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Alright fellas... advice

so-cal dub

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I got a bet going on this Dallas game. Bet is, If I lose I have to send the guy my giants hat, and vice versa if I win.



I want you guys to decide what I should do with the hat, if I should win.



of course burning it is always an option, but I want to do something more like piss on it, shit on it, pick up vomit with it... Keep in mind, I will film this so none of those I just mentioned will probably stay very long on youtube.



Give me ideas... I already though about putting cigs out on it, but I'll let my Giants brethren decide it's fate. Of course, this is if we win.

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I dont have a cat, however I have a dog in a condo. So I could always use this hat as a dog shit scooper.. :evilgrin:


Excellent. Collect your dog's feces in the hat. Then send it back to the cowgirl fan filled to the brim.

Let him worry about burning it. :)

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If you are going to make a video out of it, you're going to need to do multiple things to it to really drive home the disrespect. Using it as a dog scooper is a great idea. You could also stage something... like say a buddy comes over, you ask him to wipe his feet before coming in, then say, "no, not on the mat, I have something better!" Then throw down the hat. Also, you could put a sign up that says, "Cowboys hat, only 10 cents, and have a bunch of people pass by shaking their heads, like they don't want it. Also, scrub the toilet with it. You should be able to make a pretty good video like that.


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I got a bet going on this Dallas game. Bet is, If I lose I have to send the guy my giants hat, and vice versa if I win.



I want you guys to decide what I should do with the hat, if I should win.



of course burning it is always an option, but I want to do something more like piss on it, shit on it, pick up vomit with it... Keep in mind, I will film this so none of those I just mentioned will probably stay very long on youtube.



Give me ideas... I already though about putting cigs out on it, but I'll let my Giants brethren decide it's fate. Of course, this is if we win.


I say do nothing of negative nature to that hat. As a matter of fact the most intriguing option in my opion is to savor that hat.. pit it in some glass cube and take pictures of it as though you're holding your enemy's head after you'd just severed his head. You get to look like a class act by not trashing an oponent (not kicking him when he's down).. and the people will realize the wisdom of keeping your enemy's close.... they see in the back of their heads that you're holding your enemy's skull.. and you show that you're acting like .. you've been there.

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