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Might as well ask the question


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What's Giambi putting in his body these days? Whatever it is, I guess he figures it's worth the risk rather than going out like a chump.

I dont know what he's putting in his, but I know what you're putting in yours.

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I dont know what he's putting in his, but I know what you're putting in yours.


Well lookey who got his courage back up. Is your tail still firmly planted between your legs, ya whiny pussy? "Mickeef and others are making mean comments about my YouTube videos. I'm leaving." :cwy: Freaking homo. Just make sure your feelings don't get hurt again when you get in over your head, nancy boy.

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Well lookey who got his courage back up. Is your tail still firmly planted between your legs, ya whiny pussy? "Mickeef and others are making mean comments about my YouTube videos. I'm leaving." :cwy: Freaking homo. Just make sure your feelings don't get hurt again when you get in over your head, nancy boy.

well lookey who finally got a reply from me. I'm glad I made your day, or in your case, life.

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haha he's definitely juicing again. it's a walk year he can't resist


Absolutely. Driving me freaking nuts watching this. Let's just say he looks bigger than he's looked in the recent past, and he's got good reason to do it. Oh yeah- he's a Yankee, too.

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  • 4 weeks later...
It's just the mustache.

I don't know if it's only the stache......his hitting came back to life once he started wearing the lucky golden thong. He claims he is still wearing it because it brought him good luck. Personally, that is one sight I don't really wish to ever see....but hey, if it works, he should continue to wear it. <_<

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No way Pedroia does what he does with his tonka toy body without some help.


Damn smalls, you beat me to it. Not to mention Youkilis with his pasty white unconditioned body. He looks like a pre juiced white Barry Bonds.

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