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Jeremy Shockey Hospitalized After Seizure Like Symptoms

Mr. P

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METAIRIE - ABC26 Sports and NewOrleans.com have learned that Saints tight end Jeremy Shockey was taken to a local hospital this afternoon.


According to a league source, Shockey was suffering from seizure-like symptoms in the club's weight room after practice. He was able to walk on his own power to a waiting ambulance.





hope hes alright.

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The good news is that Jeremy Shockey was able to walk to an ambulance under his own power after experiencing seizure-like symptoms during a weight training session on Thursday.


Still, the incident sounded pretty scary for those who saw it.


One player, talking anonymously to Brian Allee-Walsh of New Orleans.com, described the scene this way:


"It was a little scary; it looked like maybe a mild seizure or a full body cramp or something. There were a decent amount of guys in the weight room at the time," the player said. "At first nobody really knew what was going on, but the trainers took control of the situation after a while.


"He was shaking and everything, and he was basically out of it for probably a minute or so, but it seemed longer. After he started coming back everything was pretty much all right. He seemed aware and everything seemed OK after a while. He got up and was walking around.''


It's not fair to draw many conclusions from this account. We're sure the Saints and Shockey will do everything possible to uncover why this happened, and whether it has anything to do with his hospitalization last year in Las Vegas for dehydration.



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Don't do drugs and workout...mmmmkkkaaayyy.



Yeah E can really dehydrate you....back when it was being used as an aid in psychotherapy back in the early 80's one of the big warning labels was to make sure that the patient was well hydrated and did not engage in serious strenuous activity for at least 4 hours after taking the dose. So all of those rave kids are really pushing the envelope taking this shit and dancing the lights out. :smartass:

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Yeah E can really dehydrate you....back when it was being used as an aid in psychotherapy back in the early 80's one of the big warning labels was to make sure that the patient was well hydrated and did not engage in serious strenuous activity for at least 4 hours after taking the dose. So all of those rave kids are really pushing the envelope taking this shit and dancing the lights out. :smartass:


The other spectrum of that is that people can over hydrate and drown themselves from the inside on E....because they know that E dehydrates you they drink more...and satiety functions improperly on it

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I was worried about Jeremy a couple of weeks ago, when he was interviewed on a MMA show and he was sitting with his friends Mickey Rourke. Whereas Mickey Rourke was sober and coherent, Shock was totally wasted and rambling. Looks like a guy enjoying the superbowl a little hard.

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Yeah Boo...Jeremy is one of those asshole train wreck kind of guys who are the only ones unaware that they are fucking up their lives. Its sad to say the signs were very obvious very very early on. Glad to see Mickey still walking the straight and narrow. Maybe he can mentor this asshole like a recovering uncle or something. Early Mickey is someone I would have enjoyed partying with...mid to late Mickey before sobriety is someone I would have pleaded with to go into and stay in rehab.

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