle Farnsworth's stats before he came to the Yankees, they're very similar to Gonzalez. Pithcing in Atlanta and Pittsburgh are nothing like New York. Dont foget Gonzalez didn't pitched after August 24th with elbow problems. He no doubt would be good, I just dont want to give up melky. Proctor I dont care about.
  4. i am not rooting for anybody else to lose or win anymore. I dont give a fuck. If the Giants cant win any games then i dont wanna see them embarassed in the playoffs. If the Giants win their last 2 games, they make it. That's all I want to know and need to hear.
  5. where are you in new york? If you're anywhere below 50th street, i know what you mean. I can handle the 70's because central park is really nice. I really like up in riverdale where my school is.
  6. no it doesn't make sense to trade him now. Soon you will realize after signing Drew that in New York and Boston there is a certain pressure created by the media. Certain guys cant handle this, but the ones who handle it best are the kids who came through the farm system and dont know any better. They arent getting huge deals and the media tends to lay off of them a bit b/c they're not seen as saviors. This is why it's not good to bring in a 28 year old lefty named Mike Gonzalez, who hasn't pitched a meaningful game since high school with elbow problems that caused him to miss the last month of the season, and annoint him the "Heir to Rivera." You just dont make that deal. -And to speak of Cabrera, how many 22 year olds played as well as he did last year? How are you so sure he wont turn into something solid? He does more than what his stats say. He brings energy to the team, he brings solid defense, be brings a hustle mentality. You friggin red sox fans were raving a year ago how cano was just an average player and Wang was just an average pitcher, right... The best part about Melky is the fact he wont make any money for the next 5 years. -Also back to Mike Gonzalez, the Yankees in my opinion dont need bulpen help. We have Rivera/Farsnworth/Proctor. That in itself is good enough. Then we just got Britton from Baltimore and Bruney last year pitched great down the stretch and the playoffs (0.87 ERA and .189 BAA in 20.2 innings in the reg season) We still have Myers, and one of those guys we got from the Tigers should be ready by 2007 and is supposed to be good. Cabrera shouldn't be traded, he should be starting in the OF next year.
  7. I am wondering if the reason they're throwing melky's name out there is to make the price for gonzalez go up for the red sox, because it also says the red sox are in hot pursuit of him. I dont get it. Drew just got 5 years 70 mil. Why wouldn't u want to keep a kid like melky who will be going to arbitration for like 4-5 years and make close to nothing. I just dont get it. To keep in note, Ichiro, Andruw Jones, and Torri Hunter are becoming free agents next year. However, I dont wanna see the Yanks give some 120 mil deal to ichiro, even though it would pretty much ensure all of Japan would be rooting for the Yankees.
  8. not only should the yanks not trade Melky. They should find a way to make it so he can start in LF or RF.
  9. i was confused because in my other post no1 said drew's contract was bad.
  10. when you want to talk sports, i'll be happy to discuss with you. Until then keep your close minded middle aged shit thoughts to yourself?
  11. Q: You have NO idea how much you will hate J.D. Drew. --Dave Geeting, St. Louis SG: Uh-oh, looks like we're entering the "If you're a Red Sox fan, you're about to be in a terrible mood reading all these J.D. Drew e-mails" portion of the mailbag. You knew it was coming. Just humor me. Q: I just wanted to congratulate you on your team becoming the new Mets. You know, the team that overspends on guys who sound good on paper, but who will totally flop under the pressure of their ridiculous contracts and the city's overbearing media. I'm sure Drew and Lugo will be very happy on their new teams in a year or two when the Sox have to dump their stupid contracts for 30 cents on the dollar. --Ben Teaford. Rocky Hill, Conn. SG: (Punching myself in the face.) Q: As a Dodgers fan, I was upset when I heard Drew opted out. Then I remembered how much money he was giving up and thought he was crazy -- after all, no one would pay $11 million a year for a corner outfielder who hits .280 with 20 HRs and looks like he doesn't care. Not once in his Dodger tenure do I remember going, "Wow. J.D. Drew really came up big for us last night." Good riddance. --Josh, Santa Barbara, Calif. SG: (Slamming my hand in a door.) Q: The day Drew opted out of his Dodger contract was like the feeling I had on Christmas morning when I was 7 and got my first pair of skates … an utterly joyous occasion. This man has no passion or love for the game of baseball and plays the game accordingly. It is fitting that he will be playing for Boston fans who will hate this guy with a passion by the second spring training game. As a fan of the game, I am sad that any other fans have to watch this guy -- except maybe Yankee fans; I was hoping Steinbrenner would overpay him. Good luck, this is your worst nightmare! --Tom Rowe, Long Beach, Calif. SG: (Repeatedly ramming my body into my Christmas tree.) Q: Just a stellar quote from Epstein about the J.D. Drew signing: "Virtually every player is a collection of strengths and weaknesses." Equivalent to when your buddy has a new girlfriend, and you know she's nuts, and he knows she's nuts, and she does something crazy like ask him for his e-mail password "just to prove that he trusts her," and the buddy tries to laugh it off by saying "but all women are a little crazy, you know, right?" It's never a good sign when the fans of the team that a player left are happier than the fans of the team that that player signed with. --Sam, Los Angeles SG: (Ramming a candy cane into my eye.) Q: I am a lifelong Dodgers fan and having one of the greatest laughs of my life watching the Red Sox sign J.D. Drew. I couldn't believe the Dodgers gave that bum $11 million a year to play sucky, injury-plagued, emotionless baseball. I was even more stunned when he OPTED OUT of that goldmine contract, although very happy because he was a joke. So, you can only imagine once I heard that he was getting $14 million a year from another team, I laughed my a$$ off! What was your thought process during this whole scenario? --David S., Toledo, Ohio SG: Thanks for asking. I haven't been this horrified by a big move from a Boston team since the Celtics traded for Vin Baker four summers ago. The Sox just signed someone who, by all accounts, plays without any semblance of passion or intensity. He's the exact type of player that Boston fans have always hated. We have a century-long track record of proving this point. That's the part I don't get. It's not like Theo is from France -- he's from freaking Brookline. He should have known. Arrrrrrrrrgh. One last e-mail about Drew … Q: What did Bono say to the Yankees fan after hearing about the J.D. Drew and Julio Lugo signings? "Well, tonight thank God it's them instead of you!!!!!" --Michael Rupp, Fairfield, Conn. SG: Now that's comedy. Well done. It's just a shame that Michael Rupp was overshadowed by Sly Cooley this week.
  12. dont talk about being a bandwagon fan
  13. i agree, he could put up matsui numbers... thats fine except this goes back to my first point. Matsui signed a 4 yr 52 mil deal. Drew got 5 yrs 70 mil. Meanwhile, we all knew what matsui could do in new york and there werent many vairbales. Also, matsui is overpaid.
  14. i know exactly what you're saying, but it's still 100 million dollars.
  15. in 2001, everyone thought darren dreifort and mike hampton were perfectly in line with the market. It doesn't mean it's not a mistake. I am much happier with what the Yankees did. Hughes/Sanchez/Karstens/Rasner are in their AAA rotation. As of right now all 4 of those guys are considered major league ready. Say just one of them becomes an elite starter, then we're going to have wang for about 4 more years making close to nothing and one of those guys for 6 making nothing.
  16. i wasn't talking about zito. You avoided my question!
  17. that between these 3 deals... 6 yrs 103 mil essentially for dice k 5 yrs 70 mil for JD Drew 4 yrs 36 mil for Julio lugo at least one does not look like a disaster in 3 years from now. I'm sorry, yeah a few of Drew's injuries were freak injuries, but still he has a horrible attitude and the wrong mental makeup for boston. He's never really lived up to his hype. Yeah Lugo is decent, but thats all he is. He cant really field his positon that well and he's a run of the mill player offensively. The jury is out on Dice-K, but seriously, essentially 17 mil a year for a guy who hasn't thrown a pitch in the majors yet? I know he has a lot of talent, but since when did we started shelling 100 mil for talent. One of those deals is gunna hurt in a few years. At least one. wah wah, yanks pay 16 mil a year for a-rod. ps- A-rod looks like a fucking steal right now.
  18. how do you all think Mark Charles Teixeira will look in pinstripes in 2008?
  19. natural light or keystone light? apples or oranges? baseball or football? It's pointless to argue, but natural light/apples/baseball
  20. yeah what beckett needs to learn is his 96 mph fastball right over the heart of the plate can be caught up by hitters in the AL East, he's not pitching to pitchers and Endy Chavez anymore. scouts say wang has the nastiest sinker in the game. He doesn't pitch for k's, he's pitches for quick outs. He should be solid.
  21. when you say age and potential i know what you're talking about. But i'd rather have age and developed talent, something i like to call chien ming wang. Yeah the 26 yr old kid who finished 2nd in Cy young voting last year
  22. no rant, just got a few points. 6 yrs 103 mil essentially for dice k 5 yrs 70 mil for JD Drew 4 yrs 36 mil for Julio lugo all of them have one thing in common, they have all proved they have talent, but have not proved to be elite players. 200 mil for 3 guys who havent done anything special in the MLB yet, thats fine. Also, I dont ever wanna hear ever again from a red sox fan that the yankees spend too much. oh yeah i also cant wait for the "lugo's better" chants
  23. i dont think you can say one bad thing about this deal.
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