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Who to root for monday night....


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You want Carolina to win, because the Giants face Carolina and that gives the Giants a chance to own the head to head if they beat them which won't be the case if Tampa and NY end up with tied records.

So is this the agreed consensus? We root for Carolina? cause I am a much bigger fan of Tampa than I am Carolina. :)

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I don't know. I think I am rooting for Tampa - hear me out.... If Carolina loses this game they will be 9-4 (2 games behind us). If we both win next week, then even if they beat us the following week we will still be ahead of them. Tampa, with a win will be 10-3 (1 game behind). Do we think Tampa can pass us? I don't know. I think I would like to see Tampa win this, so the game against Carolina won't have major implications for us.

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I don't know. I think I am rooting for Tampa - hear me out.... If Carolina loses this game they will be 9-4 (2 games behind us). If we both win next week, then even if they beat us the following week we will still be ahead of them. Tampa, with a win will be 10-3 (1 game behind). Do we think Tampa can pass us? I don't know. I think I would like to see Tampa win this, so the game against Carolina won't have major implications for us.

So you rather the Bucs have the #1 seed? :huh:

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Almost any way you cut it, we have to beat Carolina in week 16. Best case scenario is, Carolina wins tonight, then Tampa gets beat again next week in Atlanta. If that happens, the Carolina game is the ONLY remaining game we'd need to win for 1st seed.

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