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Everything posted by fringe

  1. same goes for you and your caps lock button.
  2. no. it's a fumble recovery
  3. Isn't this a stupid, Pavlovian response? I never understood why people boo the throw to first but are fine with pitchers who stare at the catcher for minutes or batters who constantly step out of the box. thoughts?
  4. we get 10 game road trip in september? tha's a tough one. if we win it, we'll have earned it.
  5. at least Eli's accurate. Peyton threw 2 right in Giants defenders hands, they were just wearing Will Allen signature gloves at the time.
  6. i agree with you. i saw no reason for pierce to have to expend energy everytime peyton went into his hystrionics. as for lavar, that's him. he's a big play guy but sometimes you don't hear his name called until the big play.
  7. maybe when he gets his new contract he can afford a "Y" for his name.
  8. wow 7 zip already. the bums were up 7 zip last nite at one point.
  9. Watch for Rudi's return if the Reds win tonight.
  10. well, smalls is in midseason form already. he did his offseason negativity training down in miami.
  11. why are you constantly bumping?
  12. If you proposed the DH to to Abner Doubleday, he'd look at you like you were nuts. While he would probably be ok with most of the other changes because they make sense.
  13. it wasn't really enough time, not without a timeout. it limited them to sideline passes. i agree wtih you about all the rest though. peyton is going to throw a few up for grabs. if you don't catch them, you don't beat him. the ghost of will allen remains.
  14. It also says theres a lot of freaken people in the NY Metro area, so if you put a decent product on the field, people will come. even for AL ball
  15. the ref reacted to the fact that carter faked the guy out of his shoes.
  16. you cannot have an mvp who doesn't play the field...ever.
  17. IF I were sentenced to hang for my sins and they allowed me to watch one baseball game before my death, I would choose a game that Trachsel was pitching.
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