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In Jerry Golsteyn's defense....he....a...he....well, he was supposedly a real cut up in film session.


I remember we finally got a game on TV out here in the late 70's and it was so fucking horrible....half way through my old man - a tad lite up is screaming for them to pull both Pisarcek and Golsteyn and put Joe Morrison in at QB. I recall telling him that Morrison retired about 5 years earlier and him saying...."then they need to go find him...now and see if he'll come back".


C. Wagon.


I always think of "Dandy" Randy Dean. How that guy was ever allowed to suit up, let alone start a game as a QB of a professional football team, I'll never know.

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My Old Man hated the Giants and I could hear his laugh all the way up to my room from his basement lair. My sister and I were watching it and I was thinking 5-3 and now we can start thinking playoffs a little bit. Next thing you know I am just standing there stunned...my sister stops celebrating goes to her room, closes the door and turns up her stereo. I actually watch the post game show where the coach McVay comes on and both he and the announcer look as if a family member just died in their arms. I will never forget that moment. :ph34r:

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I always think of "Dandy" Randy Dean. How that guy was ever allowed to suit up, let alone start a game as a QB of a professional football team, I'll never know.


#11...?????....never snapped his chin strap....or what that Randy Johnson. He backed up Trankington..then Snead....way early 70's when the fuckers would tease us at being good.


C. Waogn

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I was going to post somewhere today that this Giants team looks and feels like the one that won the 86 Super Bowl. Those guys had a certain inevitable feeling about them when they stepped on the field in that they expected to win against anyone they faced with the same vanilla offense day in and out. LOL!!!

Good analogy. Especially with the Carthon/Hedgecock parallel. But the offensive line reminds me more to the 90 line, which wanted to pound everyone into submission.


Chuck...#15 in your hearts and nightmares...He was around with Pisarcik and goldsteyn.



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Good analogy. Especially with the Carthon/Hedgecock parallel. But the offensive line reminds me more to the 90 line, which wanted to pound everyone into submission.


Chuck...#15 in your hearts and nightmares...He was around with Pisarcik and goldsteyn.





....its coming back now.


C. Wagon

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I was 14. I was facing east while watching the game with my father in my parent's room, on a black and white tv. I know this because my father's tv was on his dresser, under a window, and that window would get sun in the mornings.


I remember my father and I being pretty happy: after all, we were doing ok early in that season, and we hadn't seen anything but 6-10 or worse for a few seasons before '78, but here it was the 8th game, and we already had 5 wins. And the Giants were winning again. We were going to win. The production credits were beginning to roll on the screen...


Somewhere between the names of the assistant producer and the assistant-assistant producer, fucking Pisarchik fumbles the ball. An eagle picks it up, runs it into the end zone, and we lose.






Nobody, not on screen, not in the house, says anything while they try to process what had just happened. Then there were boos, my dad running off a stream of curses that just had to be a precursor to some rap groups, and me. Oh, he did stop once in his tirade, to tell me to stop cursing:


did I mention that this is the first time he had ever heard me curse?


No, you deal with something like that, you don't take anything for granted. Take that Titans game in 2006, and multiply that by 100x. 30 seconds left on the clock, your offense has the ball, and all you have to do is sit down. That's so much worse than blowing a lead with 10 minutes left.


From that point on, I have never turned off a game, or assumed the win, until I saw the players walk off the field.


And you better believe I've savored every winning season since.


You hit the nail on the head. I for one do not remember this moment, I was 4 soon to be 5 a month later, but I do remember the day. My dad and grandfather had had their tickets for years and my mom was always bitching that they went to the games(this was all told to me later on I did not actually know this at 4). Anyway that day, my dad and mom dropped me off at my grandparents house. Low and behold Grandpa was gonna sit this one out and watch his grandson and Mom and Dad were gonna go to the game. Mom was gonna get a day out as her little boy was almost 5 and certainly old enough to stay with Grandma and Grandpa for a few hours while mom and dad went and had a little fun right?


It was my Moms first football game ever .............. and her last (excluding my high school years)

To this day my Mom hates football.................

When she hears of me yelling about a game, she reckons back to Nov 18 1978 when she saw my dad get so angry and distraught you would have thought someone died, all over a football game.

My Dad(who divorced my mom 2 years later) blamed my mom for the whole thing(really) and in 1981,Dec 19th to be exact when the Giants finnally made the playoffs my Dad claimed it was because his divorce was final(really honest to god).


To say this game left a lasting impression on Giant fans of every generation is an understatement. I know my wife just told me yesterday when I read in the paper that the 30 year anniversary is this week all about it she said "I know you told me and your mom was there and your dad always blamed her".


Thats why we should always cherish seasons like we are having and enjoy it every week.

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I'm sorry. :(



Its the mental image of Craig Morten in those road uniforms with the blue pants and the "I just dropped acid" NY logo on the helmet that really gets you....man from 72' on it was a fucking horror show...I mean almost like Detroit Lions bad for 12 years.


The salad days.


C. Wagon

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enjoy these past two seasons...in the 80s when the Giants were really good we all took them for granted, and then Parcells left, LT retired and we experienced to horror of the Dave brown lead 90s. Trust me enjoy every game.


Ok, Pops :TU:

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Its the mental image of Craig Morten in those road uniforms with the blue pants and the "I just dropped acid" NY logo on the helmet that really gets you....man from 72' on it was a fucking horror show...I mean almost like Detroit Lions bad for 12 years.


The salad days.


C. Wagon

Morton owned a pub down in North Beach for a short time in the early part of this decade. Went down there one night and we bought each other a few scotches and reminisced. He's a helluva nice guy. Alas, the pub didn't last long.

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Its the mental image of Craig Morten in those road uniforms with the blue pants and the "I just dropped acid" NY logo on the helmet that really gets you....man from 72' on it was a fucking horror show...I mean almost like Detroit Lions bad for 12 years.


The salad days.


C. Wagon


Man, that guy spent more time on his back than a "comfort girl." Most I remember about him was watching him flip the bird to the crowd during a home game. And being totally unable to move the ball.


Kinda liked the blue pants, though. If they got rid of the clown stripes.


The cardinals were a better team than we were back then. Other than New Orleans, not many teams were worse.


Morton owned a pub down in North Beach for a short time in the early part of this decade. Went down there one night and we bought each other a few scotches and reminisced. He's a helluva nice guy. Alas, the pub didn't last long.


I can just picture the horror stories he had to share...

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Man, that guy spent more time on his back than a "comfort girl." Most I remember about him was watching him flip the bird to the crowd during a home game. And being totally unable to move the ball.


Kinda liked the blue pants, though. If they got rid of the clown stripes.


The cardinals were a better team than we were back then. Other than New Orleans, not many teams were worse.




I can just picture the horror stories he had to share...

Besides the Giants, he had a pretty good career. Starting QB Super Bowls for 2 different teams- has that been done since?- As A Giant, he was saddled with the Nomad years for the most part- we had no home. No, he did not linger long on the Giants years.

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I remember pretty much how I became a fan. I was 5 years old in 86. I remember having the Chicken Pox during division playoff game against the Niners. That was my first memory of football and I have the dumbest reason why I fell for the Giants. My favorite color at the time was blue, I had blue sheets, blue was around me so I decided to like the Giants and after 49-3 shellacking, how can't you like them. For the Super Bowl, it was the first time my parents let me stay up late to watch anything. I remember be so excited about the Giants but only discovering them a few weeks before. I was still so young to be a full time fan back then. I dressed up as Phil Simms the following Holloween. It was not until 1990 when I started following football full time and I remember that team. I remember going to a Super Bowl party that year and being the only fan there and jumping for joy after Norwood missed wide right.


In reality, last years Super Bowl win was the only one I have been so aware of anything. I know I was not part of the wilderness years but there were times in the 90's where things were bad. I will always cherish what happened last year and I do hope it happens again.

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I remember pretty much how I became a fan. I was 5 years old in 86. I remember having the Chicken Pox during division playoff game against the Niners. That was my first memory of football and I have the dumbest reason why I fell for the Giants. My favorite color at the time was blue, I had blue sheets, blue was around me so I decided to like the Giants and after 49-3 shellacking, how can't you like them. For the Super Bowl, it was the first time my parents let me stay up late to watch anything. I remember be so excited about the Giants but only discovering them a few weeks before. I was still so young to be a full time fan back then. I dressed up as Phil Simms the following Holloween. It was not until 1990 when I started following football full time and I remember that team. I remember going to a Super Bowl party that year and being the only fan there and jumping for joy after Norwood missed wide right.

In reality, last years Super Bowl win was the only one I have been so aware of anything. I know I was not part of the wilderness years but there were times in the 90's where things were bad. I will always cherish what happened last year and I do hope it happens again.


How funny, the same thing happened to me. I didnt know all the guys I hang with now, I hadnt been here that long. So the party I went to, I was the ONLY Giant fan. I remember it clearly, I was on a couch in the middle of three people. ANd when it went wide right, I stood up and raised my hands to the air, "YES!!!" :clap:

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enjoy these past two seasons...in the 80s when the Giants were really good we all took them for granted, and then Parcells left, LT retired and we experienced to horror of the Dave brown lead 90s. Trust me enjoy every game.

I work every Sunday... no DVR, and my VCR is broken. :(


I get to keep track of the games on CNN.com and the NFL Live Mobile on my phone which is completely unreliable. Even with all of that I'm enjoying the hell out of these seasons.

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