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Everything posted by HOUND

  1. I'm all for an experienced backup but Fiedler does nothing for me. Unfortunately, he appears to be the front runner at this point. I might've preferred Jamie Martin, who has experience with Coughlin, dating back to his Jacksonville days. However I haven't heard his name mentioned in the mix.
  2. It's also worth noting the large disparity of attempts Eli had. Only 2 other QB's listed threw the ball more. Like I said, accuracy will come with experience. Be patient.
  3. I like DeAngelo Williams but I'm not convinced he's a sure bet featureback. If we're going to take a RB in the first round when we really need to be strengthening our defense, he shouldn't come with question marks. Williams is awfully small. I like the kid and think he's got a big heart but if we drafted him we'd potentially have one guy who's too big and runs upright (Jacobs) and one who's too small and may not hold up to the pounding as our heirs apparent to Tiki. I think we hold off for a better option. That and I simply don't see how we can afford not to address the defensive side of the ball early, unless it's for a Left Tackle.
  4. HOUND


    True, but if Floyd is genuine in his "truce" appeals, maybe he and his cronies will be genuine in their commentary moving forward. If not, then I'll continue to consider their posts as inflammatory space fillers. I'd suggest you do the same. It's pretty obvious when someone is trying to bait you. But too many posters fall victim to the game and get caught up in it. If you don't like what they have to say, don't read their posts and don't respond to their remarks. It's just that simple.
  5. It's quite common for rookie and lesser experienced QB's to have low completion percentages. Watch Philip Rivers this season. He completed 70% of his passes his senior year and averaged something like 67% through 4 years of college but he won't come close to matching those numbers this year in his first role as a starter.
  6. I applaud you for finally providing a link to support your argument. I'd caution you against taking ESPN Insider as gospel though. It's a rumor mill moreso than a reference. I can't believe they've got the stones to charge for that trash as it's hardly informative.
  7. HOUND


    To Floyd and his cohorts, I ask, what was your realistic prediction for the Giants going into last season? You're complaining that the team was built to win now but is being held back by a QB who's not ready. We didn't have a winning record for several seasons prior to the '05 campaign. We finished the season as the #4 scoring offense. We won the NFC East. We did this with a second year QB! Granted his play down the stretch faded but how can any of this upset you when compared to the team's performance the previous 3 years? How many second year QB's have perfomed as well as Eli? Not many. And before you start trumpeting Roethlisberger's name I suggest you look at the overall strength of the team he went to compared tot he Giants roster. For a few guys who supposedly endores "rational" thought, and flame everybody for their optimism, I ask you, what was your expectation going into last year? Because I don't see how anybody could've rationally expected the Giants to go to the Super Bowl during the preseason. I think it's a struggle to say they were going to win the division. I really don't have a problem with dissenting opinions. I don't expect everybody to agree or even get along. But you guys sound like a broken record with the Eli, Joseph and Accorsi bashing. It's old. As Nemesis suggested, offer up a credible solution from time to time instead of just whining. Also, do me a favor, for as much as you pat yourselves on the back with all your predictions that supposedly come true, how 'bout putting them on the record before they occur? I hear a lot of yapping about how right you are all the time but I never recall you making these predictions months in advance. I'm not saying you don't because maybe I'm just missing them, but try to make a concerted effort to go on record BEFORE things play out. As the season approaches everybody typically makes predictions. I'd be interested in hearing yours, not just why everyone elses is wrong. I've got no problem with somebody patting themselves on the back but you guys seem to do an awful lot of it after the fact.
  8. Last I heard Miami and Jacksonville were the leading contenders to sign Arrington. I can't envision a scenario where Lavar signs for chump change, especially after what Peterson got. That being the case, we should politely excuse ourselves from the race. I'm OK with the Lavar experiment if it's not expensive but I don't see a method where we can avoid that now. Take a pass. Pray that Ernie Simms falls to us.
  9. Echoing Money's thoughts, Polley is a limited player. He washed out in St Louis in a scheme where he should've been able to flourish. He did play some good ball down the stretch for the Ravens last year though so maybe he's "figured" it out. He's a better option at WLB than anything we've got but that being said, he's still, at best, a B- player.
  10. Instead of arguing who was better I think you can come to a collective agreement that both teams exceeded expectations in '05 and gave their fans reason for optimism moving forward. Midway throught the season I really thought the Bears were a product of their weak opponents. When they hosted Carolina I was convinced the Panthers would expose them. I didn't think a team that was as limited as Chicago was offensively, could beat a quality opponent simply off the strength of their defense. The Bears D went off, pressuring Delhomme all day, forcing turnovers and beating up the Panthers. The game was over by halftime. Then the playoffs roll around and the roles were reversed. Chicago looked every bit like the limited offensive team I thought they were. They were unable to advance just on the strength of ther D. Opponents figured out if they could give their QB time to score they could pick apart the Bears secondary. Who would win between NY and Chicago? I think home field advantage would determine a lot. I'd personally rather have a limited offensive team and a great defensive team than the other way around. However that's just my preference. I don't think either team is head and shoulders better than the other at this point so I'd probably say it would be a field goal game. If they played 4 times each team would win twice!
  11. I read this the other day. If anyone wasn't impressed with Mario Williams before they should be now. My boy's Bunkley and Simms did well there too.
  12. Where's the link that says the Pack feel they'll only get a 5th rounder for him? That's the first I've heard of this. Not saying it isn't true but a link would provide more credence. Personally I think he's worth much more than that, even if he won't pay immediate dividends. However, keep in mind we'd also be inviting a potential contract holdout into our house too. I'll admit Walker was grossly underpaid in Green Bay but we'd need to conduct due diligence to find out what he's seeking.
  13. Greetings from Titletown. My only feedback regarding the draft is that I'm eager to begin. The Green Bay Packers have completed their research and are ready to commence. Do we really have to wait until April 10th? Somebody get Ted Thompson on the line. He may want to hire me after my upcoming display of ingenuity. Too bad there are no trades. I bet there would be plenty of suitors for Javon Walker. Hopefully the Pack deals him soon for extra picks so I can collect more talent.
  14. Paul Schwartz is a dimwit. He states Keyshawn is seeking 2.5 million per year. Keyshawn's exact quote when released from the Cowboys went something along the lines of: "I know what I'm worth, and it ain't 2.5 million per year!"
  15. HOUND confirming his draft status. Green Bay Packers will be returning to the top of the Norris.
  16. McMahon's better than McNabb??? Wow. Usually I have to pay for that level of amusement. As for another backup QB option, I wouldn't mind seeing us sign Brian Griese.
  17. I like Jonathan Orr too but we don't need to take him in the 2nd. I think he'll still be there when we pick in the third. I'll cream my shorts if Simms falls to us in the 1st.
  18. HOUND


    I don't know what Brandon Lloyd you've been watching but I remember the guy who ducked under a thrown ball far more than a guy who makes the occassional acrobatic catch.
  19. Mike McMahon 2-5 last year as a starter. Eli Manning 11-5 last year. Won the NFC East. I think we're done here. As for a backup ... how about Joey Harrington?
  20. I don't know that this is a case of outbidding the Vikings. They're already plenty deep at WR. They've got Troy Williamson, Koren Robinson, Marcus Robinson and Travis Taylor. They don't really need Burleson. If they know they can get a 3rd rounder out of the deal they may prefer to go that route as opposed to matching our offer. I'm not suggesting we make a huge offer in an attempt to "buy" him from the Vikings. However at 24 years old, the guy still has his best football ahead of him. He's already proven he could post good numbers when healthy. If we feel we need to look for Toomer's replacement in this draft then I think it's a good move. A 3rd rounder for a guy who really shouldn't have the typical 2 year receiver learning curve seems like a bargain to me. FWIW, I'm not down on Jamaar Taylor either but Burleson's proven more than JT at this point.
  21. Boy it's funny how far Plax's stock has fallen with some of you. A year ago several of you were claiming he was one of the best WR's in the league. Now you can't wait to get rid of him! Keyshawn is a me-first player so if we sign him we better be prepared for a sideline rant or two as well as him yelling at Eli if it's not a perfect pass. Can the guy produce? I think so. But can he also be a major distraction? Absolutely. I'd hate to see us give the guy more than a three year deal. I also think the money could be better spent elsewhere, however I'll begrudgingly admit that a Keyshawn signing would likely pay dividends.
  22. 50 million for Julian Peterson??????? Wow ... he needs to take his agent out for a lobster dinner! That's obscene.
  23. Tags has been a solid Commish. I know Rich McKay's name has been tossed around as a possible successor but McKay said he had no interest in leaving the Falcons. Then again, Tags hadn't announced his retirement at that point.
  24. Burleson is a Restricted Free Agent which Minnesota has the right to match any offer. If the Vikigs don't match they'd receive a 3rd rounder as compensation. What do you guys think about signing Burleson? He's a year removed from a 1,000 yard season? Last year injuries ruined his season. By the time he was getting healthy the Vikings opted to shut him down since Koren Robinson had emerged. I don't think the Vikings match an offer for Nate given their depth at WR. Several posters have spoken of the need to draft Toomer's replacement. What are your thoughts at taking a shot on Burleson? We'd be getting a starting grade wideout for this years 3rd rounder. I don't know that I'm opposed to that.
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