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Tiki can't even remember what he himself said...


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OK, after listening to that clip, Ronde clearly is an asshole. But I dont see the problem with Tiki. Tiki even called Ronde a jerk at the end, and he did a pretty good job of taking Rondes smartass comments and keeping it professional. Like the way he said Eli's job is to play football, not talk. He said it in a "this whole thing is dumb" kinda way and was reinstating that Eli wasnt gonna say more than what he already said, because he knows his role. Aside from his erratic play, I have no problem with Elis heart and think he is a very classy individual. I firmly believe that if the two were teammates still, this so called fued would have never reached this level because there would have been constant communication. Eli had to hear his comments from the press, and so far everything Tiki says is blown out of porportion IMO.

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Who's you rather have as your "leader"?


A guy who calls out his coach after getting 10 touches, and had words for a teammate when that teammate was going through a contract dispute, or a guy who NEVER pointed a finger at anyone while turmoil swirled around him along with constant negativity thrown at him from teammates and media?


Go get 'em in '07 Eli !!!!!!! :rock:


Both sound like qualities of a good leader. When something needs to be said, he says it, regardless of what people think. Maybe its the way I see things. If youre fat, I tell you youre fat. No other way to look at it IMO.



But I definatley agree with .......GO GET EM ELI!!!

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OK, after listening to that clip, Ronde clearly is an asshole. But I dont see the problem with Tiki. Tiki even called Ronde a jerk at the end, and he did a pretty good job of taking Rondes smartass comments and keeping it professional. Like the way he said Eli's job is to play football, not talk. He said it in a "this whole thing is dumb" kinda way and was reinstating that Eli wasnt gonna say more than what he already said, because he knows his role. Aside from his erratic play, I have no problem with Elis heart and think he is a very classy individual. I firmly believe that if the two were teammates still, this so called fued would have never reached this level because there would have been constant communication. Eli had to hear his comments from the press, and so far everything Tiki says is blown out of porportion IMO.



Both sound like qualities of a good leader. When something needs to be said, he says it, regardless of what people think. Maybe its the way I see things. If youre fat, I tell you youre fat. No other way to look at it IMO.

But I definatley agree with .......GO GET EM ELI!!!



When Brett favre critisized (I believe Walker) about holding out, he was blasted by players saying there is an unwritten rule regarding players sticking their noses into other players contract issues. meaning, shut teh fuck up and let a man handle his buisiness. I don't agree with holdouts 9though i did support alker in this case because he was makiing like the league minimum and was a damned good player. I also supported LJ this year due to the workload he carries. But regardless of how you feel, as a player it is not your duty to get invlved in anothers players buisiness side of football.

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When Brett favre critisized (I believe Walker) about holding out, he was blasted by players saying there is an unwritten rule regarding players sticking their noses into other players contract issues. meaning, shut teh fuck up and let a man handle his buisiness. I don't agree with holdouts 9though i did support alker in this case because he was makiing like the league minimum and was a damned good player. I also supported LJ this year due to the workload he carries. But regardless of how you feel, as a player it is not your duty to get invlved in anothers players buisiness side of football.


I kinda agree with you on this issue, as another persons money is none of your business. But if Tiki did it in an attempt to show leadership, I respect him for at least trying, albeit a bad attempt.

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Tiki was a great player and hero for the Giants

He now works for the media

Therefore his opinions DO NOT MATTER

There is no ''feud'' with Eli

None of this will affect the team


Go Giants 07



Do not matter to who? They sure as hell matter to me. He was supposed to be a class act. He was our John Elway, our Emit Smith. Now the man has reduced himself to the likes of Me Shawn, and TO types. In some ways worse. May God PLEASE see it fit to let the Giants take the whole thing this season. That will silence horse teeth, milk dud head forever.

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Like I said in my previous post...why does Tiki bring this up now? If Eli had leadership problems, wouldn't you be a better teammate for bringing it to their attention at some point before 3 years have gone by? I realize Tiki's in the media now and is responsible for making things public knowledge that weren't before. But there are still some ethical standards that I would've thought that Tiki would have clung to, being all classy and stuff.


And on top of all that, Eli's comment about Tiki losing heart is being misconstrued all over the place. Heart and talent are two entirely different things. In most cases, players' talent goes away long before their desire to play the game (heart). Apparently, Tiki's heart, passion, desire (whatever you want to call it) all went away before his talent did. When Eli referred to Tiki's losing heart, I'm sure he wasn't referring to his lack of production or his lack of effort. Rather, he was referring to his lack of caring about the team, about winning. It no longer mattered to Tiki whether we won or lost, it just mattered that he did his best and got his stats so that the fact that he didn't care didn't show through. After hearing what Eli had to say, I would say that Tiki is clearly exposed.


I have lost a lot of respect for Tiki over this. I think that's all it boils down to for me. Kudos to Eli for moving on and concentrating on football.

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Like I said in my previous post...why does Tiki bring this up now? If Eli had leadership problems, wouldn't you be a better teammate for bringing it to their attention at some point before 3 years have gone by? I realize Tiki's in the media now and is responsible for making things public knowledge that weren't before. But there are still some ethical standards that I would've thought that Tiki would have clung to, being all classy and stuff.


And on top of all that, Eli's comment about Tiki losing heart is being misconstrued all over the place. Heart and talent are two entirely different things. In most cases, players' talent goes away long before their desire to play the game (heart). Apparently, Tiki's heart, passion, desire (whatever you want to call it) all went away before his talent did. When Eli referred to Tiki's losing heart, I'm sure he wasn't referring to his lack of production or his lack of effort. Rather, he was referring to his lack of caring about the team, about winning. It no longer mattered to Tiki whether we won or lost, it just mattered that he did his best and got his stats so that the fact that he didn't care didn't show through. After hearing what Eli had to say, I would say that Tiki is clearly exposed.


I have lost a lot of respect for Tiki over this. I think that's all it boils down to for me. Kudos to Eli for moving on and concentrating on football.


Exactly! I think what Eli was saying is that in the middle of the year, Tiki lost his will to play. (Which lead to his retirement.) Now, that doesn't mean because of it, Tiki production went down. It meant that Tiki didn't feel like part of the team anymore.


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