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Worst Coaching Staff in the NFL


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We sucked today..... every aspect of the offensive game. horrible....... absolutely horrendous ...



Did Eli have decent game...no. But he had tons of dropped passes and no one worried about the run...



Our O-coods should be shitcanned before monday

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Because of one game? Yeah that would be a well thought dicision, and not a knee jerk reaction by an overly emotional fan at all.

How many weapons does this offense have? When is the last time they performed to the level they should? Week one against Dallas?

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This whole team stinks from top to bottom. Can't blame it all on the coaches, or Eli, or the receivers, or the defense or anyone. Everyone involved with the orginization has an awful stench to it right now. All the talk about "Not this year" with the 2nd half collapse, "This is a different team". Nope, same smack talking showboats who'd rather talk than play football and show people they're different vs telling them.


Bet they look really fucking scary to the other wild card hopefulls in the conference, the 12 sack game may have been the worst thing that could have ahppened to us, because this team always buys into its own hype and after that they thought they were a defensive jugernaut who would simply sack their way to victories.



I can't remember the last time I've felt this let down.

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This whole team stinks from top to bottom. Can't blame it all on the coaches, or Eli, or the receivers, or the defense or anyone. Everyone involved with the orginization has an awful stench to it right now. All the talk about "Not this year" with the 2nd half collapse, "This is a different team". Nope, same smack talking showboats who'd rather talk than play football and show people they're different vs telling them.


Bet they look really fucking scary to the other wild card hopefulls in the conference, the 12 sack game may have been the worst thing that could have ahppened to us, because this team always buys into its own hype and after that they thought they were a defensive jugernaut who would simply sack their way to victories.

I can't remember the last time I've felt this let down.


I'm sorry, but when every single player on the team lays a fucking egg you have to blame the coaching staff.

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Not at all. As I said, you can't lay all the blame on one individual or group of individuals. Nobody did their jobs today. Coaches sucked at coaching, players sucked at playing, fans sucked at fanning.


announcers sucked at announcing, and refs sucked at reffing, but that's every week.

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And you think it was coincidental they all laid an egg on the same day?



I happen to have flipped onto ESPNNEWS and Eric Allen was saying about

Eli Manning's performance "it look as if he was unprepared". He was 100 percent

right about that, just that the whole team look unprepared not just Manning.

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Tell me guys does this sound familiar?


1st and 10... stretch right to Droughns, tackled after a gain of two.




Just like the Panthers game in 2005!


We ran a first down run five straight times for a total of six yards.


That was what did us in. Set up second and nine, all of a sudden that 32nd ranked pass defense becomes the 16th ranked pass defense when they know what's coming. Maybe even better.


Our offense has been too conventional for too long, it's been a crucial reason to Eli's struggles down the stretch. There's no consistent balance with this team, something to keep the defense on their heels.



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Tell me guys does this sound familiar?


1st and 10... stretch right to Droughns, tackled after a gain of two.




Just like the Panthers game in 2005!


We ran a first down run five straight times for a total of six yards.


That was what did us in. Set up second and nine, all of a sudden that 32nd ranked pass defense becomes the 16th ranked pass defense when they know what's coming. Maybe even better.


Our offense has been too conventional for too long, it's been a crucial reason to Eli's struggles down the stretch. There's no consistent balance with this team, something to keep the defense on their heels.




If you or know the play it's very conventional. Same off tackle plays have been run for too long.

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Our offense has been too conventional for too long, it's been a crucial reason to Eli's struggles down the stretch. There's no consistent balance with this team, something to keep the defense on their heels.




First Drive they were hitting on all cylinders... Mixing the plays well, Minn had no clue what was coming.... once Gil had to call plays that he did not script back on Tuesday he was lost.

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First Drive they were hitting on all cylinders... Mixing the plays well, Minn had no clue what was coming.... once Gil had to call plays that he did not script back on Tuesday he was lost.

seems very similar to last season. :brooding:

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Not at all. As I said, you can't lay all the blame on one individual or group of individuals. Nobody did their jobs today. Coaches sucked at coaching, players sucked at playing, fans sucked at fanning.


How did the fans suck at fanning...? They booed. Rightly so. They all left. Rightly so.

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Eli apologists out in full force yet again. His sucky play is never his fault. I guess he'll only be great when the Offensive line plays a perfect game, the O-coordinator calls all the right plays all game, no receiver ever has a drop, and the running game sets him up with 2nd and short every drive. YEEEEEAAAAAAAH. And then what after that? It was cold outside?


I've never seen another great QB need so many things to be perfect for him to really shine. Eli is not an accurate qb. Some of the drops that the receivers had were directly related to him not putting the ball in an accurate spot. When the ball is thrown behind the receiver and the DB has a play to get his hand in there, and the WR doesn't pull it in, I'm putting that more on the QB. The point is that happened more than once yesterday. He's not putting the ball on target. He is just not that good as we would like to think. No more f-ing excuses. That was the worst pass defense in the NFL yesterday. 32 out of 32 teams. And Eli gave them one of the best pass defensive games in the history of the NFL. Just re-read the last 3 sentences. That is all you need to know about Eli. "Great" QBs don't give the worst pass defense in the NFL a game like that. Wait a minute, I think I need to go... Eli just threw another INT to a Vikings DB.

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Eli apologists out in full force yet again. His sucky play is never his fault. I guess he'll only be great when the Offensive line plays a perfect game, the O-coordinator calls all the right plays all game, no receiver ever has a drop, and the running game sets him up with 2nd and short every drive. YEEEEEAAAAAAAH. And then what after that? It was cold outside?


I've never seen another great QB need so many things to be perfect for him to really shine. Eli is not an accurate qb. Some of the drops that the receivers had were directly related to him not putting the ball in an accurate spot. When the ball is thrown behind the receiver and the DB has a play to get his hand in there, and the WR doesn't pull it in, I'm putting that more on the QB. The point is that happened more than once yesterday. He's not putting the ball on target. He is just not that good as we would like to think. No more f-ing excuses. That was the worst pass defense in the NFL yesterday. 32 out of 32 teams. And Eli gave them one of the best pass defensive games in the history of the NFL. Just re-read the last 3 sentences. That is all you need to know about Eli. "Great" QBs don't give the worst pass defense in the NFL a game like that. Wait a minute, I think I need to go... Eli just threw another INT to a Vikings DB.



Ever think the Eli appologists wouldn't have to be out in full force if the Eli bashers didn't make so many appearences?




Can I ask a question? Thepast is the past, whats done is done. What would you Eli haters do at this point? Bite the bullet and release Eli? Draft/sign another starting qb and put Eli on the bench? Trade him for a late round pick? I say late round because obviously ya'll don't think we would get a top 2 or maybe even 3 round pick from him.



Fact is, like it or not, he is our guy until he without a doubt proves he is hurting the team, and I'm sorry, but I just can't say he's done that after 2 straight playoff appearences including a dividion title.

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Ever think the Eli appologists wouldn't have to be out in full force if the Eli bashers didn't make so many appearences?

Can I ask a question? Thepast is the past, whats done is done. What would you Eli haters do at this point? Bite the bullet and release Eli? Draft/sign another starting qb and put Eli on the bench? Trade him for a late round pick? I say late round because obviously ya'll don't think we would get a top 2 or maybe even 3 round pick from him.

Fact is, like it or not, he is our guy until he without a doubt proves he is hurting the team, and I'm sorry, but I just can't say he's done that after 2 straight playoff appearences including a dividion title.



To answer your question, Eli "haters" as you like to call them (I call them realists) don't need to do anything except for call for another option to be drafted in the middle rounds of some upcoming draft to compete for the starting job. It was Accorsi that felt that you HAD to have a franchise QB in the top of the 1st round of the draft to win in the NFL. That philosophy is not true. Brady is the quintessential answer to that. But other teams have had success with QBs in later rounds like Matt Schaub, David Garrard, Tony Romo (undrafted), and many others. But like you said, what's done is done. I don't want Eli bashers to do anything. What I want is for Eli-man-lovers to stop making a bajillion excuses for him every f#cking sunday when he yet again shows that he is not that good. He is not a champion either, he just doesn't have that spark in him that makes a championship caliber QB. It's a fire that you can visibly see on the field that he does not have. You can see it in Brady, Favre, Peyton. You could see it in Montana and Young and even Aikman. I can even see it in Jason Campbell, however, his skills are limiting him at this point in his career. But at least he has that moxie, that will to win, that fire that elevates his team and is a "refuse to lose" mentality. It's the will to be perfect. Eli looks like he's playing to not mess up. You can't win that way. At times has he looked good? Sure, or else he'd already be on the bench. But overall, he's been inconsistent at best. His numbers are garbage and he takes the main responsibility for that. Not the coaching staff, not the receivers, not the offensive line. Personal accountability, Eli needs to do a better job. You can hear Aikman up in the booth and he can't believe Eli couldn't get it done with the team we have. Aikman knows what he's talking about.


And are you serious about the last comment you made? Two straight playoff appearances? Him not hurting the team? He sure as hell hurt us yesterday. He definitely didn't help us in London. And wasn't great versus Dallas either. Us Giants fans see that he was a NUMBER 1 PICK OVERALL. For that investment that our team has given up for him, both in where he was drafted, draft picks and monetary compensation. For all that, we are looking for a QB that can lead our team to victories, not a team that WINS in spite of its QB. I will say that last season I will give him a little bit of a pass (a little bit, let's not get carried away), because he lost Luke Petitgout halfway through the season and he had old ass Bob Whitfield protecting his blindside. But you can't say that he was the reason we have been winning. Last year it was Tiki Barber. And we went 2-6 the last 8 games, man. We BACKED into the playoffs. We didn't win that playoff spot! We barely made it in because the NFC was so weak it couldn't take it from us. Which is even more of an indictment on Eli, because he couldn't put up a better record than 8-8 in a weak conference. And in 2005, we won in spite of Eli as well. He only passed for a 52.8 completion percentage, and a mediocre 75.9 rating. We won a weak division again, good for us. He has benefitted from the greatest running back in the history of the franchise, a very solid offensive line this year, and at times, especially this year, a very good if not great defense, and he hasn't shown anything but flashes, and a lot of bad decisions and wobbly, underthrown passes. I've questioned his accuracy before, he doesn't put the ball on target very often from what I've seen, and we expect more from a #1.

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I am an Eli appologist..... he had a horrible game yesterday. QB's have horrible games, it happens. He also has had some good games this season. Nobody on the Giants had a good game yesterday, period.


Guess what, they are going to win the Wild Card. They are 2 games up from everyone and are looking to go into Seatle or Tampa Bay for the Wild Card game.





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Eli apologists out in full force yet again. His sucky play is never his fault. I guess he'll only be great when the Offensive line plays a perfect game, the O-coordinator calls all the right plays all game, no receiver ever has a drop, and the running game sets him up with 2nd and short every drive. YEEEEEAAAAAAAH. And then what after that? It was cold outside?


I've never seen another great QB need so many things to be perfect for him to really shine. Eli is not an accurate qb. Some of the drops that the receivers had were directly related to him not putting the ball in an accurate spot. When the ball is thrown behind the receiver and the DB has a play to get his hand in there, and the WR doesn't pull it in, I'm putting that more on the QB. The point is that happened more than once yesterday. He's not putting the ball on target. He is just not that good as we would like to think. No more f-ing excuses. That was the worst pass defense in the NFL yesterday. 32 out of 32 teams. And Eli gave them one of the best pass defensive games in the history of the NFL. Just re-read the last 3 sentences. That is all you need to know about Eli. "Great" QBs don't give the worst pass defense in the NFL a game like that. Wait a minute, I think I need to go... Eli just threw another INT to a Vikings DB.


I am with you on this game AllStar. Eli was way out of sync with his receivers and he is the the sole reason for this loss. 4 TDs from his INTs losses games. At first I thought maybe it was the receivers but Shockey, Moss, Toomer and Plax were always going the wrong way when he threw. That can't be the receivers faults for not knowing the route because all of them can't be that lost. I also agree about the fire that Eli lacks. He just seems to sleep walk through the plays. Eli isn't a complete bust but has been pointed out before he will be a mediocre QB; just like Collins.

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Lets go Pick by Pick


1st was a quick pass on the hot route to shockey against the blitz. Shockey did not turn around and was hit as the ball was in the air anyway.


2nd was a comeback route for Burress where he ran a lazy ass route.... maybe it was the ankle he couldnt make a tight cut and get infront of the saftery, but an effective route would have been a first down pass


3rd Was a tipped pass that would have been a TD for Shockey


4th.... I was not paying close enough attention, but the Gmen were obviously pushing for something.....

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Lets go Pick by Pick


1st was a quick pass on the hot route to shockey against the blitz. Shockey did not turn around and was hit as the ball was in the air anyway.


2nd was a comeback route for Burress where he ran a lazy ass route.... maybe it was the ankle he couldnt make a tight cut and get infront of the saftery, but an effective route would have been a first down pass


3rd Was a tipped pass that would have been a TD for Shockey


4th.... I was not paying close enough attention, but the Gmen were obviously pushing for something.....



The first pick I knew where Eli was throwing it before the snap. They telegraphed the blitz and where it was coming from. Eli threw it to Shockey because it was Shockey's man that came off him to blitz. The safety was responsible for stepping up and he did. I knew this before the snap, and was already worried about the INT should Eli throw in that direction. Besides, you don't throw to a player that hasn't turned around unless it's a fly pattern or something. Usually the pass comes immediately after the receiver makes his cut. I don't know if the blitz was picked up, but since it was telegraphed, Eli should've made sure pre-snap that the blitzer was accounted for.


2nd Pick Eli didn't even SEE the defense, and it was an inaccurate pass again.


3rd - Tipped passes are on the QB. Nobody else can see the lanes for Eli but Eli. He's responsible for delivering the pass through a good passing lane.


4th - See pick #2.

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