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Everything posted by BronxRik

  1. I called a 'Subway Bowl' the day the Jets signed Favre. Just a reminder. Too bad it will be held in Tampa.
  2. I say this with every ounce of sincerity: I hope it all works out for you and your family, you're a good dude, VG. I say this with every ounce of sarcasm: Please keep us up-to-date on where you're staying so we can make numerous 'VG is posting from his Mom's basement' references.
  3. I'm weeping.......teard of joy. I think I've only missed one game out here this year.
  4. I do my best....the board deserves a little effort.
  5. The Cowgirls. I hope they beat the fucking bejesus out of the 'Skins. I want Romo and company to mount a comeback of epic proportions. I want them feeling like they are the best team football ever created. And then, I want the Gmen to roll into Texas Stadium on December 14th for the last time, play a healthy Cowgirls team, no excuses, and pound those fuckers into the ground so all doubt can be erased as to who is better. That's what I want.
  6. IR. He wants to be a Giant, let him compete for a spot next year. If he doesn't make it, cut him.
  7. 16!!!.......the new 20. I'm just kidding, I couldn't fire off a single stat myself without Googling, that is.
  8. HAHAHA...."This video no longer available". Better watch it socal, dude looks like Ice-T. Next he'll write your name on a Post-it Note.....in Sharpie, no less.
  9. That's a confusing statement. Why would the league not allow a team to discipline a player? You would think they would encourage teams to take care of things like this, before the league has to.
  10. I know the GMB, and this, sir, is NO GMB.
  11. But......but.......but.......the ref's didn't call it. It must have been clean.........right?
  12. 4-1, sure. But remember, we haven't beaten anyone meaningful, and got our asses handed to us by a 1-3 team. We're doomed.
  13. I see that helped. :brooding: EDIT: If you ever......EVER........delete one of my posts again, you'll be sleeping with the fishes, capisce?
  14. Not to mention the announcers constantly telling everyone how the Bengals secondary was weak. How the starters were out. How the Gmen should be exploiting the secondary. I guess they don't listen to the game on the sideline.
  15. I was thinking the same thing. Dude, this would be my first game ever. The chance that the Gmen might actually stay at the hotel........F'ing priceless! Hanging with uni honeys would just be a bonus.
  16. This is what happens when the internet meets reality.
  17. I'm going, and I am going to make sure, damn sure, that a banner is there in your honor. It will read: "Boohyah is my bitch - Rik". BB01 plans on taking video which I am sure will be posted on Youtube. I am going to make you very, very famous.
  18. I've done alot worse things for $50.
  19. I wonder if this place is near the stadium: Heart Attack Grill
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