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A painful memory...


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Ok, we all know us fans suffered through prob. the hardest game we have ever had to deal with in the Giants blowing a huge lead in the playoffs to the 49ers a few years ago. With that said (and I didn't want to bring it up cuz i didn't sleep for 2 days after that) how many of you thought "that was our year"? I am just curious because that loss cast a shadow on us but before that game the Giants were practically unstopable. I thought we were serious superbowl contenders. Ron Dixon came out of nowhere and was averaging like 20 yards per catch in those final few games and had several big catches for us. Does anyone else besides me remember feeling like that season got away and we had a real shot at the dance? Just curious...

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Ok, we all know us fans suffered through prob. the hardest game we have ever had to deal with in the Giants blowing a huge lead in the playoffs to the 49ers a few years ago. With that said (and I didn't want to bring it up cuz i didn't sleep for 2 days after that) how many of you thought "that was our year"? I am just curious because that loss cast a shadow on us but before that game the Giants were practically unstopable. I thought we were serious superbowl contenders. Ron Dixon came out of nowhere and was averaging like 20 yards per catch in those final few games and had several big catches for us. Does anyone else besides me remember feeling like that season got away and we had a real shot at the dance? Just curious...

Yeah, I thought it was our year. I have never seen such a dramatic turnaround in a game in my life than that pathetic game. The Giants played 3 quarters like a superbowl contender, then collapsed and played like a high school club for the last quarter.


Bad, bad....very bad memories. Don't even like to think about it! :brooding:

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That game, in a nutshell, is why we're better off without Jeremy Shockey.



Shockey plays defense?.


Last I heard, a guy who was brought in to snap field goals, botched 2 of them to win the game. A pass downfield was not called for pass interference, by an official who 2 days later admitted he made a mistake.


But none of that matters, because Shockey dropped a touchdown pass, it's on him.


Keef seriously, you hate Shockey, we get it, but make some reasonable comments. Manny Ramirez is a great hitter but in reality he's a dick of a teamate and you've had him in your sig for ages. What's the difference?

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Shockey plays defense?.


Last I heard, a guy who was brought in to snap field goals, botched 2 of them to win the game. A pass downfield was not called for pass interference, by an official who 2 days later admitted he made a mistake.


But none of that matters, because Shockey dropped a touchdown pass, it's on him.


...and took a stupid taunting penalty if my memory serves me correctly, and threw ice into the stands, and basically embarrassed the organization. Bottom line- how many playoff games did the Giants ever win with Shockey dressed? How many did they win with him on the sidelines?


Keef seriously, you hate Shockey, we get it, but make some reasonable comments. Manny Ramirez is a great hitter but in reality he's a dick of a teamate and you've had him in your sig for ages. What's the difference?


Other than the two championships Manny played a big part in (one of which he was MVP), and the colossal numbers he's put up in his career, there's absolutely no difference between him and Jeremy Shockey.

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I believe he said that because Shockey dropped a rather easy touchdown

that day that would have pretty much iced the game.


Not "pretty much"- it would've iced the game. And again, I have no problem with players making mistakes. But if you're gonna shoot your unproven mouth off at every opportunity, you'd better perform.

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Not "pretty much"- it would've iced the game. And again, I have no proiblem with players making mistakes. But if you're gonna shoot your unproven mouth off at every opportunity, you'd better perform.



It's all semantics at this point, Keefs.

The dropped touchdown shouldn't have even mattered because the Giants defense shouldn't

have given up 24 unanswered points in the 3rd and 4th quarters. The thing that cost the Giants

the game was the fact they didn't have adequate depth on the defensive line.

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It's all semantics at this point, Keefs.

The dropped touchdown shouldn't have even mattered because the Giants defense shouldn't

have given up 24 unanswered points in the 3rd and 4th quarters. The thing that cost the Giants

the game was the fact they didn't have adequate depth on the defensive line.


I hear you. There was lots of blame to go around that day. My point is that nobody embarrassed themselves or the organization that day like that asshole did. Good riddance (although I guess some Giant fans still long for the days of dancing after 7-yard catches and stupid penalties).

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What killed me was the following year when we were being predicted to go the super bowl by every analyst and we went 4-12 that was the hardest to season i had to watch. In the end though we got Eli in the following draft and four years later we did win our trophy so it's all good now. Yeah i still think maybe we should be 4 time champs cause if we beat San Fran on that day i think we could of beat an average Tampa team that eventually won the super bowl, but then we maybe we don't get Eli in the 2004 draft

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I hear you. There was lots of blame to go around that day. My point is that nobody embarrassed themselves or the organization that day like that asshole did. Good riddance (although I guess some Giant fans still long for the days of dancing after 7-yard catches and stupid penalties).



Yes, I agree with that.


Oh and I will miss him catching a ball for a first down, spiking it and then negating the first down.

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Yes, I agree with that.


Oh and I will miss him catching a ball for a first down, spiking it and then negating the first down.


C'mon, that's just the way the guy plays. If you take away his intensity, he won't be able to perform at the same level (whatever that level is). :rolleyes:

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I hear you. There was lots of blame to go around that day. My point is that nobody embarrassed themselves or the organization that day like that asshole did. Good riddance (although I guess some Giant fans still long for the days of dancing after 7-yard catches and stupid penalties).


Kinda like what your doing right now :brooding:

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Kinda like what your doing right now :brooding:


Yeah, I'm sure the Giants organization is hanging its head over mickeef's comments on Sportswrath.


You're right- Jeremy Shockey was a great Giant- even though the team never won a playoff game with him, they went on an incredible run capped off with a Super Bowl victory after he got hurt, and then gave him away for a song. We're gonna miss him.

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I never once thought or trusted that 2002 team, despite the success down the stretch for a few reasons.


1)I never trusted Jim Fassel in a big spot. In fact I never really trusted him at all. If you do not agree with this listen to what Amani Toomer had to say just yesterday about the gameplan in the 2000 SB, a sentiment echoed by Accorsi in his book as well Amani on WFAN


2)Tikis fumbling, the problem that the 2002 Giants had was not running the ball, but running out the clock with a lead and of course Tiki's fumbles(remember the week 17 game against Philly). He was a mess at that point and had it not been for that awful mean old man Coughlin to not fix this Tiki might have been gone a while before he left.


3)Johnny Lynn, made Tim Lewis look like Buddy Ryan.


4)the secondary, Johnny Lynn a former CB could not teach that mess to be at the least decent


5)depth, none behind the starters.


6)special teams, as putrid as any ST unit I have ever seen in all my years of watching football on any level. This sadly continued into the next season.


That 2002 sealed their fate for 2003 in San Fran that day.


P.S. most old time Giant fans will tell you the fumble game in 78 was far worse. The home playoff loss to Minny was disgusting as well.

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But...but Jim Fassel was the first coach to give us some offense!


yes...... he and Allie Sherman, of course that was also when we let Vince Lombardi and Tom Landry go and just coach against one another in championship games year after year.

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i'll never forget when the 9ers guy fair catched the ball at our 45 and took a step forward because he had momentum but then dhani jones took it upon himself to carry the guy three yards backwards for a 15 yard penalty.


what a fucked up game.


and maybe the reason we have eli...

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Yeah, I'm sure the Giants organization is hanging its head over mickeef's comments on Sportswrath.


You're right- Jeremy Shockey was a great Giant- even though the team never won a playoff game with him, they went on an incredible run capped off with a Super Bowl victory after he got hurt, and then gave him away for a song. We're gonna miss him.


the organization as in Sportswrath. :rolleyes:

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...and took a stupid taunting penalty if my memory serves me correctly, and threw ice into the stands, and basically embarrassed the organization. Bottom line- how many playoff games did the Giants ever win with Shockey dressed? How many did they win with him on the sidelines?




Other than the two championships Manny played a big part in (one of which he was MVP), and the colossal numbers he's put up in his career, there's absolutely no difference between him and Jeremy Shockey.



If Manny played for the Kansas City Royals and batted 250 and had half the career he's had, then we could blame his poor performance on the fact he's a dick, right?.


Because the only reason I can see for you saying you think Shockey stank , is that he's a jerk off the field.


And if you think that Shockey was the main culprit for what happened in San Francisco, then simply put you didn't watch the game. The rest of the comments you're making makes it seem that you don't pay attention to a lot of what goes on out there. I can name a lot of guys who were more responsible for what went on in San Francisco before I get to Shockey's name. And if you think that I'm bias towards him, then read my other posts recently. I don't care for some of the shit he's pulled recently, but I certainly don't let it cloud my judgement so much that I flat out refuse to acknowledge anything. TO is a good player, Randy Moss is a good player. Both jerks


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