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Everything posted by MakeMeSomeFoodHo

  1. I dont see the Giants winning more than 2 or 3 games..and thats being optimistic. The only team I see them beating is the Seahawks and maybe the Cradinals. 0-16 is a very real possibility. Dont feel bad, my Dolphins wont be much better
  2. seems fair. The Giants might not win a game once November comes.
  3. the Yankees dont need more offense, they need starting pitching..this team is only built for the regular season..they will most likely get swpet in the first round of the playoffs this year. I agree, Jones has been fantastic in his role this season..great pick up..he has been killing left handed pitching this year and thats what they got him for. I assume he wil start in left field tonight in place of the slumping Gardner..even though Gardners defense is so good that its still worth starting him when he isnt hitting. He better win a GG this year..he is the best defensive player in baseball
  4. I hope the Dolphins just throw the season so they can grab Luck with the first pick next year. If I were a Giants fan, Id be wishing the same.
  5. no way..he is not ready. I wouldnt say he regressed this year, but he seems to be walking a lot more batters. He is not ready. He can make a ST push to make the club next year, but it doesnt look like he will be ready. He is still extremely young, so be patient.
  6. or is father time finally catching up to him? I know every season he goes through a rut where he gets hit a little..but nothing like he has this season. I can honestly say that Im not comfortable with him in one run games..ever. and his 317 BAA on the road is scary
  7. no, his son..but he never showed up for training camp and is nowhere to be found.
  8. 2-1 game bottom 7th. A very good Colon is wearing down, over 100 pitches and just gave up two singles with one out. Obviously this is the highest leverage situation of the game...and what does Retardi do? He brings in the worst relief pitcher on the team not names sergio mitre. Unbelievable. Robertson should have been in there..or Wade if you wanted to only use the best relief pitcher(non closer) in baseball(David Robertson) for one inning since he dominated the rays the night before. Terrible call Retardi
  9. but, why are you leaving sportswrath Blu? I dont get it
  10. UZR is most likely the stat they were talking about...dude is like an insane +55 in that department..I will explain later
  11. Wow, I havent heard that trade rumor/suggestion. that would be insaely stupid for the yankees. Seriously, not even being a homer, Bret Gardner is the best left fielder in the AL and arguably the best defensive player in the game respectively to other positions. Oh, and obvioulsy I agree with everything you just said/wrote.
  12. I have no idea what the Yankee overmanager is thinking lately. Bret Gardner is the BEST LEFT FIELDER IN THE AMERICAN LEAGUE and is mashing both lefties and righties. Yet he consistanly sits him for Andruw Jones against left handed starters...oh, by the way, Andruw Jones sucks at baseball. The Yankees overmanager has said that he is going to put Jeter back in the leadoff spot when he returns from the dl too. Are you fucking kidding me? Gardner has almost a 200 point higher OBP than Jeter, is faster, doesnt strike out as much and hits for a better everything. Quite frankly, Brett Gardner is just a MUCH better player than Derek Jeter. Gardner is arguably the best player on the team right now. Although he has done a good job overall, Im starting to hate Joe Retardi
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uR2sYXVkuok
  14. I never heard of this guy before. then again, I am a Dolphins fan.
  15. dude the talent on the farm is mostly arms that are the closest...other than Montero, the yankees dont have a position player close to major league ready. Heathcott is at least 2 years away...and thats being optimistic. Melky Mesa would make strides if he makes more contact too and David Adams is always hurt.
  16. when did Girardi become such a horrible manager? I find the games painful to watch at times. Well, good thing the rest of the league is shitty as well.
  17. my anger towards him has nothing to do with the fact that he has declined. it has to do with what a primadonna he has become and his overall godlike attitude.
  18. Im really starting to hate this guy.
  19. Im going to go out on a limb and say the Giants will draft a black kid.
  20. Not this year..they have some nice pieces, but Id be shocked if they won 80 games...and Adam Jones is awful.
  21. I dont care who did and who didnt..though youd be naive to think that at least 80% of players in that era didnt do them. Baseball was a lot of fun when everyone was jacking home runs and pitchers were throwing smoke with high K's. I wouldnt mind if they allowed steroids in baseball.
  22. this is the thread tocount the losses that Joe Ritardi cuased. so far its been 1- bringining in Soriano in a 4 run game when he was used in 2 of the last 3 games..and back to back.
  23. He isnt going to be traded..if he does well this year in double A, he will be in the rotation next year. There isnt much left for him to do in the minors other than build innings. The stuff, command and control are all major league ready. Id trade him for Felix Hernandez or Troy Tulowitzski and thats about it at this point.
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