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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. Temp, I don't think anyone thinks the loss was all on Jacobs... or even mostly on Jacobs... but when you toss your hat into the stands and rush for eight yards... well, people are going to talk.
  2. My two cents: 1. Our O-line got old overnight. I hope we have plan B in place because they were completely outplayed. I'm afraid it ain't getting better from here. 2. Everything else falls apart with no O-line. 3. Giants got down early because Fewell couldn't figure out after the third TD that having three DEs on the field and one LB was a bad idea... so the Giants had no choice but to pass and get clobbered. 4. In fact, coaching overall was fucking brutal. Gilbride is a fucking moron, too. 5. Brandon Jacobs needs to go. He's a 265 lb six year old. Actually, scratch that... he's a 265 lb six year old GIRL.
  3. Last year, I was with you, Joe. That was 16 games of LAST YEAR, though... he hasn't looked the same since he inked that big contract. His best days are behind him.
  4. It's AL DAVIS. The guy prolly forgot already. Just tell him Jacobs runs a 4.45 forty.
  5. Actually, now that I think about it... his stock probably just jumped with the Raiders. They'll prolly give us a third for him.
  6. So now aside from running like a 265lb vagina, he's throwing temper tantrums and endangering fans. Think it's too late to trade him for a sixth round pick?
  7. Shit man we sold two of ours for half price. Didn't you see my thread?
  8. Actually, I was thinking, "JR YOU StOOPID IMGRATE SIGN PLAX BURRESS NOW!"
  9. It's official: Eli Manning hates Kevin Boss. He leaves him out to dry at least once per game.
  10. I have to admit, it's sort of ugly in the daytime but at night it's a totally different stadium. Seeing those slats lit up in blue is actually pretty cool.
  11. Darn... I was just gonna invite you over to my place for some sweet, sweet grunding.
  12. Holy shit you beat me to it. The FIRST thing my dad and I said to each other was, "wow... the line to get in is actually WORSE in this stadium." Later, we found the bathroom lines were worse as well. Longer, but they seemed to move quicker. And H, did you catch all the empty seats? Of course, they were all in the wicked expensive "coaches section" or whatever behind the Giants bench and Mezzanine. Giants Stadium > Meadowlands Stadium.
  13. I have tix available for the game tomorrow nosebleed section about the 25 yard line. Message me if interested.
  14. My bold prediction for the game: OUR Steve Smith more than doubles the receiving yards of THEIR Steve Smith.
  15. Good. Maybe he'll stop running like a girl.
  16. I think everyone's opinion of what a "classy" organization is may be a little different. For me, it comes from the top... Mara keeping his hands off of coaching and draft decisions (as opposed to the Jerry Joneses, the Al Davises, etc) and not hiring douches like Rex Ryan, Brandon Marshall, etc. Coughlin is what he is and that's an above-average coach with a Super Bowl ring. Yeah, he may not be a "people person," but he's better than 75% of the guys coaching in the league right now I'd say, and his teams are always well-prepared and play hard. I'll take results over a "people person" any day... NO WAY do I want to go back to a Jim Fassel. I also find it notable that the only people who complain about him are veterans who seem to think they deserve special treatment. Toomer lost a step; Jacobs has lost a step. That's why they were replaced, not because Coughlin isn't personable.
  17. If god forbid, Eli goes down for the whole season, we'll play Sage until the playoffs are totally out of reach... at which time we'll switch to Bomar. But as a quick two-to-four week plug-in, you've gotta go with Sage.
  18. LOL that was the first thing I thought too. Ben Tate is on injured reserve. Jeez, doesn't ANYBODY follow fantasy football here?
  19. Exactly. When Brandon stops running like a girl, he can START running his mouth. Until then he needs to shut the fuck up and play... last year he ran like a 265-lb vagina. Bradshaw is clearly the better back... sees the holes better, he's faster, more elusive, and... yes... a MUCH tougher runner. However, his bow-legged running style is going to see him missing a fair amount of games this season too. We need them both.
  20. I loved this pickup till I found out it cost us a 5th. At the same time... would we find a backup QB of Rosenfels' calibur in the fifth round of next year's draft? You'll get your Tom Bradys here and there but it's not likely... this was an OK, but not great deal. I'll call it "solid."
  21. Good. The Giants don't deal well with success.
  22. I say yes. He's two seasons removed from a thousand-yard one with the Giants... if the price is right, why not?
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