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Where do you stand on Plax's situation?  

29 members have voted

  1. 1. Where do you stand on Plax's situation?

    • Plax should come back and finish his career as a Giant.
    • Plax should be cut or traded.

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The feelings about Plax and his boneheaded venture of late vary. I would like to know where everyone stands. I, for one, believe we all make mistakes... I also happened to believe NYC's gun laws are unconstitutional. I really feel that this is Plax's wake up call and that he can come back from this and play the game the way he's capable of playing.

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I think he should come back, the Giants are known for given their players another chance but he will be on a short leash. It is well known that the team really likes Plax and respect him as a player and leader and I think Reese understands this and will try to sit down with him in the offseason and try to talk it out and go from there.


I would love for him to end his career as a Giant and if the legal issues dont get in the way(i.e. Jail time), I think he will.

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Tough call I think. I went back and forth but voted cut or trade. If he had a better attitude and work ethic, I would be more willing to want him to stay. This has been more than one mistake. He worked hard and played his ass off while injured last year. For that the Giants rewarded him with the contract he wanted. Since the game after his contract signing, I have watched him take plays off, miss meetings, miss treatments, have no remorse or recognition of wrongdoing for these things, and now this. He comes off as a bratty little child who was on his best behavior until he got the toy he wanted and went back to what he really is.

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I've stated my opinion before. I'd like for him to retire as a Giant. The problem is that he'd have to be proven innocent, then hope that the commish isn't on his period, and then become a complete model citizen.

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I've stated my opinion before. I'd like for him to retire as a Giant. The problem is that he'd have to be proven innocent, then hope that the commish isn't on his period, and then become a complete model citizen.


Of course which is why I'm hoping this is rock bottom for the guy and that's the wake up call he so desperately needed. Overall I think the guy needs the fans' support more than ever.

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Of course which is why I'm hoping this is rock bottom for the guy and that's the wake up call he so desperately needed. Overall I think the guy needs the fans' support more than ever.

I agree but most fans are loyal to the uniform and not the guy wearing it. Not that there's anything wrong with being loyal to the organization. You're just not going to get that when you're talking about the player. Plax needs support from his family, team, and organization and above all else, if he ever wants to play football again, he needs a really good defense and a verdict of not guilty when his trial is over.

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Oh how quick we all forget 2007 and how he carried this team on his back. If anyone doesn't think this will cause him to do a 180 their crazy. He knows he will never play in the NFL again if he gets in trouble once more. I doubt he would even consider showing up 30 seconds late to another meeting. And that is why I would want him back. This incident absolutely forces being a better player and teammate upon Plax.

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Oh how quick we all forget 2007 and how he carried this team on his back. If anyone doesn't think this will cause him to do a 180 their crazy. He knows he will never play in the NFL again if he gets in trouble once more. I doubt he would even consider showing up 30 seconds late to another meeting. And that is why I would want him back. This incident absolutely forces being a better player and teammate upon Plax.


'Zackly :TU:. Plax isn't a bad person. He strikes as someone who needs help more than anything. I'm rooting for him.. and this case may very well go to the Superme Court. NYC's gun laws are ridiculous and unconstitutional.

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'Zackly :TU:. Plax isn't a bad person. He strikes as someone who needs help more than anything. I'm rooting for him.. and this case may very well go to the Superme Court. NYC's gun laws are ridiculous and unconstitutional.


Wait a minute. You think it should be legal for anyone to carry a concealed loaded gun into a nightclub while you and everyone around you is drinking? And not even in a holster, but tucked into the waistband of sweatpants? Really?


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I think he's going to do time.

Count him as Gone.


Forgetting 2007? Please. That has nothing to do with this. He made a very stupid decision.

I wish nothing but the best for him, but I don't think he'll play another game as a Giant.

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Wait a minute. You think it should be legal for anyone to carry a concealed loaded gun into a nightclub while you and everyone around you is drinking? And not even in a holster, but tucked into the waistband of sweatpants? Really?


I didn't say all that. I just think NYC's gun laws are ridiculous and in violation of the 2nd amendment.

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Oh how quick we all forget 2007 and how he carried this team on his back. If anyone doesn't think this will cause him to do a 180 their crazy. He knows he will never play in the NFL again if he gets in trouble once more. I doubt he would even consider showing up 30 seconds late to another meeting. And that is why I would want him back. This incident absolutely forces being a better player and teammate upon Plax.

Man, no way am I forgeting 2007. At the begining of this season I wanted nothing more than for Plax to get the contract he deserved, even if he did have 3 years remaining on his original one. That was becuse he deserved the new contract based on what he was doing with the team and on the field. If Plax continued to work, after the new contract, as he did last season, he would have went down as a Giants hero. Instead we got a guy who couldn't show up for work, treatments, had a bad attitude toward his punishments and has now brought other people down with his actions. I hope he turns things around for himself, but I think the Giants organization should feel slightly betrayed by a guy who they tried to do right by.


I also remember people saying his 1 game suspension for skipping his monday meetings was his wake up call. Guess not.

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I also remember people saying his 1 game suspension for skipping his Monday meetings was his wake up call. Guess not.


And this is why he isn't going to change. He was a problem in Pittsburgh then had ups and downs as a Giant and this year decided to be a head case again. He probably needs a good psychiatrist to get his shit together. Nas maybe full of hope for this guy but as the saying goes, shit in one hand and wish in the other and tell me which one fills up first.

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'Zackly :TU:. Plax isn't a bad person. He strikes as someone who needs help more than anything. I'm rooting for him..



fuck Plax. He has been in this league what 8 years? 9? He has had plenty of time to grow up and get his shit together.


If it was just shit like being lazy about practice and missing meetings I could deal with it.


That is no longer the case. He is now jeapordizing teammates and staff through his actions. Pierce, Ronnie Barnes and Charles Way could all get in trouble on this one and we NEED Pierce.


Plax has moved from mercurial malcontent to Cancer with a capital "C".






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Man, no way am I forgeting 2007. At the begining of this season I wanted nothing more than for Plax to get the contract he deserved, even if he did have 3 years remaining on his original one. That was becuse he deserved the new contract based on what he was doing with the team and on the field. If Plax continued to work, after the new contract, as he did last season, he would have went down as a Giants hero. Instead we got a guy who couldn't show up for work, treatments, had a bad attitude toward his punishments and has now brought other people down with his actions. I hope he turns things around for himself, but I think the Giants organization should feel slightly betrayed by a guy who they tried to do right by.


I also remember people saying his 1 game suspension for skipping his monday meetings was his wake up call. Guess not.



That about sums it up perfectly. I wish him the best but he has made too many mistakes, and my biggest problem is how he responds to the mistakes. Laughs off missing meetings, blames it on taking is 18 month old kid to school (must be one damned gifted kid), says the suspensions and losing money doesn't bother him, and then is joking about this situation with Jacobs over the phone. A complete and utter lack of remorse.

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The feelings about Plax and his boneheaded venture of late vary. I would like to know where everyone stands. I, for one, believe we all make mistakes... I also happened to believe NYC's gun laws are unconstitutional. I really feel that this is Plax's wake up call and that he can come back from this and play the game the way he's capable of playing.


the dog has to disagree. he has had opportunities to heed a "wake-up" call. The problem the dog has in labeling this just a mistake on his part is that he was a danger to himself, but also to many others. these things are easy to brush aside since there is no real tragedy involved, but the reality is, if you had a son and/or daughter who decided to go out for a fun night at a club, and was standing near him when the gun went off, even if they weren't hit by the bullet, wouldn't you want to see that person prosecuted firmly? Worse, and god forbid, what if your loved one was struck by the bullet? when does it seize to be a stupid mistake? it's easy to say he needs fan support and help. but if you had someone injured or worse by his "mistake," you would be calling for his head...

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Well apparently the Giants are open to letting Plax back but only if he plays by Giants rules, which isn't very likely fort very long. He's had attitude problems his entire career so I doubt a 180 turn forever is going to happen.


On Wednesday, [Giants general manager Jerry] Reese, who helped engineer last season's Super Bowl run, said that if Burress survived a blizzard of legal issues, he could be a Giant in 2009. "Provided he plays by Giants rules," Reese said.


Without going into detail, Reese said the Giants' front office was on the same page about Burress's possible future with the Giants - namely that he had one - provided he was not in jail and provided he had a 180-degree attitude adjustment.

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That about sums it up perfectly. I wish him the best but he has made too many mistakes, and my biggest problem is how he responds to the mistakes. Laughs off missing meetings, blames it on taking is 18 month old kid to school (must be one damned gifted kid), says the suspensions and losing money doesn't bother him, and then is joking about this situation with Jacobs over the phone. A complete and utter lack of remorse.


Is it a complete lack of remorse or an attempt at denial.. and embarrassment. Notice when someone is put in a tough spot, they tend to play it off like it's nothing.


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Nas he has no remorse. If he did he would have been embarrassed by his behavior years ago and would never have gotten into the position he is in now.


Yes but I don't think any of the previous incidents are as serious as this one. Maybe I like the odds of a man when he's hit rock bottom. I'm rooting for him.

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Yes but I don't think any of the previous incidents are as serious as this one. Maybe I like the odds of a man when he's hit rock bottom. I'm rooting for him.


As am I. I think this is the wake up call he needed - and not just for being a better team player etc but being a better person in life. I think the guy has some demons. After reading his book it seems like he has suffered through some hard times since his mom died. And the problem with authority can arguably linked with his growing up without a father, but who am I to play psychiatrist. But I do know that when your making 35 million dollars and your on the sidelines hurt showing a complete lack of emotion for your teams success and looking like your head isn't right something may be running deeper with him than life on the football field. The guy clearly doesn't have a huge ego. He rarely speaks out publicly and openly admits he is distrustful of most people around him.... it runs deeper than him "just being a jerk". I mean I have rarely even seen the guy smile. He may be suffering some demons and I think that hitting rock bottom will force him to make changes to get his life back on track and hopefully become a happier person in general. I know that Plax the football player is the best wr the Giants have ever had and I really hope they give him another shot if he avoids major legal consequences and can adjust his attitude. You won't see me calling for the guys head.... EVER

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As am I. I think this is the wake up call he needed - and not just for being a better team player etc but being a better person in life. I think the guy has some demons. After reading his book it seems like he has suffered through some hard times since his mom died. And the problem with authority can arguably linked with his growing up without a father, but who am I to play psychiatrist. But I do know that when your making 35 million dollars and your on the sidelines hurt showing a complete lack of emotion for your teams success and looking like your head isn't right something may be running deeper with him than life on the football field. The guy clearly doesn't have a huge ego. He rarely speaks out publicly and openly admits he is distrustful of most people around him.... it runs deeper than him "just being a jerk". I mean I have rarely even seen the guy smile. He may be suffering some demons and I think that hitting rock bottom will force him to make changes to get his life back on track and hopefully become a happier person in general. I know that Plax the football player is the best wr the Giants have ever had and I really hope they give him another shot if he avoids major legal consequences and can adjust his attitude. You won't see me calling for the guys head.... EVER


:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

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As am I. I think this is the wake up call he needed - and not just for being a better team player etc but being a better person in life. I think the guy has some demons. After reading his book it seems like he has suffered through some hard times since his mom died. And the problem with authority can arguably linked with his growing up without a father, but who am I to play psychiatrist. But I do know that when your making 35 million dollars and your on the sidelines hurt showing a complete lack of emotion for your teams success and looking like your head isn't right something may be running deeper with him than life on the football field. The guy clearly doesn't have a huge ego. He rarely speaks out publicly and openly admits he is distrustful of most people around him.... it runs deeper than him "just being a jerk". I mean I have rarely even seen the guy smile. He may be suffering some demons and I think that hitting rock bottom will force him to make changes to get his life back on track and hopefully become a happier person in general. I know that Plax the football player is the best wr the Giants have ever had and I really hope they give him another shot if he avoids major legal consequences and can adjust his attitude. You won't see me calling for the guys head.... EVER




End of fucking thread.



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