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Bulluck Is Now An Outside LBer Again

Mr. P

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So, Goff and/or Dillard on the inside?



From the practice reports I've read, and from the little bit of game time, Goff has shown a strong grasp of the position and has played well in all aspects. I think this is more of Goff winning the job... but Sintim might not be ready for OLB, either. I mean, Bulluck is going to start somewhere. I like the fact that Goff has just gone out and demanded that he start with his play, which I think is the case. I never thought he was a player that had starter material, it looks like I was wrong.

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From the practice reports I've read, and from the little bit of game time, Goff has shown a strong grasp of the position and has played well in all aspects. I think this is more of Goff winning the job... but Sintim might not be ready for OLB, either. I mean, Bulluck is going to start somewhere. I like the fact that Goff has just gone out and demanded that he start with his play, which I think is the case. I never thought he was a player that had starter material, it looks like I was wrong.


I'm glad to hear Goff has been coming along....I haven't really been able to get a read on how he is coming along.


What about Dillard?....any thoughts on his progress?

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I'm glad to hear Goff has been coming along....I haven't really been able to get a read on how he is coming along.


What about Dillard?....any thoughts on his progress?



I can only tell you what I've gleanded from practice reports from Garafalo, Vacchiano, and Youngmisuk. I haven't seen Dillard play at all in either of the two exhibition games (I only watched the first half of the first game. But from what I've read I've gotten the feeling that he's been up and down with his play. Sounds like someone we don't really want starting this year, just hope he improves. The one positive I've read is that he's had a great attitude, is a fierce competitor, and works hard. So this is a wait and see probably over the next 2 seasons.

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It maybe more off a Sintim is not ready, And with Bullock having considerable OLB experience this is a way of getting out 3 best LB's on the field



In the end that is all we want.... but I am a little disappointed that Sintim hasn't stepped enough and grabbed that starter spot to warrant him being drafted in the 2nd round. Maybe he just needs more time.

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Dillard looks slower than Antonio Pierce....


As far as Goff goes....he's looked good at the position and seems to be able to line up the defense. Let's hope he has the intangibles like reading the defense down because he's more athletic than Pierce.


It's probably better than Bulluck goes back to his more natural OLB position...

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