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Ocho Cinco to the Redskins?

Virginia Giant

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He wants more money; the Skins have none.


It'll be interesting to see how they pull this one off.


That's said about the skins every year.. yet they come up with it somehow.


The skins seem to want quick fixes instead of building a team. Nothing against free agency but the core of your team should built via the draft. The skins have what seems like a baseball mentality (Yankees to be exact) to building a team. Get all those "stars" and expect all of them to play great.. well it doesn't work like that.

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This is being much discussed over at SIs T&R. Comment #2 was mine:

Since when do the Redskins have the cap room to even consider such a dumb move? Where does Chad think that money for a "hefty" contract will come? No doubt the Redskins need receiver help bad, but this just screams of typical Snyder ineptness.


FLASHY NAME!!!!!!!!!!!! MUST GET HIM!!!!!! MY EGO REQUIRES IT!!!!!!!!!!




This is not happening for no other reason than Cincy is not going to eat 8+ in cap space.


Players want long term contracts to ensure their financial security. But after a few years when you sour on the team you want out and will be a little whiny bitch ruining the team if the team doesn't get rid of you.

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Talk about talented fuckwits. He's a very good player but so fucking undiscipined.



fuck landry. the only thing keeping this guy from being crowned dirtiest player in the league is lack of tenure. What a cheap shot artist. I sure hope karma catches up to this punk.



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By "specialises" you mean "has no experience in any other facet of the game". :lol:


the dog was somewhat surprised by the hire, but there are other nfl head coaches that were hired with similar experiences (i.e., fassel and reid to name two)...everyone starts somewhere.

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