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Gaints at Saints thread


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We are on a bye so I figured I will post now. I see the Giants walking away with this game easily. Our defense is not stopping anyone, and our offensive line is horrible. I see Brees getting hurried and sacked all game long. Greg Williams will blitz every down yet not even come close to pressuring Eli. We will abandon the run early because we cannot run block for shit and Brees will throw at least 2 interceptions. If I were you guys I would not be scared at all. I have watched the Saints too many years and I can tell you this year they aint got it.

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When you play against a great quarterback like Brees you always take that game seriously, regardless of whats happening with the rest of the team. He can win a game by himself. They seem more vulnerable than in years past but the Superdome hasn't been kind to the Giants. Right now though as a fan it's one week at a time. Pull the plug on the Eagles season first.

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Don't get me wrong I lOve doritos but you can only eat sO many before you progress to beef, chicken, pork, candy etc...





Tacos are one of my favorite munchie foods....there's this place called Mighty Taco up here in Buffalo that has some pretty damn good tacos that we'd go to after a rager when we were all ripped. Better than Taco Bell (and I actually really like Taco Bell).....the weird thing is, the place uses American cheese instead of traditional taco cheese....it actually works, too.

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I hate it when a rival fan talk so nice and tells us how easy we gonna win. Just takes all the fun out of it. Now I have to be civilized and talk logic with you.


Brees is a great QB and elite. I won't Think it'll be easy.


Sorry I got nothing else......


TrashTalker got nothing else? :confused:

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