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Everything posted by MakeMeSomeFoodHo

  1. they played two games against the marlins...in 35 degree weather
  2. see above. The yankees will win the division by 8 games
  3. yeah, well fortunately, ty Austin is raking so bird can take his time. And Tyler Austin didn't come out of nowhere...he was their top hitting prospect a few years back... injuries plagued his development...even at the major league level to some degree..he is healthy and doing what everyone thought he would do...hit for power and decent average. He was a minor league beast when he was young and healthy. I hope his impending suspension doesn't cool his bat, but he's been great at first base, holding down the fort for bird. As the weather gets better, the Yankees will be what we expected them to be. 40 degrees is hard to grip a ball for pitchers and hard to hit a ball for hitters. The red Sox have played in Miami, Anaheim, Tampa, Oakland, Toronto (domes), Baltimore and a few home games where they're always tough. They're not as good as their record...they've beaten up on awful teams and played a lot of games away from the bad weather in Boston.
  4. yup...I really believe that the awful weather had a lot to do with the Yankees mediocrity...the past four of the past five games have been in nice weather...they won all four of those nice weather games and lost the shitty weather game..I don't think its a coincidence
  5. Gregorious...andujar.... Austin has held down the fort at 1st... starting pitching has been coming around. I think the cold weather really affected them. Stanton with a monster game too ..and judge keeps doing it all...also gleyber with his first hit and run scored
  6. maybe he just started taking Kung Fu lessons? Tiger schulman karate always confused me. What do they teach you there, how to fight for a better deal on things?
  7. Wow for a guy who played in the NYC area, you'd think he'd pick up some fashion sense. What the fuck is he wearing? He should shoot himself for wearing that horrendous outfit.
  8. true, but thats a hell if a pay cut and only one year...I'd think he'd want at least a two year deal with at least 7 mil guaranteed...the Giants can't afford that..nor would I want them to even if they could
  9. The Giants need a viable wr option. Barkley is somewhat of a wr, but you don't want to depend on a rookie to be your number two option at wide out... especially when he is really a running back...and Barkley might not even be there to take..it they may not take him even if he is. I like Shep and engram, but ones a te and the other is a slot guy. Again, they need a wide receiver... preferably one with NFL experience who can thrive with Beckham as the first option
  10. They should offer him a one year 5 million dollar contract...which is exactly the amount of money they have when you take away the money they'll need for the draft. What else can they do with that 5 million...only question is, would Dez take that?
  11. Stanton is all screwed up.... missing fastballs badly. Hes a streaky hitter..he will come around. He will carry the team for a month at some point
  12. He's has gotten even better so far this season. Less homers so far...but not by much...but better plate discipline...not swinging at those high inside fastballs. Walking even more..always on base and he has become one of the better defensive right fielder's in the game. He might just be one of the top ten players in the world. Love this kid and watching him improve is glorious
  13. Gettleman is funny...wish he didn't have such a thick Boston accent. Kwahtahback But I like his style
  14. For the second worst team in football the last year, that's a brutal schedule...it's a rough one for a super bowl winner
  15. They should try to trade for the Ray's catcher..but he is always hurt. Maybe cervelli? But aren't the pirates playing well? Cervelli would be a great fit for the Mets
  16. Mets attendance says my friends are not the minority
  17. I'd take money over winning too. A trophy and a ring doesn't set me and my family up for a few generations. I'm for sale to the highest bidder, it doesn't matter if I never win a game as long as I'm paid. And these guys are riskinf their health every game...like the song goes..take the money and run
  18. they're not much in the way of friends either
  19. lt isnt that dumb..as you said, he knows who he is.... Lewis has no idea he's a moron.
  20. It's wilmer Flores getting a Gatorade bath. Let's see how Mets fans react after a four game losing streak. You guys are a fickle lot. I have friends that turned down opening day tickets..that I bought... because "fuck that team..Todd fucking Frazier is all they brought in, fuck that franchise". Now they're all like fuck yeah the Mets best team since the 98 Yankees!!! That division is tough..the Phillies and braves aren't pushovers..I'd be especially worried about the braves..they have an extraordinarily aggressive gm...come July, if they're in the hunt, they have the money and prospects to get any players available. AA will pull the trigger...just not too sure who will be available..most if the best players are on contending teams... especially pitchers
  21. Inside the NFL has had back to back awful co-hosts..not including Boomer. Marshall and Lewis. Lewis was insane on that show this past season. Going on rants that made no sense. He is really a dumb colored guy. Jim browns side part was the best thing on the show this season
  22. you forgot one other thing...he's hasn't lit the league on fire when healthy..he's not that good when healthy...not bad, but nothing special
  23. that's my point..young pitcher with no starting experience about to face the meat of the order for the third time. Shit..even aces get taken out when they're going through the order for the third time. I think the kid on the Yankees is the only pitcher who gets better the third time around. Especially a week and a half into the season The game is different..we probably will never see another no hotter..300 game winner..hell 200 game winner.
  24. I didn't watch the game, but he didn't have many strike outs hence the low pitch count. They were obviously putting the ball in play...and as I said, was going through the lineup for the third time. How did he look in the sixth? Was his stuff diminishing? Don figured let me get him out now with a chance for a win. The lack of strike outs and low pitch count say the mets were seeing the ball well, many balls were put in play. Probably why he was taken out
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