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Geez, remember the days of our defence tearing up teams..................


Twice last night we got burned for touchdowns, once for a corner blitz and the last touchdown, for some reason we decided to blitz Wilson, who like it or not is the best we have in the secondary. Can't we just stick to a base defense when we are defending a 3rd and long and take our chances there. Both times they were game changing plays. This was the same shit Lewis was doing last year, except he waited till the opponent was in the red zone.


I see that since last year, no-one has taught our secondary to tackle with their arms. The Barber touchdown was embarrassing, one of the most embarraasing TD's ever scored on us, becuase the fucker should have been knocked out of bounds at least 3 times.


I know that that offensive line was big, but for us to stop the run, Fred Robbins needs to be a whole lot better than he was last night.


I'm not worried about Strahan's conditioning, but maybe I'm jumping the gun, but his body langauge seem to indicate he was along for the ride. I hope this changes, otherwise just move Tuck in full time right now. Tuck has the potential to be a 10 sack guy in this league, I have that feeling about him.


Osi getting hurt is such a blow, but here's a bigger one, that they are not pulling the plug on the Kiwi/linebacker experiment. I feel bad for the guy because he's getting exposed, simply for the fact our FO couldn't get the linebcakers we needed. This guy needs to play end.


On the plus side, Eli please stop teasing us will ya. I don't think the injury keeps him out, he'll tough it out. I'd rather keep Eli in hurt than have Fat Lorenzen in there. Does anyone have Byron Leftwich's number just in case?

Eli was very good last night and the int which wasn't his fault was the only real blemish, which brings me to the next point...


Burress dominated, and not only that but for some reason he dominates in the NFC East, and there are games when you simply need to keep going to him. Like Madden said, there were some plays last night in the redzone, where he should have gotten the ball and didn't. By the way Plaxico, quit bowing after scoring a TD, when we are losing.


Good job Derrick Ward, way to step up.


The line did fine last night. Diehl didn't always get the help the position requires.


Toomer came back and was solid, and Steve Smith did well..........Sinorice?.....Sinorice?, can you get me a gatorade?


Bradshaw looked good, he may break for a TD or 2 this year, kid has some nice moves.


Coaching as always was suspect, some real bad decisions. On 4th and 2 in field goal range, you have to go for it. It doesn't matter that the kid botched the snap, it's the call to make. We are not good enough to take points off the board. On 3rd and 3, you don't swing the ball out to Ward in the flat against Dallas's speedy linebackers. Dallas tend to overpersue, run the draw or throw to Shockey over the middle. Add in the fact that it took 3 quarters to shut down Whiten and you have to wonder if Tom justs shuts down in mid game and starts thinking about updating his resume.



Anyway that's it.





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Good post Boohyah. Yeah where is Sinorice? Is he still on this team?


What I really couldn't understand is why we didn't put a man on their tight end who was wide open over the middle all night long.


All in all offense gets a B+ to an A-


Defense gets an F

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Good post Boohyah. Yeah where is Sinorice? Is he still on this team?


What I really couldn't understand is why we didn't put a man on their tight end who was wide open over the middle all night long.


All in all offense gets a B+ to an A-


Defense gets an F



Mr. Charles Tags, all the way over from the PE section. Giants football must be back, stick around charles.


Sometimes, I think our coaches think that if the opponent goes to the well 2-3, that they'll eventually get a concience and stop doing it.

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true, at least gibril made an adjustment.


nice post boo, took the words right outta my mouth



Gibril did well with the Int, but it was part of Romo forcing a pass into TO that wasn't there.


By the way, like it or not, Romo did very good last night, he looked the part.


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You know how all last season I was saying that our secondary wasn't as bad as it seems because of Lewis' schemes? Um, never mind...


Kiwanuka is a good player, but he spent most of that game frozen in place, watching receivers run by him.


As much as I've been ripping Strahan for disappearing for training camp, I can't really blame him for looking to be "along for the ride" in this game. You can say that he wouldn't have been worn out if he'd been here for camp, but he wasn't, and he had a hell of a lot of time on the field for a guy in his mid-30's with 4 days practice.


If Osi is out long-term, we are truly and thoroughly screwed.

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this morning boomer said he figured 1-2 weeks for eli, but he doesn't have any inside knowledge, he's just going by his own experience.


as far as osi goes, it's a good thing tuck can play and strahan decided not to retire.


i hope you're right about jacobs, when i heard 'sprained knee' and 'MCL' later on i feared the worst. i'd rather have osi out for the year than jacobs

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Heard around the way take it for what its worth.


Osi is out for the year.


Jacobs is out 3 weeks.


The Giants are being mum on ELI trying to determine what level of seperation it is.



Kiwi back to defensive end............Now!!, before he forgets how to play the spot.

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I'm truly serious about calling Leftwich. I just can't bear the idea that Lorenzen starts and Wright's the backup. As big as he is that fucker is going to get killed out there.


yeah he was the first guy that came to mind, we're in a tough spot though cuz baltimore is interested (and will probalby step up if they think we're interested) but we'll probably have to wait to find out how long eli's out before we act. I doubt they'll just sign him for 2 or 3 games

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I'm truly serious about calling Leftwich. I just can't bear the idea that Lorenzen starts and Wright's the backup. As big as he is that fucker is going to get killed out there.


Lorenzen is a joke and this idea by some(Salisbury) that he has more potential than ELI is absurd. My guess is we would see Wright before long if we have to watch Lorenzen for more than a game.



Please dear Lord make ELI be ok :mellow:

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im down, but do we feel good enough about our LB depth? i guess we're back to where we were last season + mitchell :doh:



I don't feel good about the linebacker depth at all, but the fact he didn't address it properly in the offseason shouldn't mean a talent like Kiwi has to play out of position. The Giants had chances to draft a linebacker and they didn't.


Seriously, soon in New York you are going to have a choice of 2 circuses to go to, Barnum and Bailey or Giants Stadum!

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Lorenzen is a joke and this idea by some(Salisbury) that he has more potential than ELI is absurd. My guess is we would see Wright before long if we have to watch Lorenzen for more than a game.

Please dear Lord make ELI be ok :mellow:



John Madden would have an orgasm every time Lorenzen played with the amount of shit he could say about him.

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yeah he was the first guy that came to mind, we're in a tough spot though cuz baltimore is interested (and will probalby step up if they think we're interested) but we'll probably have to wait to find out how long eli's out before we act. I doubt they'll just sign him for 2 or 3 games


Baltimore is not stuck for depth at QB, McNair/ Boller and a heisman trophy winner( who I think will start eventually). Even if Eli is healthy, they should make the call. Wright was holding the clipboard upside down all night and had the earpeice up his nose!!

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Baltimore is not stuck for depth at QB, McNair/ Boller and a heisman trophy winner( who I think will start eventually). Even if Eli is healthy, they should make the call. Wright was holding the clipboard upside down all night and had the earpeice up his nose!!
Face it, Giant Fans - Wright is Wrong for the Giants. :rolleyes:


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Baltimore is not stuck for depth at QB, McNair/ Boller and a heisman trophy winner( who I think will start eventually). Even if Eli is healthy, they should make the call. Wright was holding the clipboard upside down all night and had the earpeice up his nose!!


lol, yeah i dont know if baltimore will sign him, all i know is that they were interested in him

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Lorenzen is a joke and this idea by some(Salisbury) that he has more potential than ELI is absurd. My guess is we would see Wright before long if we have to watch Lorenzen for more than a game.

Please dear Lord make ELI be ok :mellow:


I don't think our major problem is going to be offense. Lorenzen isn't too bad (maybe not Eli but not shyte either) but what the hell was with that pansy slide last night. :huh:

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I have one question, have the giants ever thrown a screen pass to a receiver in the past 4 years? I believe Senorice would be fantastic if they actually used him in that role particularly...but then again, if thats the only time he was on the field it would be pointless as everyone would know it was coming

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they actually did throw a screenpass to moss last season in like the one game he played. i dont remember what the result was.


even before jacobs got hurt i thought we were going to ward too much on 3rd down. if you're going to do a screen, why not do it with shockey instead on 3rd and 4?

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they actually did throw a screenpass to moss last season in like the one game he played. i dont remember what the result was.


even before jacobs got hurt i thought we were going to ward too much on 3rd down. if you're going to do a screen, why not do it with shockey instead on 3rd and 4?


See now, Mark Ingram would have caught that screen pass, dodged 20 players and got the first down!!


Screen passes against aggressive defenses like Philly and Dallas are tough, because they are already up at the line. The draw play was working because the defense overpersued, in fact Ward handled the draw very well.

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When I saw Ward coming on the field I thought, Dear Lord we are in deep trouble now. But I gotta give it up to the guy, he filled in really nice. I do hope we get Jacobs back strong though, and that this wasnt a sign of things to come.

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Good post Boohyah. Yeah where is Sinorice? Is he still on this team?


What I really couldn't understand is why we didn't put a man on their tight end who was wide open over the middle all night long.


All in all offense gets a B+ to an A-


Defense gets an F

Because in-game-adjustment are forbidden in TC coaching staff.

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