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Everything posted by mastershake

  1. But but...we have like different personnel packages this year. With Rhett Ellison. That'll show em!
  2. Well that was lame. 7 straight games with less than 20 points. Mac Attack!
  3. Another Giants prime time game where they don't show up...like at all.
  4. Cowboys should just run the ball the rest of the game. They'll win 12 - 0
  5. 2 first downs this half is like a big deal for Mac's offense
  6. 5 DRC Jenkins Apple Michael Hunter Deonte Deon
  7. A good GM wouldn't let our OL get to the state it's in today. D grade.
  8. No doubt JR has tried (in previous years) to put together an OL. It just hasn't panned out. Flowers, unless he pulls it together this season, looks to be a bust. Jerry is not a starting caliber RG, unless he's surrounded by four above average lineman. Richburg is underwhelming, and Hart is nothing more than a backup himself. The only competent lineman we have in the starting lineup is Pugh, who's a B+ level guard. We have a C- level line, on average: LT Flowers - D LG Pugh - B+ Richburg - C Jerry - C- Hart - D
  9. Our tackles are magically going to figure out how to block in the next few weeks?
  10. We're going to waste away some of the best skill position players in a generation because Reese couldn't find two offensive line men
  11. Can we please bump Pugh out to LT, and put Fluker in at LG?
  12. As I posted towards the end of last year, be prepared again for this giants offense this season: Typical sequence of Giants drives 1 - Perkins dive for 2 yards. Perkins draw for -1. Pass incomplete. 3 and out. 2 - Perkins dive for 2 yards. Offensive holding. 2nd and 18. Pass to Engram or Shepard for 7 yard gain. 3rd and 11; clearly way too impossible, so give up draw to Perkins for 3 yards. 3 and out. 3 - Perkins dive for 2 yards. Next play, sack caused by Flowers not touching a player or Richburg/Hart getting bowled over. 3rd and 18; give up draw or 5 yard pass. 3 and out. 4 - False start (Flowers or Hart). 1st and 15. 10 yard pass to Marshall or Vareen. 2nd and 5, pass or run play behind the line of scrimmage for -2. 3rd and 7; pass play, offensive line doesn't block, Eli under heavy pressure throws it away. 3 and out. 5 - 11 Yard run to Perkins. 60 yard catch and TD run by Beckham. Repeat sequence, whereby the next time around, #5 is Odell not scoring, Giants near red zone threatening, Eli is under heavy pressure and as a result fumbles or throws an INT
  13. LOL...Richburg was always average at best. A C+ center at best.
  14. Should we seriously consider bumping Pugh out to LT, and either moving Flowers or Fluker to guard? And I don't understand how Bobby Hart is in the NFL.
  15. And Bob Papa and Carl Banks don't help the cause when they've lowered the standard to "Well Flowers at least got his hands on the defender that time." LOL
  16. Yeah, I agree there. I think he has a positive impact all around, but definitely more so on passing.
  17. A WR doesn't command a LB or S to cover him, potentially pulling them off the run. And I think he'll block better than we all think. Plus he'll contribute in adding a dimension to the passing game.
  18. I'll gladly at minimum take a TE that averages more than 50 catches per year and 11 yards per catch, plus that opens up the offense and stretches the defense, opening up opportunities for other guys including in the run game.
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